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英訳・英語 economize
該当件数 : 23件
ヨーロッパは緊縮財政に反対する 抗議活動で揺れましたが例文帳に追加
Europe was also rocked by antiausterity protests - 映画・海外ドラマ英語字幕翻訳辞書
Fiscal austerity is considered to be an answer to the rampant inflation. - Tatoeba例文
Fiscal austerity is considered to be an answer to the rampant inflation.発音を聞く - Tanaka Corpus
the capability or quality of shrinking or contracting, especially by muscle fibers and even some other forms of living matter発音を聞く - 日本語WordNet
The Emperor Konin paid attention to fiscal restraints, for example, by decreasing the number of officials and cleaning up of local administration by strictly controlling kokushi and gunji.発音を聞く - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
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該当件数 : 23件
In fact, the investments in the public sector have decreased due to the fiscal restraint in the 1990s and the subsequent period, and their contribution to the GDP growth rate has been negative. - 経済産業省
To provide a recombinant nucleic acid molecule encoding a murine opioid receptor and a recombinant nucleic acid molecule collectable through low-stringent hybridization to the DNA disclosed in this specification. - 特許庁
Thereafter, the domain strove for control of circulation of finances and the economy, trying to put the finances on a firm foundation, but the situation never changed for the better before Masasuke died.発音を聞く - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
特定のヒトサイクリンE cDNA配列の1位から1185位の間に存在するヌクレオチド配列と緊縮(stringent)条件下でハイブリッド形成できる核酸分子を単離すること。例文帳に追加
To provide nucleic acid molecules forming, under stringent conditions, hybrids with nucleotide sequences residing between positions 1st to 1185th of the specific human cyclin E cDNA sequence by isolating the nucleic acid molecules. - 特許庁
The roller 200 is pressed with elastic force with which the supporting shaft 119 is pressed by the elastic force of a taut coil spring 202 laid over an arm 201 and a supporting panel 18. - 特許庁
At this time, the circular ring is tightened and deformed to have an outer diameter shape adapted to an inner diameter 22d of the sleeve body to be held in a fitting drum 52 formed by a forming die 50. - 特許庁
To constantly apply a prescribed covering pressure to a bone fractured part toward the a center from an outer periphery by using a tension force to a direction of length stored in an extended medical linear member and an expansion force to a diametrical direction as the covering pressure. - 特許庁
To act always a predetermined sac pressure on a fracture part from the outer periphery toward the central direction by utilizing a retrenchment force to the longitudinal direction accumulated in a linear member for a medical treatment under an extended state and an expanding force to the diameter direction as the sac pressure. - 特許庁
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