意味 | 例文 (14件) |

該当件数 : 14件
the condition of a central bank dealing in foreign exchange in order to influence the market発音を聞く - EDR日英対訳辞書
a limit value in stock quotations when it is more profitable to use specie than a bill in a settlement of accounts of in発音を聞く - EDR日英対訳辞書
3 財務大臣は、対外支払手段の売買等所要の措置を講ずることにより、本邦通貨の外国為替相場の安定に努めるものとする。例文帳に追加
(3) The Minister of Finance shall endeavor to stabilize the exchange rate of Japanese currency by taking necessary measures such as the buying and selling of foreign means of payment.発音を聞く - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム
a. To set purchase and sale prices in yen terms and take into consideration prices in domestic and overseas markets, foreign exchange rates and other factors in determining prices.発音を聞く - 金融庁
2 日本銀行は、その行う外国為替の売買であって本邦通貨の外国為替相場の安定を目的とするものについては、第三十六条第一項の規定により国の事務の取扱いをする者として行うものとする。例文帳に追加
(2) The Bank of Japan shall buy and sell foreign exchange as an agent handling national government affairs pursuant to Article 36, paragraph 1, when the purpose of the buying and selling is to stabilize the exchange rate of Japanese currency.発音を聞く - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム
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該当件数 : 14件
2 前項の準備金は、株式等の売買等による損失(売買、評価換え及び外国為替相場の変動による損失並びに償還損をいう。)の額が株式等の売買等による利益(売買、評価換え及び外国為替相場の変動による利益(第百十二条第一項の規定による評価換えにより計上した利益を除く。)並びに償還益をいう。)の額を超える場合においてその差額のてん補に充てる場合を除くほか、取り崩してはならない。ただし、内閣総理大臣の認可を受けたときは、この限りでない。例文帳に追加
(2) The Reserves set forth in the preceding paragraph shall not be reduced except when it is allocated to compensation for any excess amount of the losses due to buying and selling, etc. of Shares, etc. (referring to losses due to buying and selling, revaluation and fluctuation in foreign exchange rates, and losses on redemption) over the profits due to buying and selling, etc. of Shares, etc. (referring to profits due to buying and selling, revaluation and fluctuation in foreign exchange rates (excluding any profit credited as a result of revaluation under Article 112, paragraph (1)), and gains on redemption); provided, however, that this shall not apply to the cases where the Prime Minister has approved such reduction.発音を聞く - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム
In the case of a Financial Instruments Business Operator who accepts margin deposits from customers in amounts corresponding to a certain proportion of the contracted principal amount, and conducts foreign exchange transactions through net settlements (so-called foreign exchange margin transactions) in particular, whether it has developed a risk management and internal control environment that enables the precise and appropriate identification of the impact that rapid movements in the foreign exchange market could have on the soundness of its financial condition and its capital.発音を聞く - 金融庁
The recent yen/U.S. dollar conversion rate is around 83 yen as of the March 13 closing price, up from just above 76 yen at the beginning of February, as yen-selling became predominant in the market, against the backdrop of the BOJ’s decision released on February 14 on the enhancement of monetary easing (including the release of “The Price Stability Goal in the Medium to Long Term”), and progress made towards the Greek second bail-out program.発音を聞く - 財務省
The recent yen/U.S. dollar conversion rate is in the mid-82 yen level as of the March 9 closing price, up from just above 76 yen at the beginning of February, as yen-selling became predominant in the market, against the backdrop of the BOJ's decision released on February 14 on the enhancement of monetary easing (including the release of "The Price Stability Goal in the Medium to Long Term"), and progress made towards the Greek second bail-out program.発音を聞く - 財務省
On the other hand, some people are concerned that as the stock market has risen steeply in a short period of time, stocks may have been overvalued and may be ripe for profit-taking. In addition, there is uncertainty over the movements of foreign exchange rates, and there are concerns that unfavorable changes in the conditions of the global stock and commodities markets, which are on an uptrend now, could have a negative impact on Japan, too発音を聞く - 金融庁
The data distribution system is provided with a data gathering station 3 gathering dynamic data such as a stock price, an exchange rate and a retail price which can fluctuate with the lapse of time, a base station 1 working and distributing the dynamic data transferred from the data gathering station 3 and a communication terminal 2 receiving the dynamic data from the base station 1 through a communication network NW1. - 特許庁
(A) Trade name of the firm; (B) The fact that the firm is a financial instruments firm15 and its registration number; (C) The breakdown and total of the commission, trust charge, expenses and other consideration (except the consideration for securities or rights relating to derivatives, etc.) payable by customers for the relevant transactions, the maximum amount thereof, or its calculation method; (D) In the case of transactions that require the deposit of consignment guarantee money, the amount thereof and its calculation method; (E) If there is a risk of loss exceeding the amount of consignment guarantee money in a derivatives transaction, etc., that fact and the ratio of the transaction amount of such derivative transaction, etc. to the amount of consignment guarantee money (if calculation of such ratio is impossible, that fact and the reasons thereof); (F) If there is a risk of loss arising directly from such indicators as the interest rate, exchange rates or stock index, such indicators and the fact that fluctuation thereof may result in loss, and the reasons thereof; (G) If there is a risk of loss as referred to in the preceding item that exceeds the amount of consignment guarantee money, the indicator(s) which may directly lead to such loss, the fact that there is a risk of such loss, and the reasons thereof; (H) In regard to over-the-counter derivative transactions such as foreign exchange margin trading, where there is a difference between the selling price and buying price indicated by a financial instruments firm, etc., that fact; (I) Disadvantageous facts for customers in relation to other important matters; and (J) If the firm is a member of the Financial Instruments Firms Association, that fact and the name of the specific association.発音を聞く - 経済産業省
selling exchange rate
意味 | 例文 (14件) |
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