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英訳・英語 sales notes; sales contract




該当件数 : 10


・ 被監査会社が掛債権を第三者に譲した取引について、当該債権譲に係る契約を入手しておらず、当該契約が金融資産の消滅の認識の要件を満たしているかを検討していない。例文帳に追加

24. In relation to the transaction where the audit client transferred its accounts receivable to a third party, the audit team did not obtain the copy of the transfer agreement and failed to consider whether the transaction met the criteria for derecognition of a financial asset.発音を聞く  - 金融庁

4 申立には、前項第一号の財産の却に係る契約の内容(契約の締結及び履行のために要する費用のうち破産財団から現に支出し又は将来支出すべき実費の額並びに当該財産の譲に課されるべき消費税額等に相当する額であって、当該契約において相手方の負担とされるものを含む。)を記載した面を添付しなければならない。例文帳に追加

(4) A written petition shall be accompanied by a document stating the contents of the sales contract for the sale of property set forth in item (i) of the preceding paragraph (including the amount of money consisting of the amount of actual costs already paid or to be paid in the future from the bankruptcy estate for concluding and performing the sales contract and the amounts of consumption tax, etc. to be imposed on the transfer of the property, which shall be borne by the counter party under the sales contract).発音を聞く  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム

イ 法第三十七条第二項の面を受領した日(その契約に係る特定負担が再販をする商品の購入についてのものである場合において、その契約に基づき購入したその商品につき最初の引しを受けた日がその受領した日後であるときは、その引しを受けた日)から起算して二十日を経過するまでは、連鎖販加入者は、面によりその契約の解除を行うことができること。例文帳に追加

(a) Statement that the New Multilevel Marketing Distributor may rescind the contract in writing for a period until 20 days have passed from the date on which he/she received the document referred to in Article 37(2) of the Act (or the date of the first delivery of the Goods, where the specified burden pertaining to the contract relates to purchase of the Goods to be resold and the date of the first delivery of the Goods purchased under the contract was after the date on which he/she received the document)発音を聞く  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム

イ 法第三十七条第二項の面を受領した日(その契約に係る特定負担が再販をする商品の購入についてのものである場合において、その契約に基づき購入したその商品につき最初の引しを受けた日がその受領した日後であるときは、その引しを受けた日)から起算して二十日を経過した後においては、連鎖販加入者は将来に向かつて連鎖販契約の解除を行うことができること。例文帳に追加

(a) Statement that, where 20 days have passed from the date on which the New Multilevel Marketing Distributor received the document referred to in Article 37(2) (or the date of the first delivery of the Goods, where the specified burden pertaining to the contract relates to purchase of the Goods to be resold and the date of the first delivery of the Goods purchased under the contract was after the date on which he/she received the document), he/she may terminate the Multilevel Marketing Contract発音を聞く  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム

第四十条 連鎖販業を行う者がその連鎖販業に係る連鎖販契約を締結した場合におけるその連鎖販契約の相手方(その連鎖販業に係る商品の販若しくはそのあつせん又は役務の提供若しくはそのあつせんを店舗等によらないで行う個人に限る。以下この章において「連鎖販加入者」という。)は、第三十七条第二項の面を受領した日(その連鎖販契約に係る特定負担が再販をする商品(施設を利用し及び役務の提供を受ける権利を除く。以下この項において同じ。)の購入についてのものである場合において、その連鎖販契約に基づき購入したその商品につき最初の引しを受けた日がその受領した日後であるときは、その引しを受けた日。次条第一項において同じ。)から起算して二十日を経過したとき(連鎖販加入者が、統括者若しくは勧誘者が第三十四条第一項の規定に違反し若しくは一般連鎖販業者が同条第二項の規定に違反してこの項の規定による連鎖販契約の解除に関する事項につき不実のことを告げる行為をしたことにより当該告げられた内容が事実であるとの誤認をし、又は統括者、勧誘者若しくは一般連鎖販業者が同条第三項の規定に違反して威迫したことにより困惑し、これらによつて当該期間を経過するまでにこの項の規定による連鎖販契約の解除を行わなかつた場合には、当該連鎖販加入者が、その連鎖販業に係る統括者、勧誘者又は一般連鎖販業者が経済産業省令で定めるところによりこの項の規定による当該連鎖販契約の解除を行うことができる旨を記載して交付した面を受領した日から起算して二十日を経過したとき)を除き、面によりその連鎖販契約の解除を行うことができる。この場合において、その連鎖販業を行う者は、その連鎖販契約の解除に伴う損害賠償又は違約金の支払を請求することができない。例文帳に追加

Article 40 (1) Where a person conducting Multilevel Marketing concludes a Multilevel Marketing Contract pertaining to the Multilevel Marketing, the counterparty of such Multilevel Marketing Contract (limited to an individual who sells or mediates sales of Goods or offers or mediates offers of services pertaining to such Multilevel Marketing by means other than through a Store, etc.; hereinafter referred to as a "New Multilevel Marketing Distributor") may rescind such Multilevel Marketing Contract in writing, except when 20 days have passed from the date on which the New Multilevel Marketing Distributor received the document referred to in Article 37 (2) (where the specified burden involved in such Multilevel Marketing Contract is the purchase of the Goods [excluding rights to use a facility or to receive offers of services; hereinafter the same shall apply in this item] to be resold and if the date of the first delivery of the Goods purchased based on such Multilevel Marketing Contract is after such date of receipt, it shall be such date of first delivery; the same shall apply in Article 41 (1)) (if the New Multilevel Marketing Distributor had not rescinded the Multilevel Marketing Contract pursuant to this paragraph by said time limit due to being misled by the Supervisor's or the solicitor's act, in violation of the provision of Article 34 (1), or the general multilevel marketing distributor's act, in violation of Article 34 (2), of misrepresenting information concerning rescission of Multilevel Marketing Contract pursuant to the provision of this paragraph, or due to being disturbed by the Supervisor's, the solicitor's, or the general multilevel marketing distributor's act of intimidating the New Multilevel Marketing Distributor in violation of the provision of Article 34 (3), it shall be when 20 days have passed from the date on which the New Multilevel Marketing Distributor received a document, which has been issued by Supervisor, the solicitor, or the general multilevel marketing distributor pertaining to such Multilevel Marketing pursuant to an Ordinance of the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry and contains a notice to the effect that the New Multilevel Marketing Distributor may rescind said Multilevel Marketing Contract pursuant to the provision of this paragraph). In this case, the person conducting such Multilevel Marketing may not claim damages or demand payment of a penalty pertaining to the rescission of such Multilevel Marketing Contract.発音を聞く  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム

2 販業者又は役務提供事業者は、前項各号のいずれかに該当する場合において、その契約又は役務提供契約を締結した際に、指定商品を引きし、若しくは指定権利を移転し、又は指定役務を提供し、かつ、指定商品若しくは指定権利の代金又は指定役務の対価の全部を受領したときは、直ちに、経済産業省令で定めるところにより、前条第一号の事項及び同条第四号の事項のうち契約又は役務提供契約の解除に関する事項その他経済産業省令で定める事項を記載した面を購入者又は役務の提供を受ける者に交付しなければならない。例文帳に追加

(2) Where a seller or a Service Provider falls under any of the items in the preceding paragraph and, upon concluding the sales contract or the Service Contract, it delivered the Designated Goods, transferred the Designated Rights, or offered the Designated Services as well as received the total amount of the charge for the Designated Goods or the Designated Rights or the consideration for the Designated Services, it shall immediately deliver to the purchaser or the service recipient a document containing the matters referred to in Item 1 of the preceding article, the matters concerning rescission of the sales contract or the Service Contract among those referred to in Item 4 of the preceding article, and matters specified by an Ordinance of the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry.発音を聞く  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム


2 販業者又は役務提供事業者は、前項第二号に該当する場合において、その契約又は役務提供契約を締結した際に、指定商品を引きし、若しくは指定権利を移転し、又は指定役務を提供し、かつ、指定商品若しくは指定権利の代金又は指定役務の対価の全部を受領したときは、直ちに、経済産業省令で定めるところにより、前条第一号の事項及び同条第四号の事項のうち契約又は役務提供契約の解除に関する事項その他経済産業省令で定める事項を記載した面を購入者又は役務の提供を受ける者に交付しなければならない。例文帳に追加

(2) Where a seller or a Service Provider falls under Item 2 of the preceding paragraph and, upon concluding the sales contract or the Service Contract, it delivered the Designated Goods, transferred the Designated Rights, or offered the Designated Services as well as received the total amount of the charge for the Designated Goods or the Designated Rights or the consideration for the Designated Services, it shall immediately deliver to the purchaser or the service recipient a document containing the matters referred to in Item 1 of the preceding article, the matters concerning rescission of the sales contract or the Service Contract among those referred to in Item 4 of the preceding article, and matters specified by an Ordinance of the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry.発音を聞く  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム


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該当件数 : 10



Regarding a trade in which the business operator sells a fixed amount of gold bullion to a customer at a fixed interval of time through a method prescribed under the contract (hereinafter referred to as the “Cumulative Gold Bullion Investment”), the provision of the certificate of safe custody and the at-delivery statement of account may be omitted, if a notice that describes records of gold bullion purchases and the outstanding balance of gold in custody is provided at least once every six months.発音を聞く  - 金融庁

第十三条 販業者又は役務提供事業者は、指定商品若しくは指定権利又は指定役務につき契約又は役務提供契約の申込みをした者から当該商品の引し若しくは当該権利の移転又は当該役務の提供に先立つて当該商品若しくは当該権利の代金又は当該役務の対価の全部又は一部を受領することとする通信販をする場合において、郵便等により当該商品若しくは当該権利又は当該役務につき契約又は役務提供契約の申込みを受け、かつ、当該商品若しくは当該権利の代金又は当該役務の対価の全部又は一部を受領したときは、遅滞なく、経済産業省令で定めるところにより、その申込みを承諾する旨又は承諾しない旨(その受領前にその申込みを承諾する旨又は承諾しない旨をその申込みをした者に通知している場合には、その旨)その他の経済産業省令で定める事項をその者に面により通知しなければならない。ただし、当該商品若しくは当該権利の代金又は当該役務の対価の全部又は一部を受領した後遅滞なく当該商品を送付し、若しくは当該権利を移転し、又は当該役務を提供したときは、この限りでない。例文帳に追加

Article 13 (1) Where a seller or a Service Provider intends to receive a charge for goods or rights or a consideration for services in whole or in part from a person who has made an application for entering into a sales contract for the Designated Goods or Designated Rights or a Service Contract for the Designated Services, prior to the delivery of the goods, the transfer of the rights, or the offering of the services in conducting Mail Order Sales, when it receives the application for entering into a sales contract for the goods or rights or a Service Contract for the services by Postal Mail, etc. and receives the charge for the goods or rights or the consideration for the services in whole or in part, it shall notify said person in writing of its acceptance or non-acceptance of the application (when it has notified the person who made the application about the acceptance or non-acceptance of the application prior to the receipt of the application, it shall be a statement to the effect) or other matters specified by an Ordinance of the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry without delay, pursuant to the provisions of an Ordinance of the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry. However, this does not apply when the seller or the Service Provider sent the goods, transferred the rights, or offered the services without delay after receiving the charge for the goods or rights or the consideration for the services in whole or in part.発音を聞く  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム


第二十条 販業者又は役務提供事業者は、指定商品若しくは指定権利又は指定役務につき契約又は役務提供契約の申込みをした者から当該商品の引し若しくは当該権利の移転又は当該役務の提供に先立つて当該商品若しくは当該権利の代金又は当該役務の対価の全部又は一部を受領することとする電話勧誘販をする場合において、郵便等により当該商品若しくは当該権利又は当該役務につき契約又は役務提供契約の申込みを受け、かつ、当該商品若しくは当該権利の代金又は当該役務の対価の全部又は一部を受領したときは、遅滞なく、経済産業省令で定めるところにより、その申込みを承諾する旨又は承諾しない旨(その受領前にその申込みを承諾する旨又は承諾しない旨をその申込みをした者に通知している場合には、その旨)その他の経済産業省令で定める事項をその者に面により通知しなければならない。ただし、当該商品若しくは当該権利の代金又は当該役務の対価の全部又は一部を受領した後遅滞なく当該商品を送付し、若しくは当該権利を移転し、又は当該役務を提供したときは、この限りでない。例文帳に追加

Article 20 Where a seller or a Service Provider intends to receive a charge for goods or rights or a consideration for services in whole or in part from a person who has made an application for entering into a sales contract for Designated Goods or Designated Rights or a Service Contract for Designated Services, prior to the delivery of the goods, the transfer of the rights, or the offering of the services in conducting Telemarketing Sales, when it receives an application for entering into a sales contract for the goods or rights or a Service Contract for the services by Postal Mail, etc. and receives the charge for the goods or rights or the consideration for the services in whole or in part, it shall notify said person in writing of its acceptance or non-acceptance of the application (when it has notified the person who made the application about the acceptance or non-acceptance of the application prior to the receipt of the application, it shall be a statement to that effect) or other matters specified by an Ordinance of the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry without delay, pursuant to the provisions of an Ordinance of the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry. However, this does not apply when the seller or the Service Provider sent the goods, transferred the rights, or offered the services without delay after receiving the charge for the goods or rights or the consideration for the services in whole or in part.発音を聞く  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム



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