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英訳・英語 natural uranium
該当件数 : 20件
highly enriched uranium produced from the radioisotope uranium-235発音を聞く - EDR日英対訳辞書
a unit of energy required to convert natural uranium into concentrated uranium発音を聞く - EDR日英対訳辞書
このU1,G1は天然ウラン等のウラン235 濃縮度が約 1.2%以下の低濃度ウランからなる。例文帳に追加
The U1 and G1 are made of a low-concentration uranium whose uranium 235 concentration of a natural uranium or the like is approximately 1.2 % or less. - 特許庁
The user inhales the radon gas generated in the process of degradation of natural uranium included in the radioactive tiles from a respirator. - 特許庁
To provide a uranium adsorbent for adsorbing stably, for a long period, uranium in a radioactive waste, using a material existing in nature, to contribute to decontamination clarification of an environment. - 特許庁
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Weblio例文辞書での「天然ウラン」に類似した例文 |
a forest that has come about naturally
things that are produced organically
to produce something naturally
land which, because of its geographical features, forms a natural fortress
該当件数 : 20件
5 この法律において「特定核燃料物質」とは、プルトニウム(プルトニウム二三八の同位体濃度が百分の八十を超えるものを除く。)、ウラン二三三、ウラン二三五のウラン二三八に対する比率が天然の混合率を超えるウランその他の政令で定める核燃料物質をいう。例文帳に追加
(5) The term "specified nuclear fuel material" as used in this Act means plutonium (excluding that having an isotopic concentration of plutonium 238 exceeding 80 percent), uranium 233, uranium with a ratio of uranium 233 and uranium 235 to uranium 238 exceeding the ratio of natural composition and other nuclear fuel material specified by Cabinet Order.発音を聞く - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム
To provide a reactor core for a nuclear reactor unnecessitating a control rod for compensating burn up reactivity and adjusting an output distribution, facilitating an operation, having excellent safety and effectively utilizing natural uranium or deplete uranium. - 特許庁
The fuel rod 300 may also include natural uranium in a third zone 330 of the fuel rod, and the third zone 330 is arranged over the second zone 320. - 特許庁
In the initial loading reactor core, a fuel A of low average enrichment out of the fuel assemblies is made to have a difference of 0.5 wt.% or more and 1.0 wt.% or less of between uranium average enrichments in its upper part and its lower part, excepting a neutral uranium portion. - 特許庁
ウラン、レアメタル、天然ガス等の資源が豊富に存在しているカザフスタンに対しては、2007 年4 月に経済産業大臣をヘッドとする官民ミッションが派遣されており、その成果として我が国電力会社等が国内総需要の約3~4 割相当のウラン鉱山権益を獲得している。例文帳に追加
Kazakhstan has abundant resources such as natural gas, uranium, and rare metals, and Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry headed the public-private mission in April 2007, as a result power companies in Japan has won the 40% of domestic demands equivalent in uranium mining. - 経済産業省
An infinitesimal amount (microsievert) of natural uranium mixed in glaze is baked at a high temperature into a dent in the central portion of the ceramic pendant and the pendant is attached to the user by directing its ceramic glaze portion not toward the front but toward the user's own body. - 特許庁
Based on a memorandum between JOGMEC and the Uzbekistan Geological Mine National Resource Committee, cooperation was agreed upon in various sectors such as mutual cooperation in the four areas of joint exploration of Uzbeki mineral resources which are study of participation by Japanese companies in exploration and development, exchange of information on resources and exploration technology and training of personnel. - 経済産業省
For lowest-enrichment fuel for an initially charged reactor core, most of a fuel rod located on the outermost periphery of a bunch of fuel elements in a fuel assembly is formed of natural uranium or others having lower enrichment. - 特許庁
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