



voting rateとは 意味・読み方・使い方





意味・対訳 投票率

Eゲイト英和辞典での「voting rate」の意味

voting rate

音節vóting ràte

「voting rate」の部分一致の例文検索結果

該当件数 : 20


To improve voting rate in network type electronic voting.例文帳に追加

ネットワーク型電子投票において、投票率の向上を図る。 - 特許庁

A safety rate calculation part 115 calculates the safety rate of each lattice following a voting result by the voting part 114.例文帳に追加

安全率算出部115は、投票部114による投票結果にしたがって、各格子の安全率を算出する。 - 特許庁

Further, the voting rate is improved by providing a 'blandk ballot' button 24.例文帳に追加

又、「白票」ボタン24を設け、投票率の向上を計った。 - 特許庁

(ii) The number obtained by multiplying the total number of voting rights pertaining to the shares by the rate specified by a Cabinet Office Ordinance.発音を聞く 例文帳に追加

二 当該株式に係る議決権の総数に内閣府令で定める率を乗じて得た数 - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム

To provide a signboard related to election capable of securing visibility at night to lift voter's awareness and lead to rise of a voting rate.例文帳に追加

夜間視認性が確保でき有権者の意識の高揚が図られ投票率アップへ繋がる選挙関係看板を提供する。 - 特許庁

The results of the voting are totaled and processed (S230), and the entrepreneurs in the investment destinations are determined by the d'Hondt method according to a rate of votes obtained (S240).例文帳に追加

投票結果を集計処理し(S230)、得票率に応じてドント方式により投資先の起業家を決定する(S240)。 - 特許庁


(2) A Specific Purpose Company shall not acquire or hold voting rights (excluding voting rights from shares which may not be exercised on all the matters on which a resolution may be effected at a shareholders' meeting and including voting rights from shares which are deemed to have voting rights under the provisions of Article 879(3) of the Companies Act; hereinafter the same shall apply in this paragraph) pertaining to Issued Shares or equity investment (hereinafter collectively referred to as "Shares, etc." in this paragraph and the following paragraph) of a single juridical person in a number that exceeds the number obtained by multiplying the rate specified by a Cabinet Office Ordinance by the total amount of voting rights pertaining to said Shares, etc.発音を聞く 例文帳に追加

2 特定目的会社は、同一法人の発行済株式又は出資の持分(以下この項及び次項において「株式等」という。)に係る議決権(株主総会において決議をすることができる事項の全部につき議決権を行使することができない株式についての議決権を除き、会社法第八百七十九条第三項の規定により議決権を有するとみなされる株式についての議決権を含む。以下この項において同じ。)を、当該株式等に係る議決権の総数に内閣府令で定める率を乗じて得た数を超えて取得し、又は保有してはならない。 - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム


調べた例文を記録して、 効率よく覚えましょう
  • 履歴機能
  • 語彙力診断
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JST科学技術用語日英対訳辞書での「voting rate」の意味

voting rate

Weblio英和対訳辞書での「voting rate」の意味

voting rate


「voting rate」の部分一致の例文検索結果

該当件数 : 20


Article 17 (1) A person who has become a Major Shareholder of a Trust Company (meaning a Major Shareholder as prescribed in Article 5(5); the same shall apply hereinafter) shall submit a notification of Subject Voting Rights Held to the Prime Minister, stating the Ratio of the Subject Voting Rights Held (meaning the rate calculated by dividing the number of Subject Voting Rights held by a person holding said Subject Voting Rights by the number of voting rights of all shareholders of said Trust Company), the purpose of such holding, and other matters specified by a Cabinet Office Ordinance without delay.発音を聞く 例文帳に追加

第十七条 信託会社の主要株主(第五条第五項に規定する主要株主をいう。以下同じ。)となった者は、対象議決権保有割合(対象議決権の保有者の保有する当該対象議決権の数を当該信託会社の総株主の議決権の数で除して得た割合をいう。)、保有の目的その他内閣府令で定める事項を記載した対象議決権保有届出書を、遅滞なく、内閣総理大臣に提出しなければならない。 - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム

To provide a signboard, such as an election signboard and a signboard for political activities, which can be expected to secure nighttime visibility, deepen awareness of voters, and increase a voting rate.例文帳に追加

選挙看板類や政治活動用看板において、夜間視認性を確保し有権者の意識の高揚が計られ投票率アップへの効果が期待できる看板を提供する。 - 特許庁

Article 32 (1) A person who has become a Major Shareholder (meaning a Major Shareholder prescribed in Article 29-4(2); hereinafter the same shall apply in this Section) of a Financial Instruments Business Operator (limited to those engaged in the Type I Financial Instruments Business or Investment Management Business and excluding foreign juridical persons; hereinafter the same shall apply in this Subsection) shall submit a notification of holding Subject Voting Rights containing the Subject Voting Right Holding Rate (meaning the rate obtained by dividing the number of Subject Voting Rights held by a holder of said Subject Voting Rights by the number of Voting Rights Held by All the Shareholders, etc. of said Financial Instruments Business Operator), the purpose of holding, and other matters specified by a Cabinet Office Ordinance to the Prime Minister, without delay, pursuant to the provisions of a Cabinet Office Ordinance.発音を聞く 例文帳に追加

第三十二条 金融商品取引業者(第一種金融商品取引業又は投資運用業を行う者に限り、外国法人を除く。以下この款において同じ。)の主要株主(第二十九条の四第二項に規定する主要株主をいう。以下この節において同じ。)となつた者は、内閣府令で定めるところにより、対象議決権保有割合(対象議決権の保有者の保有する当該対象議決権の数を当該金融商品取引業者の総株主等の議決権の数で除して得た割合をいう。)、保有の目的その他内閣府令で定める事項を記載した対象議決権保有届出書を、遅滞なく、内閣総理大臣に提出しなければならない。 - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム

A searching part 116 searches by using prescribed algorithm, for a route having the highest safety rate, and having the shortest distance between a lattice showing a start position and a lattice showing a goal position in the voting space in which the safety rate is calculated.例文帳に追加

探索部116は、安全率が算出された投票空間において、スタート位置を示す格子とゴール位置を示す格子との距離が最短となり、かつ、安全率が最も高くなるような経路を所定のアルゴリズムを用いて探索する。 - 特許庁

(ii) as for Persons in Special Relationship as defined in the preceding paragraph (excluding persons who fall under the category specified in item (ii) of the preceding paragraph and conduct Purchase, etc. of any Share Certificates, etc. issued by the Issuer of the Share Certificates, etc.), the rate obtained, pursuant to the provisions of a Cabinet Office Ordinance, by dividing the total of the number of the voting rights pertaining to the Share Certificates, etc. in possession by that person, by the number obtained by adding the total number of voting rights issued by the Issuer to the number of voting rights pertaining to bonds with share option or other Securities specified by a Cabinet Order issued by the Issuer and held by that person and the person conducting the Purchase, etc. of the Share Certificates, etc. referred to in the preceding item.発音を聞く 例文帳に追加

二 前項の特別関係者(同項第二号に掲げる者で当該株券等の発行者の株券等の買付け等を行うものを除く。)にあつては、内閣府令で定めるところにより、その者の所有に係る当該株券等に係る議決権の数の合計を、当該発行者の総議決権の数にその者及び前号に掲げる株券等の買付け等を行う者の所有に係る当該発行者の発行する新株予約権付社債券その他の政令で定める有価証券に係る議決権の数を加算した数で除して得た割合 - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム

(i) the number adding one to the number obtained by multiplying 1/3 (in the case where the articles of incorporation define, as a requirement for concluding a resolution of a general meeting of shareholders, that a majority of more than a certain rate of the total voting rights held by Specified Shareholders [which means shareholders of Specified Shares (which means shares with the contents that a shareholder can exercise voting rights at a general meeting of shareholders pertaining to actions prescribed in Article 144-7, paragraph (2) of the Act; hereinafter the same shall apply in this Article); hereinafter the same shall apply in this Article] who attend said general meeting of shareholders must agree to the resolution, the rate obtained by subtracting said certain rate from one) by the number obtained by multiplying 1/2 (in the case where the articles of incorporation define, as a requirement for concluding a resolution of said general meeting of shareholders, that shareholders who have more than a certain rate of the total voting rights must attend said general meeting of shareholders, said certain rate) by the total number of Specified Shares;発音を聞く 例文帳に追加

一 特定株式(法第百四十四条の七第二項に規定する行為に係る株主総会において議決権を行使することができることを内容とする株式をいう。以下この条において同じ。)の総数に二分の一(当該株主総会の決議が成立するための要件として当該特定株式の議決権の総数の一定の割合以上の議決権を有する株主が出席しなければならない旨の定款の定めがある場合にあっては、当該一定の割合)を乗じて得た数に三分の一(当該株主総会の決議が成立するための要件として当該株主総会に出席した当該特定株主(特定株式の株主をいう。以下この条において同じ。)の有する議決権の総数の一定の割合以上の多数が賛成しなければならない旨の定款の定めがある場合にあっては、一から当該一定の割合を減じて得た割合)を乗じて得た数に一を加えた数 - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム

(i) the number adding one to the number obtained by multiplying 1/3 (in the case where the articles of incorporation define, as a requirement for concluding a resolution of a general meeting of shareholders, that a majority of more than a certain rate of the total voting rights held by specified shareholders [which means shareholders of specified shares of stock (which means shares of stock with the contents that a shareholder can exercise voting rights at a general meeting of shareholders pertaining to actions prescribed in Article 144-7, paragraph 2 of the Act; hereinafter the same shall apply in this Article); hereinafter the same shall apply in this Article] who attend said general meeting of shareholders must agree to the resolution, the rate obtained by subtracting said certain rate from one) by the number obtained by multiplying 1/2 (in the case where the articles of incorporation define, as a requirement for concluding a resolution of said general meeting of shareholders, that shareholders who have more than a certain rate of the total voting rights must attend said general meeting of shareholders, said certain rate) by the total number of specified shares of stock;発音を聞く 例文帳に追加

一特定株式(法第百四十四条の七第二項に規定する行為に係る株主総会において議決 権を行使することができることを内容とする株式をいう。以下この条において同じ。) の総数に二分の一(当該株主総会の決議が成立するための要件として当該特定株式の 議決権の総数の一定の割合以上の議決権を有する株主が出席しなければならない旨の 定款の定めがある場合にあっては、当該一定の割合)を乗じて得た数に三分の一(当 該株主総会の決議が成立するための要件として当該株主総会に出席した当該特定株主 (特定株式の株主をいう。以下この条において同じ。)の有する議決権の総数の一定 の割合以上の多数が賛成しなければならない旨の定款の定めがある場合にあっては、 一から当該一定の割合を減じて得た割合)を乗じて得た数に一を加えた数 - 経済産業省


(i) as for the person conducting Purchase, etc. of Share Certificates, etc., the rate obtained, pursuant to the provisions of a Cabinet Office Ordinance, by dividing the total of the number of the voting rights (meaning the number of voting rights represented by shares calculated pursuant to the provisions of a Cabinet Office Ordinance in the case of share certificates, or the number of voting rights represented by shares calculated by converting Securities other than share certificates into shares pursuant to the provisions of a Cabinet Office Ordinance in the case of Securities other than share certificates; hereinafter the same shall apply in this paragraph) pertaining to the Share Certificates, etc. in possession by that person (excluding those specified by a Cabinet Office Ordinance considering the manner of holding or other circumstances; hereinafter the same shall apply in this paragraph), by the number obtained by adding the total number of voting rights issued by the Issuer to the number of voting rights pertaining to bonds with share option or other Securities specified by a Cabinet Order issued by the Issuer and held by that person and Persons in Special Relationship with that person; or発音を聞く 例文帳に追加

一 株券等の買付け等を行う者にあつては、内閣府令で定めるところにより、その者の所有に係る当該株券等(その所有の態様その他の事情を勘案して内閣府令で定めるものを除く。以下この項において同じ。)に係る議決権の数(株券については内閣府令で定めるところにより計算した株式に係る議決権の数を、その他のものについては内閣府令で定めるところにより換算した株式に係る議決権の数をいう。以下この項において同じ。)の合計を、当該発行者の総議決権の数にその者及びその者の特別関係者の所有に係る当該発行者の発行する新株予約権付社債券その他の政令で定める有価証券に係る議決権の数を加算した数で除して得た割合 - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム


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