
「"スロバキア語"」に関連した英語例文の一覧と使い方 - Weblio英語例文検索





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該当件数 : 18



So I tried speaking in Slovak. - 浜島書店 Catch a Wave


I picked up the language through everyday conversation. - 浜島書店 Catch a Wave

(a) 請求書のスロバキア語への翻訳文例文帳に追加

a) the translation of the request to the Slovak language; - 特許庁


The application shall be filed in writing with the Industrial Property Office (hereinafter referred to as "the Office") in the Slovak language. - 特許庁


(1) 工業意匠は,スロバキア語により作成された書面により庁に出願する。例文帳に追加

(1) The application for an industrial design shall be filed in writing with the Office executed in the Slovak language. - 特許庁



People seemed happy whenever I tried to communicate in Slovak and that motivated me to learn more. - 浜島書店 Catch a Wave


If the Office is the Elected Office, the applicant shall submit three copies of a Slovak translation of the application and pay the respective fees according to special regulations within a time limit of 30 months as from the rise of the priority right. - 特許庁

(2) 出願人は,庁の求めに基づいて,欧州特許出願のスロバキア語への翻訳文を3月以内に提出し,かつ,出願手数料(第79条(9))を納付しなければならない。例文帳に追加

(2) The applicant shall be obliged on the basis of the notice of the Office to submit within 3 months a translation of the European Patent Application into Slovak language and pay the administrative fee for filing an application in accordance with Section 79(8). - 特許庁

(2) 第63条(2)に従って庁に提出されたスロバキア語への特許明細書の翻訳文及び第60条(2)に従って庁に提出された特許クレームの翻訳文に準拠した保護の範囲が欧州特許庁への手続言による欧州特許出願の文言及び欧州特許より狭い場合は,欧州特許の取消手続に係る場合を除いて,スロバキア語への翻訳文が拘束力を有する文言となる。例文帳に追加

(2) If protection ensuing from the translation of the patent specification into the Slovak language submitted to the Office pursuant to Section 63(2) as well as from the translation of patent claims submitted to the Office pursuant to Section 60(2) is narrower than from the wording of the European Patent Application and European patent in the language in which the proceedings before the European Patent Office were held, the translation into the Slovak language shall be considered the binding wording, with the exception of proceedings for revocation of the European patent. - 特許庁


(3) 欧州特許出願の出願人及び欧州特許の所有者はいつでも,第60条(2)による特許クレームのスロバキア語への修正翻訳文又は第63条(2)による欧州特許明細書のスロバキア語への修正翻訳文を提出することができる。修正翻訳文が提出されかつ手数料(第79条(9))が納付された場合は,庁は,修正翻訳文を公衆の閲覧に供し,その旨を公報で公告する。例文帳に追加

(3) At any time the applicant or owner of a European patent may file a corrected translation of claims pursuant to Section 60(2) or a corrected translation of the European patent specification pursuant to Section 63(2) into Slovak language. After the delivery of the corrected translation and payment of fee pursuant to Section 79(8), the Office shall make the corrected translation available to the public and shall publish this fact in the Journal. - 特許庁


(8) 発明の特許性の審査が優先権の付与に係る場合は,庁は,出願人に対して,出願人の選択に基づいて,優先権書類のスロバキア語又は欧州特許庁の公用の1への翻訳文を提出するよう求めることができる。例文帳に追加

(8) If the assessment of patentability of the invention depends on the granting of the priority right, the Office is entitled to invite the applicant to submit a translation of the priority document in Slovak language or one of the official languages of the European Patent Office, which is at the discretion of the applicant. - 特許庁

(2) 欧州特許の所有者は,欧州特許付与の公告日から3月以内に,特許明細書のスロバキア語への翻訳文を庁に提出し,公告手数料(第79条(9))を納付し,また,スロバキア共和国の領域内での通信宛先を庁に通知しなければならない。例文帳に追加

(2) The owner of European patent shall be obliged to submit to the Office within three months from the notification on granting the European patent a translation of the patent specification into the Slovak language, pay the publication fee according to Section 79(8) and notify to the Office an address for correspondence in the territory of the Slovak Republic. - 特許庁

(4) 欧州特許明細書のスロバキア語への翻訳文が(3)にいう条件に基づく追加期間内に提出されない場合は,当該欧州特許は,スロバキア共和国の領域内では当初から効力を有さないものとみなされる。例文帳に追加

(4) If the translation of the European patent specification into the Slovak language is not submitted to the Office even within the grace period under conditions pursuant to Subsection (3), the European patent shall be deemed ineffective in the territory of the Slovak Republic ab initio. - 特許庁

(4) 欧州特許所有者が文言を修正された欧州特許明細書のスロバキア語翻訳文を提出しない場合又は(3)にいう期限内に公告手数料を納付しない場合は,当該欧州特許は,スロバキア共和国において当初から効力を有さないものとみなされる。例文帳に追加

(4) If the owner fails to submit a translation of the modified wording of the European patent specification into the Slovak language or if he fails to pay the publication fee within the time limit pursuant to Subsection (3), the European patent shall be deemed ineffective in the Slovak Republic ab initio. - 特許庁

(1) 国際条約に基づいてスロバキア共和国における特許付与を求める国際出願の出願人は,優先権の発生後21月の期限内に,庁(これが指定庁である場合)に対して,出願のスロバキア語翻訳文の謄本3通を提出し,かつ特別規則に従ってそれぞれの手数料を支払わなければならない。例文帳に追加

(1) The applicant of an International Application by which grant of a patent in the Slovak Republic is sought under the international treaty shall be obliged to submit to the Office. if it is Designated Office. three copies of a Slovak translation of the application and pay the respective fees according to special regulations within a time limit of 21 months from the rise of the priority right. - 特許庁

(2) 欧州特許庁により欧州特許出願が公開され,かつ,それに続いて特許クレームのスロバキア語への翻訳文が提出され,欧州特許出願の出願人により公告手数料(第79条(9))が納付された場合は,庁は,当該特許クレームの翻訳文を公衆の閲覧に供し,かつ,この事実を公報で公告する。例文帳に追加

(2) After the publication of a European Patent Application by the European Patent Office and a subsequent submission of a translation of the patent claims into Slovak language and the payment of the publication fee according to Section 79(8) by the applicant of the European Patent Application, the Office shall make the translation of patent claims available to the public and shall publish this fact in the Journal. - 特許庁

(5) 対象期間内において有効なスロバキア語翻訳文からすると欧州特許の範囲内に該当ない発明の対象を実施する第三者の権利は,これら第三者が当該発明の対象をスロバキア共和国の領域内において善意で実施しているか又は発明の対象の実施のための立証可能な準備をしている場合は,修正翻訳文の発効によって影響を受けない。例文帳に追加

(5) The right of third parties to use the subject-matter of the invention, which according to the translation into the Slovak language valid in the decisive period has not fallen within the scope of the European patent, shall remain unaffected by the effects of the corrected translation, provided that, within the territory of the Slovak Republic and in good faith, the subject-matter of the invention has been used or evincible arrangements for using the subject-matter of the invention have been made. - 特許庁


(3) 欧州特許が,欧州特許庁の決定により,欧州特許条約第101条による異議申立手続において文言を修正の上維持されたか又は欧州特許条約第105b条による手続において限定された場合は,当該欧州特許所有者は,当該修正の欧州特許公報での公告日から3月以内に,特許明細書の修正文言のスロバキア語翻訳文を庁に提出し,かつ,公告手数料(第79条(9))を納付しなければならない。例文帳に追加

(3) If during the opposition proceedings pursuant to Article 102 of the European Patent Convention the European patent is maintained based on a decision of the European Patent Office in a modified wording, the owner of the European patent shall be obliged within three months from the day of publication of the modification in the European Patent Bulletin to submit to the Office a translation of the modified wording of the patent specification into the Slovak language and pay the publication fee pursuant to Section 79(8). The Office shall make the translation of the patent specification in a modified wording available and notify this availability as well as the decision about the maintenance of the European patent in a modified wording in the Journal. - 特許庁


浜島書店 Catch a Wave
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