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該当件数 : 17



Generalized System of Preferences - 経済産業省


a customs duty that is lower than a general duty, called a preferential duty  - EDR日英対訳辞書


the rate of a customs duty that is lower than a general duty, called a preferential duty  - EDR日英対訳辞書


To be permissible, GSP must have the following characteristics: first, preferential tariffs may be applied not only to countries with special historical and political relationships (e.g., the British Commonwealth), but also to developing countries more generally (thus the system is described asgeneralized”); second, the beneficiaries are limited to developing countries; and third, it is a benefit unilaterally granted by developed countries to developing countries. - 経済産業省



The Cotonou Agreement replaced the Lome Convention, which had the major feature of the EU offering development and support to the ACP states by providing them with preferential treatment. The purpose of the Cotonou Agreement, which consists of an FTA and a Generalized System of Preferences (GSP), was to form a new cooperative relationship between the EU and the ACP states. - 経済産業省


その中では、EU 加盟国の輸入数量制限措置がGATT 第11条1項(数量制限の一般的禁止)違反であるほか、ACP 諸国に対するバナナの特恵措置がGATT 第1条違反であり、第24条で正当化されないとされた。例文帳に追加

The panel report, issued and circulated to Members in June 1993, found the quantitative restrictions of EU members to be in violation of Article XI:1 of the GATT (general ban on quantitative restrictions), and the special measures favouring ACP bananas to be in violation of Article I of the GATT (Most-favoured-nation Treatment) and unjustified under Article XXIV of the GATT. - 経済産業省

一般特恵(GSP=Generalized System of Preferences)とは、開発途上国の輸出所得の拡大、開発の促進を目的とし、開発途上国に対する関税上の特別措置として、先進国から開発途上国産品に対して最恵国待遇に基づく関税率より低い関税率が適用される仕組みである。例文帳に追加

The Generalized System of Preferences (GSP) program is a system that grants certain products originating in eligible developing countries preferential tariff treatment over those normally granted under MFN status. GSP is a special measure designed to help developing countries increase their export earnings and promote development. - 経済産業省

一般特恵は、1971年6月のGSPに関するGATT 理事会決定に規定されており、1979年の「異なるかつ一層有利な待遇並びに相互主義及び開発途上国のより十分な参加に関する決定」(いわゆる「授権条項」)に基づく措置として1994年のGATT の一部を構成するものとされる。例文帳に追加

GSP is defined in the GATT decision onGeneralized System of Preferencesof June 1971. Granting GSP preferences is justified by the 1979 GATT decision onDifferential and More Favourable Treatment, Reciprocity, and Fuller Participation of Developing Countriesor theEnabling Clause”. - 経済産業省

日メキシコEPAでは、前年のメキシコ国内の販売台数の5%の無税枠が新設されるとともに、EPA 特恵税率も一部車種を除き一般税率の50%から20-30%に大きく引き下げられ、2011 年には撤廃されることとなった。例文帳に追加

Japan-Mexico EPA, however, has enabled the creation of a new tariff-free framework for automobiles, applied to 5% of the units a maker sold in Mexico in the previous year. The EPA also enabled the lowering of the EPA tariffs to 20-30% from the general tariff of 50%, save for certain types of automobiles. The EPA Most-Favored tariffs on automobiles are further scheduled to be abolished in 2011. - 経済産業省


日メキシコEPAでは、前年のメキシコ国内販売台数の5%の無税枠が新設されるとともに、EPA特恵税率も一部車種を除き一般税率の50%から20-30%に大きく引下げられ、2011 年には撤廃されることとなった。例文帳に追加

The Japan-Mexico EPA created a new tariff exemption framework for exempting tariffs on a number of imported cars equal to 5% of all the vehicles sold in Mexico the previous year, and reduced the general tariff rate, except for some types of cars, from 50%to as low as 2030%. - 経済産業省



The Japan-Mexico EPA created a new tariff exemption framework for exempting tariffs on imported cars for up to 5% of all the vehicles sold in Mexico, and reduced the general tariff rate, except for some types of cars, from 50% to as low as 20-30%. It will eliminate the general tariff completely in 2011. - 経済産業省


On December 10, 2001, the European Council announced Council Regulation No. 2501/2001 of generalized tariff preferences scheme covering the period from January 1, 2002 to December 31, 2004. The regulation consists of: (i) general arrangements; (ii) special incentive arrangements for the protection of labor rights; (iii) special incentive arrangements for the protection of the environment; (iv) special arrangements for least developed countries; and (v) special arrangements to combat drug production and trafficking (the “drug arrangement”). - 経済産業省


A stock is selected by lottery, and not only investors but also general public is widely informed that a higher amount of dividend than that of other stock is paid to the winning stock, and preferential dividend is paid by lottery, so that it is possible to improve attraction of investment to the stock of the company. - 特許庁


Some experts pointed out four factors behind this increase: (1) capital accumulated in the country due to the savings ratio exceeding the investment ratio, (2) loosening of the foreign exchange control policy in response to increased trade surplus, (3) increased need for structural adjustments due to labor shortage and labor cost increase, (4) deteriorated export environment (exchange rate appreciation pressure, intensified trade friction, and the end of the Generalized System of Preferences in the United States). - 経済産業省

国際経済ルール上、FTA/EPAはGATT(関税及び貿易に関する一般協定)/WTO(世界貿易機関)体制の例外として位置づけられ、GATTにおいて、「妥当な期間」内に、「構成地域の原産の産品の構成地域間における実質上のすべての貿易について」、関税等を廃止することを条件として、一部のGATT 締約国間で特恵的な自由貿易協定を締結することが認められている。例文帳に追加

Under international economic rules, FTAs/EPAs are treated as an exception to the GATT (General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade) /WTO (World Trade Organization) regime, and GATT signatories are allowed to conclude preferential free trade agreements with other member nations on the condition that “within a reasonable length of time” the duties and other restrictive regulations are eliminated onsubstantially all the trade between the constituent territories in products originating in such territories”. - 経済産業省

国際経済ルール上、EPA/FTA は GATT(関税及び貿易に関する一般協定)/WTO(世界貿易機関)体制の例外として位置づけられ、GATT において、「妥当な期間」内に、「構成地域の原産の産品の構成地域間における実質上の全ての貿易について」、関税等を廃止することを条件として、一部の GATT締約国間で特恵的な自由貿易協定を締結することが認められている。例文帳に追加

Under international economic rules, EPA/FTA are positioned as an exception to the system of GATT (General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade)/WTO (World Trade Organization); GATT allows certain GATT member states to form a preferred free trade agreement between them, on the condition that custom duties, etc. will be removed “within a reasonable length of time” “on substantially all the trade between the constituent territories in products originating in such territories. - 経済産業省


2002年1月に署名、同年11月に発効した、我が国初のEPA である日シンガポールEPA については、一般特恵制度(GSP)の原産地規則の影響を受け、必要最小限の規定にとどまっていたが、その後の日マレーシア等では輸入国当局が輸出国へ情報照会・検証訪問が行える検認規定が加わる等、より幅広い内容が盛り込まれ、また使いやすい原産地規則となったことを受け、シンガポール側からの打診もあったことから、2006年4月より日シンガポールEPA 見直し交渉開始し、ユーザーにとって使い勝手のよい日マレーシアEPA 等と同様の規則へ改正した。例文帳に追加

The first EPA which Japan entered into, the Japan-Singapore EPA, was signed in January 2002, entered into force in November of the same year, and has the minimum requisite provisions, following the rules of origin adopted under Japan’s generalized system of preferences (GSP). - 経済産業省


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