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英訳・英語 same ratio
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There was a tie for the ideal female boss between two actresses, Kuroki Hitomi and Yamaguchi Tomoko.発音を聞く - 浜島書店 Catch a Wave
According to this, approximately equal proportions (around 40%) of enterprises responded “atmosphere makes employees hesitant about using” and “employees place priority on work and prefer not to use.” - 経済産業省
Here, we can see that while from FY2002onward, exit rates continue to exceed entry rates, inFY2005, entry and exit rates are approximately equal. - 経済産業省
To provide an image display device with which luminance of color light beams with mutually different wavelengths are heightened or lowered to the same rate, and widening of the luminance dynamic range and increase in the number of levels of gray scale are materialized. - 特許庁
次に、ドイツとEU27 の貿易額(EU 域内の貿易を含む)を見ると、2003 年までは輸出と輸入がほぼ同率であったのが、2003 年以降はドイツの輸出の増加が輸入に比べて大きいことが分かる。例文帳に追加
As for German trade and EU27 trade (including trade within the EU region), the ratio of exports and imports was almost the same before 2003, but German exports have increased more significantly than German imports since 2003. - 経済産業省
ジェトロがインドに進出している日系企業に対して行った調査によれば、生産面での課題として、電力不足と並んで物流インフラの未整備が同率で1 位となっている(第1-2-4-29 表)。例文帳に追加
According to a survey conducted by JETRO researching Japanese companies operating in India, the underdevelopment of logistics infrastructure was ranked as one of the most critical issues related to production along with the shortage of power supply (see Table 1-2-4-29). - 経済産業省
Then, the scraping member 28 has the same curvature as that of the developer material carrier 22 and comes into contact with the surface of the developer material carrier 22 with uniform pressure, to scrape the toner adhered to the end in the axial direction of the developer carrier 22. - 特許庁
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該当件数 : 10件
In particular, Canon has been highly rated for environmentally-friendly management. Canon ranked first in the manufacturing sector in the seventh Environmental Management Survey ranking of the Nihon Keizai Shimbun, while it shared the first slot in the field of environment protection as well as receiving the Environmental Protection Award in the thirteenth Corporate Social Contribution Survey of the Asahi Shimbun. - 経済産業省
The method comprises a process for coating an uneven wafer surface with a photoresist layer, to cover the undesirable characteristics in the structure of the wafer for coating to a uniform height and for obtaining the substantially flat upper surface of the photoresist layer; and a process for etching the photoresist 40, having substantially the same rate and an insulating layer 30. - 特許庁
A seal enlargement panel with a lens for achieving enlargement to the same size as an enlarged image of the impression of the seal displayed in the seal inquiry machine is movably provided on the seal record mount so that the seal impression on the seal record placed on the seal record mount is displayed as it is enlarged to the same size as the image of the seal impression. - 特許庁
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