
「打製」に関連した英語例文の一覧と使い方(47ページ目) - Weblio英語例文検索










該当件数 : 2309



The desublimator for producing particulate, solid aluminum chloride from aluminum chloride vapor is formed by a vessel which is closed on all sides and has vertical walls and a feed point for the aluminum chloride vapor, and a take off point for the solid aluminum chloride, wherein the walls of the vessel are formed by flat metal sheets which are welded into a fixed frame so that they can generate vibration by being struck with a tapper. - 特許庁


In the sheet composite body, the surface layer of the concrete structure is formed by impregnating the internal surface of forms with previously manufactured resin cement mortar or cement mortar or placing concrete from the upper section of resin cement mortar or cement mortar after the impregnation of resin cement mortar or cement mortar on the forms when the concrete structure is formed. - 特許庁


A UWB planar antenna apparatus 100 is configured by assembling an antenna element 101 and a ground element 102 which are concurrently manufactured by punching a copper sheet, on a case 210 that is a synthetic resin molded component, mounting a socket coaxial connector 200 over the antenna element 101 and the ground element 102, and covering the antenna element 101 and the ground element 102 with a cover 220. - 特許庁


The manufacturing method of a laminated core excellent in dimensional accuracy comprises a process for laminating soft magnetic steel plates obtained by punching, a process for molding the laminate by constraining it with a molding jig using a fluororesin coating plate as a mold releasing material, a process for impregnating the laminate with thermosetting adhesive, and a process for drying and baking the impregnated laminate constrained by the molding jig. - 特許庁



The manufacturing method of a laminated core excellent in dimensional accuracy comprises a process for laminating a plurality of soft magnetic steel plates obtained by punching, a process for impregnating the laminate with thermosetting adhesive, a process for molding the laminate by constraining it with a molding jig using a fluororesin coating plate as a mold releasing material, and a process for drying and baking the laminate constrained by the molding jig. - 特許庁



After the concrete 6 is centrifugally molded by placing the concrete 6 in a form 1 for centrifugally molding and rotating the form 1, the rotation of the form 1 is stopped, both end parts of the form 1 are blocked by iron plates 7, and the excess water and the slag separated from the concrete 6 are sucked from a suction hose 8 made to communicate with the inside of the blocked form 1. - 特許庁


In manufacturing, effective measures that can be taken include industrial support to transform entrenched industrial structures and business behavior, and the vitalization of business collaboration through the development of new networks. In the information and communications industry, on the other hand, the tendency to place a comparatively strong emphasis on the reasonableness of business establishment rents and the level of development of infrastructure, such as transport and communications, and social amenities29) has been noted to date, and industry support measures suited to each industry should be developed. - 経済産業省

次に掲げる者については,詐欺の意思を有さなかったことを立証しない限り,6月以上,3年以下の禁固に処し,かつ,50,000ルピー以上,200,000ルピー以下の罰金を併科する。 (a) 商標を偽造した者,又は (b) 商品又はサービスに商標を不正使用した者,又は (c) 商標を偽造する目的で又は偽造のために使用する目的で,型,版木,機械,板金若しくはその他の器具を作し,処分し,又は所持する者,又は (d) 商品又はサービスに虚偽の取引表示を使用する者,又は (e) 第139条により,商品の造若しくは生産の国若しくは場所,又は造者若しくは注文者の名称及び住所の表示を付すことが必要とされている商品について,その国,場所,名称若しくは住所の虚偽の表示をする者,又は (f) 第139条により商品に付すべきことが必要とされている何れかの商品に使用された原産地の表示を偽造,変更,又は消去する者,又は (g) 本条に掲げた前記の何れかのことを他人にさせた者例文帳に追加

Any person who (a) falsifies any trade mark; or (b) falsely applies to goods or services any trade mark; or (c) makes, disposes of, or has in his possession, any die, block, machine, plate or other instrument for the purpose of falsifying or of being used for falsifying, a trade mark; or (d) applies any false trade description to goods or services; or (e) applies to any goods to which an indication of the country or place in which they were made or produced or the name and address of the manufacturer or person for whom the goods are manufactured is required to be applied under section 139, a false indication of such country, place, name or address; or (f) tampers with, alters or effaces an indication of origin which has been applied to any goods to which it is required to be applied under section 139; or (g) causes any of the things above mentioned in this section to be done, shall, unless he proves that he acted, without intent to defraud, be punishable with imprisonment for a term which shall not be less than six months but which may extend to three years and with fine which shall not be less than fifty thousand rupees but which may extend to two lakh rupees:  - 特許庁


103条違反で告訴された者が,次に掲げることを立証したときは,無罪とする。 (a) その者が他人に雇用された者であって,自己の通常の業務上他人のために商標若しくは取引表示を使用し,又は場合に応じて商標を作成し若しくは商標の作成のために使用される型,版木,機械,板金,若しくはその他の器具を作したこと (b) 告訴の対象となっている事件において,自己が他人に雇用された者であり,かつ,違反に係る商品の販売又は場合に応じてサービスの提供による利潤若しくは歩合を得ることによってその商品又はその他の物に利害関係を有するものではないこと (c) 告訴された違反を防止するために一切の合理的な措置を講じ,違反とされることを行ったとき,商標又は取引表示が真正なものであることを疑う理由がなかったこと,及び (d) その者の代わりに商標又は取引表示が使用された当人に関して一切の情報を,自己の権限で,告訴人の要求により若しくは告訴人のために,提供したこと例文帳に追加

Where a person accused of an offence under section 103 proves - (a) that in the ordinary course of his business he is employed on behalf of other persons to apply trade marks or trade descriptions, or as the case may be, to make dies, blocks, machines, plates, or other instruments for making, or being used in making, trade marks; and (b) that in the case which is the subject of the charge he was so employed, and was not interested in the goods or other thing by way of profit or commission dependent on the sale of such goods or providing of services, as the case may be; and (c) that, having taken all reasonable precautions against committing the offence charged, he had, at the time of the commission of the alleged offence, no reason to suspect the genuineness of the trade mark or trade description; and (d) that, on demand made by or on behalf of the prosecutor, he gave all the information in his power with respect to the persons on whose behalf the trade mark or trade description was applied, he shall be acquitted.  - 特許庁


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