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意味・対訳 祥月

斎藤和英大辞典での「month of one's death」の意味

month of one's death

「month of one's death」の部分一致の例文検索結果

該当件数 : 9


In 1287, he learned Shugi (the teachings of Honen and Shinran) from Nyoshin (Shinran's grandchild) who came to Kyoto for attending Shinran's Shogetsuki (anniversary of the month of one's death).発音を聞く 例文帳に追加

弘安10年(1287年)、親鸞の祥月忌の為に上洛した如信(親鸞の孫)より、宗義(法然・親鸞の教え)を学ぶ。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

In Christianity, there is no concept of a mourning period, but bereaved families often give a koden-gaeshi in a manner similar to that of Buddhism after the ascension memorial day which is held one month after the death.発音を聞く 例文帳に追加

キリスト教では忌中という概念はないが、死後一ヶ月後の昇天(召天)記念日のあとに仏式などに倣って香典返しを送る。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

On July 3, 1863, only one month later from the death of Tsuguo IESATO, Shoto IESATO, his older brother and Confucian scholar, was also assassinated by someone in Kyoto.発音を聞く 例文帳に追加

なお、家里次郎の死からわずかひと月足らずの5月18日(旧暦)、兄である儒学者・家里松嶹も京都にて何者かによって暗殺されている。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

He also usurped various authorities, such as those for rituals and for personnel affairs, from the Imperial Family. In April 1408, one month before his death, he carried out the ceremony of Genpuku (coming-of-age ceremony for boys) for his second son, Yoshitsugu, on a scale comparable to ceremonies for an imperial prince.発音を聞く 例文帳に追加

また祭祀権・叙任権(人事権)などの諸権力を天皇家から奪い、死の1ヶ月前の1408年(応永15年)4月には宮中において次男・義嗣の元服を親王並みに行った。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

The death of a high-class person was usually kept secret for about one month (The funeral was conducted on September 29), during which Okitsugu TANUMAlost his position due to an intrigue by an anti-Tanuma group.発音を聞く 例文帳に追加

高貴な人の死は1ヶ月ほど秘されるのが通例(発葬されたのは9月8日(旧暦)・新暦9月29日)だが、その間に反田沼派の策謀により田沼意次が失脚。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

(2) The provision of the preceding paragraph shall also apply in cases where the certification under Article 5 becomes invalid in accordance with Article 19 during the period when the certified dispute resolution procedure was being carried out for a dispute, and the party to the dispute that made the request for certified dispute resolution brings a suit for the demand disputed through the certified dispute resolution procedure, within one month from the date on which the party received the notification under Article 17, Paragraph 3, or Article 18, Paragraph 2, or became aware of a fact that falls under any of the items of Article 19, whichever comes earlier (or the date on which the party became aware of the death of the certified dispute resolution business operator in cases where the cause of invalidation of the certification under Article 5 is the death of the certified dispute resolution business operator).発音を聞く 例文帳に追加

2 第十九条の規定により第五条の認証がその効力を失い、かつ、当該認証がその効力を失った日に認証紛争解決手続が実施されていた紛争がある場合において、当該認証紛争解決手続の実施の依頼をした当該紛争の当事者が第十七条第三項若しくは第十八条第二項の規定による通知を受けた日又は第十九条各号に規定する事由があったことを知った日のいずれか早い日(認証紛争解決事業者の死亡により第五条の認証がその効力を失った場合にあっては、その死亡の事実を知った日)から一月以内に当該認証紛争解決手続の目的となった請求について訴えを提起したときも、前項と同様とする。 - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム


(2) The provisions of paragraphs (2) to (4) of the preceding Article shall apply mutatis mutandis to the basic daily pension benefit amount. In this case, the term "the preceding paragraph" in paragraph (2) of said Article shall be deemed to be replaced with "paragraph (1) of the following Article"; in paragraph (2), item (i), the term "temporary absence from work compensation benefits, etc." shall be deemed to be replaced with "insurance benefits in pension form", the term "the day on which the grounds for payment arose", shall be deemed to be replaced with "the month for which payment is to be made," the term "the first day of the quarter containing the day... arose (hereinafter referred to as the "standard day" in the following item)" shall be deemed to be replaced with "August 1 of the fiscal year containing the day... arose (in cases where said month falls on the months from April to July, August 1 of the fiscal year one year before such fiscal year; hereinafter referred to as the "standard day" in the this paragraph)," and the term "age of a worker... (hereinafter referred to as the "standard day" in the following item)" shall be deemed to be replaced with "age of a worker... (hereinafter referred to as the "standard day" in the following item; in cases where a compensation pension for surviving family or a pension for surviving family is to be paid, the age of a worker who is to receive such payment as of the standard day obtained by making the calculation on the assumption that the death of the worker pertaining to the grounds for making said payment has not occurred; hereinafter the same shall apply in the following item)"; and the term "temporary absence from work compensation benefits, etc." in paragraph (2), item (ii) shall be deemed to be replaced with "insurance benefits in pension form".発音を聞く 例文帳に追加

2 前条第二項から第四項までの規定は、年金給付基礎日額について準用する。この場合において、同条第二項中「前項」とあるのは「次条第一項」と、同項第一号中「休業補償給付等」とあるのは「年金たる保険給付」と、「支給すべき事由が生じた日」とあるのは「支給すべき月」と、「四半期の初日(次号」とあるのは「年度の八月一日(当該月が四月から七月までの月に該当する場合にあつては、当該年度の前年度の八月一日。以下この項」と、「年齢の」とあるのは「年齢(遺族補償年金又は遺族年金を支給すべき場合にあつては、当該支給をすべき事由に係る労働者の死亡がなかつたものとして計算した場合に得られる当該労働者の基準日における年齢。次号において同じ。)の」と、同項第二号中「休業補償給付等」とあるのは「年金たる保険給付」と読み替えるものとする。 - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム


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「month of one's death」の部分一致の例文検索結果

該当件数 : 9


Article 141 The provisions of Article 129 (except for item (vi) of paragraph (1)) and Articles 130 to 133 inclusive shall apply mutatis mutandis to the letters an inmate sentenced to death sends or receives. In this case, the term "Article 127" in paragraph (1) of Article 129 shall be read as "Article 140" ; the phrase "four per month" in paragraph (2) of Article 130 shall be read as "one per day" ; the phrase "Article 128 or 129" in paragraph (1) of Article 132 shall be read as "Article 129" ; the phrase "any of the items of paragraph (1) under Article 54" in item (ii) of paragraph (5) and paragraph (7) under said Article shall be read as "item (i) or (ii) of paragraph (1) under Article 54" ; and the term "paragraph (1) of Article 54" in paragraph (6) of said Article shall be read as "paragraph (1) (except for item (iii)) of Article 54."発音を聞く 例文帳に追加

第百四十一条 第百二十九条(第一項第六号を除く。)及び第百三十条から第百三十三条までの規定は、死刑確定者が発受する信書について準用する。この場合において、第百二十九条第一項中「第百二十七条」とあるのは「第百四十条」と、第百三十条第二項中「一月につき四通」とあるのは「一日につき一通」と、第百三十二条第一項中「第百二十八条、第百二十九条」とあるのは「第百二十九条」と、同条第五項第二号及び第七項中「第五十四条第一項各号」とあるのは「第五十四条第一項第一号又は第二号」と、同条第六項中「第五十四条第一項」とあるのは「第五十四条第一項(第三号を除く。)」と読み替えるものとする。 - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム


Article 142 The provisions of Articles 129 to 133 inclusive, paragraphs (1) and (2) of Article 135, and Article 139 shall apply mutatis mutandis to the letters which an inmate sentenced to death having the status as an unsentenced person sends or receives. In this case, the term "Article 127" in paragraph (1) of Article 129 shall be read as "paragraphs (1) and (2) of Article 135 as applied mutatis mutandis pursuant to Article 142" ; the phrase "hindering adequate pursuance of correctional treatment for the sentenced person" in item (vi) of said paragraph shall be read as "causing destruction of evidence" ; the phrase "inclusive" in paragraph (2) of said Article shall be read as "inclusive or item (vi)" ; the phrase "the number of letters" in paragraph (1) of Article 130 shall be read as "the number of letters (except those for a defense counsel, etc.)" ; the phrase "four per month" in paragraph (2) of said Article shall be read as "one per day" ; the phrase "Article 128 or 129" in paragraph (1) of Article 132 shall be read as "Article 129" ; the phrase "any of the items of paragraph (1) under Article 54" in item (ii) of paragraph (5) and paragraph (7) of said Article shall be read as "item (i) or (ii) of paragraph (1) under Article 54" ; and the phrase "paragraph (1) of Article 54" in paragraph (6) of said Article shall be read as "paragraph (1) (except for item (iii)) of Article 54" ; the phrase "in this Division" in paragraph (1) of Article 139 shall be read as "in the next Division," the phrase "the next Section" shall be read as "the next Section and where it is not permitted by the provisions of the Code of Criminal Procedure," and the phrase "may permit" in paragraph (2) of said Article shall be read as "may, except where it is not permitted by the provisions of the Code of Criminal Procedure, permit."発音を聞く 例文帳に追加

第百四十二条 第百二十九条から第百三十三条まで、第百三十五条第一項及び第二項並びに第百三十九条の規定は、未決拘禁者としての地位を有する死刑確定者が発受する信書について準用する。この場合において、第百二十九条第一項中「第百二十七条」とあるのは「第百四十二条において準用する第百三十五条第一項及び第二項」と、同項第六号中「受刑者の矯正処遇の適切な実施に支障」とあるのは「罪証の隠滅の結果」と、同条第二項中「第三号まで」とあるのは「第三号まで又は第六号」と、第百三十条第一項中「申請する信書」とあるのは「申請する信書(弁護人等に対して発するものを除く。)」と、同条第二項中「一月につき四通」とあるのは「一日につき一通」と、第百三十二条第一項中「第百二十八条、第百二十九条」とあるのは「第百二十九条」と、同条第五項第二号及び第七項中「第五十四条第一項各号」とあるのは「第五十四条第一項第一号又は第二号」と、同条第六項中「第五十四条第一項」とあるのは「第五十四条第一項(第三号を除く。)」と、第百三十九条第一項中「、この目」とあるのは「、次目」と、「場合」とあるのは「場合及び刑事訴訟法の定めるところにより許されない場合」と、同条第二項中「ときは」とあるのは「ときは、刑事訴訟法の定めるところにより許されない場合を除き」と読み替えるものとする。 - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム


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