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「dragon tree」の部分一致の例文検索結果
該当件数 : 8件
The word 'Hahaki' means 'snake tree' or 'dragon tree' and straight trees were originally the center of festivals and were portrayed as snakes.発音を聞く 例文帳に追加
「ハハキ」とは「蛇木(ははき)」あるいは「竜木(ははき)」であり、直立する樹木は蛇に見立てられ、古来祭りの中枢にあったという。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
According to the legend in Niibo-mura, Sado ga-shima Island, Niigata Prefecture (Present Sado City), a dragon lantern (mysterious fire which is said to be lit by a dragon) came flying almost every night at a plum tree in the Konpon-ji Temple.発音を聞く 例文帳に追加
新潟県佐渡島新穂村(現・佐渡市)の伝説では、根本寺の梅の木に毎晩のように龍燈(竜が灯すといわれる怪火)が飛来していた。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
A famous long pine tree reminiscent of a reclining dragon, called "Gayumatsu," was once in its compound, but it died and was replaced by another pine, which still exists today.発音を聞く 例文帳に追加
中には名物の「臥龍松」という枝の長い松が生えていたが枯れてしまい、現在は2代目にあたる。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
Mototada played Shite (a main actor) in songs such as 'Tomonaga' (MINAMOTO no Tomonaga), 'Teika' (FUJIWARA no Teika), 'Kantan' (The Pillow of Kantan, Noh play), 'Oimatsu' (The Old Pine Tree), 'Ataka' (The Ataka Barrier, Noh play), 'Futarishizuka' (a couple of the young ladies named Shizuka), 'Mii-dera Temple,' 'Yamanba' (old mountain witch), 'Matsukaze' (Wind in the Pines), 'Miwa' (deity of Mt. Miwa), 'Kasuga Ryujin' (The Kasuga Dragon God), 'Shojo' (an Imaginary Animal Like an orangutan), 'Taema' (Princess Chujo in Taima-dera Temple; a Noh play), 'Sanemori' (Sanemori SAITO), 'Sotoba Komachi' (Komachi on the Stupa), and 'Sakura-gawa River'.発音を聞く 例文帳に追加
元忠は「朝長」、「定家」、「邯鄲」、「老松」、「安宅」、「二人静」、「三井寺」、「山姥」、「松風」、「三輪」、「春日龍神」、「猩猩」、「当麻」、「実盛」、「卒都婆小町」、「桜川」といった曲のシテを勤めた。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
As the evidences of Masamune and his fellows visiting Korean Peninsula, "Garyubai" (a plum tree shaped in a form resembling a lying dragon) that Masamune brought back from Korea can be found at the Wakabayashi-jo Castle and the Zuigan-ji Temple rebuilt by Masamune.発音を聞く 例文帳に追加
政宗らが渡鮮したことを実証するものとして、隠居所である若林城(現宮城刑務所)と政宗が再建した瑞厳寺に、朝鮮から持ち帰らせた「臥龍梅」が残っている。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
She asks Prince Ishizukuri to bring the stone begging bowl used by Buddha; Prince Kurumamochi, a branch of a tree with jeweled fruit from Penglai, the legendary Isle of the Immortals; Minister of the Right ABE no Miushi, a robe made of the fire-rat; Dainagon (chief councilor of state) OTOMO no Miyuki, a gemstone from a dragon's head; Chunagon (vice-councilor of state) ISONOKAMI no Maro, one of the easy-birth shells supposedly possessed by swallows.発音を聞く 例文帳に追加
その意思とは石作皇子には仏の御石の鉢、車持皇子には蓬莱の玉の枝、右大臣阿倍御主人には火鼠の裘、大納言大伴御行には龍の首の珠、中納言石上麻呂には燕の子安貝を持ってこさせるというものだった。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
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「dragon tree」の部分一致の例文検索結果
該当件数 : 8件
There are Taho Nyorai (prabhuta-ratnam in Sanskrit), Jogyo Bosatsu (Superior Practice Bodhisattva), Muhengyo Bosatsu (Limitless Practice Bodhisattva), Monju Bosatsu, Yakuo Bosatsu, Sharihotsu (One of Shakyamuni Buddha's ten major disciples, known as foremost in wisdom), Daibonteno (a king of the First Meditation Heaven in the world of form where King Mahabrahma lives), Dairokuten Mao (Big Number Six Heavenly Deity), Dainichiten-o (literally, a king of Great Sun heaven), Kishimojin (Goddess of Children), Tenrinjo-o (literally, Wheel-turning-holy-king), Ashura-o (Ashura King), Devadatta, Ryuju Bosatsu (literally, Dragon Tree Bodhisattva), Tendai Daishi, Amaterasu Omikami (the Sun Goddess) and Fudo Myoo (Acala, one of the Five Wisdom Kings) located on the right.発音を聞く 例文帳に追加
右側に多宝如来・上行菩薩・無辺行菩薩・文殊菩薩・薬王菩薩・舎利弗・大梵天王・第六天魔王・大日天王・鬼子母神・轉輪聖王・阿修羅王・提婆達多・龍樹菩薩・天台大師・天照大神・不動明王等を配置する。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
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