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day care servicesとは 意味・読み方・使い方
「day care services」の部分一致の例文検索結果
該当件数 : 15件
Promoting the “new zero wait listed children strategy” and providing diverse day-care services, e.g. extended day care and holiday day care例文帳に追加
「新待機児童ゼロ作戦」の推進、延長保育や休日保育など多様な保育サービスの実施 - 厚生労働省
Increase the availability of day care services and diversify the ways they are provided (e.g., home day care).例文帳に追加
保育サービスの量的拡充、家庭的保育など提供手段の多様化。 - 厚生労働省
Additional child-care services such as after-kindergarten day care at private kindergartens例文帳に追加
私立幼稚園での預かり保育等手厚い保育サービスを提供する事業 - 厚生労働省
(5) Care prevention services prescribed in paragraph (1), item (v) means home-visit care services for care prevention prescribed in Article 8-2, paragraph (2) of the Long-Term Care Insurance Act, home-visit bathing services for care prevention prescribed in paragraph (3) of the same Article, home-visit nursing for care prevention prescribed in paragraph (4) of the same Article, home-visit rehabilitation for care prevention prescribed in paragraph (5) of the same Article, in-home medical care management counseling for care prevention prescribed in paragraph (6) of the same Article, day care services for care prevention prescribed in paragraph (7) of the same Article, day rehabilitation for care prevention prescribed in paragraph (8) of the same Article, short-stay care services for care prevention prescribed in paragraph (9) of the same Article, short-stay medical care for care prevention prescribed in paragraph (10) of the same Article, care services for care prevention provided in specified facilities prescribed in paragraph (11) of the same Article, lending of welfare equipment for care prevention prescribed in paragraph (12) of the same Article, day care services for the elderly with dementia for care prevention prescribed in paragraph (15) of the same Article, small-scale and multifunctional in-home care services for care prevention prescribed in paragraph (16) of the same Article, and care services for care prevention provided in group homes for the elderly with dementia prescribed in paragraph (17) of the same Article, and any services equivalent thereto.発音を聞く 例文帳に追加
5 第一項第五号に規定する介護予防とは、介護保険法第八条の二第二項に規定する介護予防訪問介護、同条第三項に規定する介護予防訪問入浴介護、同条第四項に規定する介護予防訪問看護、同条第五項に規定する介護予防訪問リハビリテーション、同条第六項に規定する介護予防居宅療養管理指導、同条第七項に規定する介護予防通所介護、同条第八項に規定する介護予防通所リハビリテーション、同条第九項に規定する介護予防短期入所生活介護、同条第十項に規定する介護予防短期入所療養介護、同条第十一項に規定する介護予防特定施設入居者生活介護、同条第十二項に規定する介護予防福祉用具貸与、同条第十五項に規定する介護予防認知症対応型通所介護、同条第十六項に規定する介護予防小規模多機能型居宅介護及び同条第十七項に規定する介護予防認知症対応型共同生活介護並びにこれらに相当するサービスをいう。 - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム
The details of the family support measures in Sweden include: (1) child allowance, (2) parental insurance system and child care leave, and (3) day-care services.例文帳に追加
スウェーデンの家族政策の具体的内容としては、①児童手当、②両親保険制度及び育児休業、③保育サービスを挙げることができる。 - 経済産業省
(2) In-home care services prescribed in item (i) of the preceding paragraph means home-visit care services prescribed in Article 8, paragraph (2) of the Long-Term Care Insurance Act, home-visit bathing services prescribed in paragraph (3) of the same Article, home-visit nursing prescribed in paragraph (4) of the same Article, home-visit rehabilitation prescribed in paragraph (5) of the same Article, in-home medical care management counseling prescribed in paragraph (6) of the same Article, day care services prescribed in paragraph (7) of the same Article, day rehabilitation prescribed in paragraph (8) of the same Article, short-stay care services prescribed in paragraph (9) of the same Article, short-stay medical care prescribed in paragraph (10) of the same Article, care services provided in specified facilities prescribed in paragraph (11) of the same Article, lending of welfare equipment prescribed in paragraph (12) of the same Article, nighttime home-visit care services prescribed in paragraph (15) of the same Article, day care services for the elderly with dementia prescribed in paragraph (16) of the same Article, small-scale and multifunctional in-home care services prescribed in paragraph (17) of the same Article, care services provided in group homes for the elderly with dementia prescribed in paragraph (18) of the same Article, and care services provided in community-based specified facilities prescribed in paragraph (19) of the same Article, and any services equivalent thereto.発音を聞く 例文帳に追加
2 前項第一号に規定する居宅介護とは、介護保険法第八条第二項に規定する訪問介護、同条第三項に規定する訪問入浴介護、同条第四項に規定する訪問看護、同条第五項に規定する訪問リハビリテーション、同条第六項に規定する居宅療養管理指導、同条第七項に規定する通所介護、同条第八項に規定する通所リハビリテーション、同条第九項に規定する短期入所生活介護、同条第十項に規定する短期入所療養介護、同条第十一項に規定する特定施設入居者生活介護、同条第十二項に規定する福祉用具貸与、同条第十五項に規定する夜間対応型訪問介護、同条第十六項に規定する認知症対応型通所介護、同条第十七項に規定する小規模多機能型居宅介護、同条第十八項に規定する認知症対応型共同生活介護及び同条第十九項に規定する地域密着型特定施設入居者生活介護並びにこれらに相当するサービスをいう。 - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム
As such, it has a rich base of day-care facilities as services are provided to all children between ages one and twelve who are in need of day-care service for reasons such as working parents and so on.例文帳に追加
そのため、親が働いている等の理由で保育サービスを必要とする全ての1~12歳児にサービスが提供されており、保育施設が充実している。 - 経済産業省
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「day care services」の部分一致の例文検索結果
該当件数 : 15件
In 2002, an extremely high percentage of families used the day-care services (81% of children aged 1-6, 22% aged 7-9, and 9% aged 10-12).例文帳に追加
2002年において、1~6歳児の81%、7~9歳児の22%、10~12歳児の9%という非常に高い割合で保育サービスが利用されている。 - 経済産業省
Promotion of small-sized childcare and family day care services (childcare provided at the caregivers' home, etc.) in cooperation with childcare centers, etc.例文帳に追加
保育所等と連携した小規模保育や家庭的保育(保育者の居宅等で行う保育)の推進 - 厚生労働省
In order to support in-home living by elderly people who require long-term care, including those who need extensive care, "regular home visitation and as-needed visitation services" will be created to conduct short regular home visits and asneeded home visits, day or night, with close collaboration between home-visit long-term care and home-visit nursing.例文帳に追加
重度者を始めとした要介護高齢者の在宅生活を支えるため、日中・夜間を通じて、訪問介護と訪問看護が密接に連携しながら、短時間の定期巡回型訪問と随時の対応を行う「定期巡回・随時対応サービス」を創設する。 - 厚生労働省
This medical care support system includes a means of storing scheduled medical services, scheduled persons and date of receiving the services, and personnel who develops schedules for them by establishing their associations and a means of checking if log-in personnel is stored as personnel scheduled on the day upon the detection of log-in and indicating scheduled medical services given to the personnel on a display if the log-in personnel is stored.例文帳に追加
医療行為の予定とその実施予定者及び実施予定日と該予定の策定者とを対応付けて記憶する手段と、ログインが検出されると該ログイン者が当日の実施予定者として記憶されているか否か調べ、記憶されている場合は該実施予定者に対応する医療行為の予定内容をディスプレイに表示する手段と、を有する診療支援システム。 - 特許庁
Because the support base that provides counseling services on overall matters, day services, and livelihood support services, is effective in supporting the secure daily lives of the elderly in need care at emergency ― 18 ―provisional housings, 9 affected prefectures were requested that they actively set up such support bases when planning the construction of the emergency provisional housings. (April 19, 2011)例文帳に追加
応急仮設住宅における要介護高齢者等の安心した日常生活を支えるため、総合相談、デイサービスや生活支援サービスを提供するサポート拠点等を設置することが有効であることから、各県における応急仮設住宅の建設計画の策定に当たり、このようなサポート拠点等が積極的に整備されるよう、被災9県に依頼(平成23年4月19日) - 厚生労働省
(2) The amount of Exceptional Allowance for In-Home Long-Term Care Service shall be specified by a Municipality with regard to said In-Home Service or services equivalent to said service based on an amount equivalent to 90 percent of the expenses calculated by standards determined by the Minister of Health, Labour, and Welfare as prescribed in each item of the preceding Article, paragraph (4) (but shall be the actual expenses required for said In-Home Service or service equivalent to said services when said calculated standard amount exceeds the actual expenses required for said In-Home Service or service equivalent to said services (except for purchases of Specified Equipment Covered by Public Aid; with regard to expenses necessary for Outpatient Day Long-Term Care, Outpatient Rehabilitation, Short-Term Admission for Daily Life Long-Term Care, Short-Term Admission for Recuperation, Daily Life Long-Term Care Admitted to a Specified Facility, excluding expenses necessary to provide meals, residence, other expenses, other expenses necessary for daily life as determined by an Ordinance of the Ministry of Health, Labour, and Welfare)).発音を聞く 例文帳に追加
2 特例居宅介護サービス費の額は、当該居宅サービス又はこれに相当するサービスについて前条第四項各号の厚生労働大臣が定める基準により算定した費用の額(その額が現に当該居宅サービス又はこれに相当するサービスに要した費用(特定福祉用具の購入に要した費用を除き、通所介護、通所リハビリテーション、短期入所生活介護、短期入所療養介護及び特定施設入居者生活介護並びにこれらに相当するサービスに要した費用については、食事の提供に要する費用、滞在に要する費用その他の日常生活に要する費用として厚生労働省令で定める費用を除く。)の額を超えるときは、当該現に居宅サービス又はこれに相当するサービスに要した費用の額とする。)の百分の九十に相当する額を基準として、市町村が定める。 - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム
The day-care services provided in Sweden are classified into four types: (1) Preschool for children between ages one and six and before reaching the age to attend school. It is equivalent to nursery schools in Japan, with full-day service available. (2) Preschool class for six-year old children. They are established inside elementary school buildings so that these children learn how to live in a group before starting to attend schools, and half-day services are available. (3) After-school center or leisure-time center for children between ages six and twelve. They are established next to elementary schools and may be used before and after school hours, as well as on holidays. (4) Family daycare for both age groups (children between ages one and twelve). An individual certified as a day-care personnel looks after a small number of children at his or her own home.例文帳に追加
スウェーデンの保育サービスは、①保育所(preschool:1~6歳の就学前児童を対象としており、日本の保育所に相当する。全日利用可。)、②就学前学級(preschool class:6歳児を対象としており、小学校の中に置かれ就学前に集団生活を学ぶことを目的にしている。半日利用可。)、③学童保育所(after-school center又はleisure-time center:6~12歳の学童を対象としており、始業前、放課後、休日に利用でき、小学校に併設されている。)、④家庭保育所(family daycare:両者(1~12歳児)を対象としており、一定の資格を有する保育担当者が自分の家で数人の児童を保育するもの。)の4種類に分類されている。 - 経済産業省
(3) With regard to In-Home Service (including equivalent service; the same shall apply in the following paragraph), Community-Based Service (including equivalent service; the same shall apply in the following paragraph), Facility Service, Preventive Long-Term Care Service (including equivalent service; the same shall apply in the following paragraph), Community-Based Service for Preventive Long-Term Care (including equivalent service; the same shall apply in the following paragraph), and a Long-Term Care Benefit, etc., as listed in the following items pertaining to a Home Modification that is used or implemented by an Insured Person Requiring Long-Term Care, etc., that has received an Entry of Benefit Reduction Amount, etc., pursuant to the provisions of paragraph (1), from the first day of the month following the month in which said Entry was entered until said Benefit Reduction Period expires, when the provisions as prescribed in each said item shall apply to these services and benefits, etc., the term "90 percent" in the listed provisions shall be "70 percent":発音を聞く 例文帳に追加
3 第一項の規定により給付額減額等の記載を受けた要介護被保険者等が、当該記載を受けた日の属する月の翌月の初日から当該給付額減額期間が経過するまでの間に利用した居宅サービス(これに相当するサービスを含む。次項において同じ。)、地域密着型サービス(これに相当するサービスを含む。次項において同じ。)、施設サービス、介護予防サービス(これに相当するサービスを含む。次項において同じ。)及び地域密着型介護予防サービス(これに相当するサービスを含む。次項において同じ。)並びに行った住宅改修に係る次の各号に掲げる介護給付等について当該各号に定める規定を適用する場合においては、これらの規定中「百分の九十」とあるのは、「百分の七十」とする。 - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム
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