
英訳・英語 addition
該当件数 : 13件
a calculation method called addition発音を聞く - EDR日英対訳辞書
After the first length of the layer of the sewing object and the desired target length after pleating and sewing are inputted, the pleating value required in this case is calculated by the computer of the sewing unit. - 特許庁
Even if a magnet 7 is placed on the central side of the stroke, fine propulsion power/damping force (addition power) can be obtained in all the stroke ranges and the equipment can be miniaturized as the magnet 7 is arranged on the central side of the stroke. - 特許庁
新たな基準(特にScope3 基準)に基づいて算定・報告に取り組む目的やメリットを明確にすることが重要とのコメントが多数寄せられた。例文帳に追加
Many comments were offered to emphasize the importance of efforts to clarify the purpose of and the benefits from accounting and/or reporting GHG emissions based on GHG Protocol new standards (especially Scope3 standard) for companies.発音を聞く - 経済産業省
After completing the sub-feedback learning, when approaching the rich, the rich time proportional term gain is set smaller than the lean time proportional term gain, and the rich time integral grain is also set smaller than the lean time integral gain. - 特許庁
A total amount control decision part integrates borrowing residual balances related to the money lending contracts specified as the name sorting candidates, and compares it with a borrowing upper limit value predetermined in each contractor. - 特許庁
He also learned astronomy and calendar from Yoshinobu KOBAYASHI, and his theory, based on Chinese astronomy though, showed great understanding of European astronomy as well.発音を聞く - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
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該当件数 : 13件
Then, the question significance calculation part calculates question significance to the specified slide number by using the slide significance corresponding to the specified slide number and the number of questions collected with respect to the same slide number as the pertinent slide number. - 特許庁
To provide a method and a sewing unit simplified in the calculation of a pleating value required for regularly processing the excessive width of the layer of each sewing object and the determination of the length of an excessive width part when necessary. - 特許庁
Therefore, the scum detection apparatus 2 has a water level measurement means in the sludge precipitation bath and a low rate measurement means in an overflow channel, and has an operation section 40 and a control section 42, and automatically operates the scum-scratching machine 20 by the control section 42. - 特許庁
A function is included which computes the power rates by calling in, and reading the virtual apparatus in which a plurality of communication protocols used for communication with the wattmeter are concealed, and referring data about the power rates and meter reading held in a storage device. - 特許庁
In the scum detection method, a water level in a sludge precipitation layer 10 and the flow rate in a treated water channel 32 are measured by an ultrasonic sensor 34, the generation of scum is detected by the difference in the water level and flow rate that has been calculated, and a scum-scratching machine 20 is operated. - 特許庁
The control device 100 of the elevator to make control using a plurality of microcomputers connected via a network 500 is configured so that the microcomputer installed at each hall calculates the evaluation value for calling elevator when a call button 600 at the hall is pushed, and the evaluation value is transmitted to the main microcomputers and totalized by each elevator to decide its operation. - 特許庁
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