
「期待収益率」に関連した英語例文の一覧と使い方 - Weblio英語例文検索





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該当件数 : 17



Whether foreign capital inflow to the US continue or not depends basically upon which of theexpected rate of returns on domestic assets” (rate of returns incurred by investments in investors country) and the “expected rate of returns on US assets” (rate of returns incurred by investments in the US) is more attractive for foreign investors outside US. - 経済産業省


Owing to such efforts, the rate of return on inward direct investment in Germany remains at the highest level in developed countries, which has created a lucrative market. - 経済産業省


When the amount of investment increases, the amount’s increased portion generally includes investment in business projects whose expected profit margins are low. As a result, rates of investment efficiency will decline. - 経済産業省


The continued expansion of investment despite the decline in investment efficiency may suggest the possibility that investment in China is occurring in businesses with a low expected rate of return. - 経済産業省



As discussed above, globalization intensifies competition between domestic and overseas production factors, and increases the risks (uncertainty) to employment and wages in the household sector. At the same time, it contributes to the reduction in the expected rate of return, which is brought in by labor. - 経済産業省



As it is necessary for a company to make a certain initial investment if it is to expand business overseas, substantial profitability is required as a precondition. Foreign-owned companies doing business in Japan are also superior in terms of current profit ratio to net sales, compared to Japanese-owned companies doing business overseas, which are regarded as being as profitable as such foreign-owned companies. It is expected that foreign-owned companies' business expansion in Japan would contribute to the enhancement of productivity of Japanese-owned companies (Figure 2-1-3-10). - 経済産業省


EPAs also contribute to the expansion of production volume in member countries through: (1) higher expected rates of return in relevant countries; and (2) increased in flow and accumulation of foreign capitals obtained through direct and other forms of investments as a result of more reliable policies and regulations established in member countries. - 経済産業省


In addition to the increase in GDP, an increase in corporate revenue and economic revitalization are expected, as a result of more efficient corporate management. These will likely generate synergy effects that lead to even greater economic effects. - 経済産業省


It is impossible to find high-yield stocks and bonds in Japan, because Japan is a mature economy with low interest rates. In the meantime, financial globalization has enabled people to invest in foreign financial products with high rates of return. - 経済産業省



As explained in Section 2 of Chapter II, external direct investments are expected to expand through further progress of the international business network, and from this perspective, the rate of return on external assets is also expected to expand through an increase in direct investments. - 経済産業省


EPA / FTAの締結によって上記の生産性向上が生じた場合、期待収益率の上昇又は不確実性の減少によって、国内からの投資のみならず対内直接投資が増加することで国内の資本が蓄積され、生産の拡大に寄与することが想定される。例文帳に追加

When the conclusion of an EPA/FTA leads to the above mentioned productivity enhancement, the resulting increase of the expected rate of return and decrease of uncertainty will lead to an increase of investment both domestically and directly from abroad. This is expected to realize the accumulation of domestic capital, which contributes to expanding productivity. - 経済産業省


The Partnership is considered to further enhance rules regarding investment, services, intellectual properties, etc., which would make corporate management more efficient and thus improve corporate profits and activate the economy. These benefits are expected to mutually influence to create even greater effects (Figure 4-3-7). - 経済産業省


The other possible effects of the CEPEA include an improvement in corporate profits through more efficient corporate management and economic revitalization through a combination with improved rules on investment, services, intellectual property rights, etc. The synergy of these factors is expected to further expand the economic benefits. - 経済産業省


Economic Growth from Capital Accumulation Regional integration reduces the uncertainty associated with the isolation policies and regulations of parties, and may increase the expected return from investments in parties. Increases in return of capital results in the inflow and accumulation of foreign capital in the form of direct investments, which contribute to the expansion of production volumes within parties. - 経済産業省


Furthermore, it is thought that the U.S. economy was financed and demand was stimulated more than necessary by an overabundance of liquidity brought about by the credit easing mainly in developed countries, excessive global savings on the back of rapid grow in emerging countries and development of securitization created by a lower expected rate of return globally which all financed the U.S. economy. - 経済産業省

2001 年から2007 年にかけての米国の個人消費の拡大、実体経済の好況の背景には、ⅰ)先進国を中心とした金融緩和策がもたらした過剰流動性、ⅱ)新興国の急速な成長を背景とした世界的過剰貯蓄、ⅲ)世界的な期待収益率の低下を背景として生み出された証券化手法の発達が米国経済をファイナンスし、需要を必要以上に刺激したことがあった。例文帳に追加

The factors behind the increase in U.S. personal consumption and the growth of the real economy include: (i) excess liquidity brought about by the monetary easing measures led by developed countries (ii) excess saving worldwide as a result of rapid growth in emerging countries, and (iii) securitization methods developed in response to the declining expected profitability of the world market, which has stimulated excess demand in the U.S. while financing its economy. - 経済産業省



As mentioned later, capital inflow into the US has continued reflecting the higher expected rates of return on US investments, and it is unlikely that risks surface immediately. It has been pointed out, however, that “risk premiums” will reach an unprecedented level if the current account imbalance continues to expand, which will lead to decrease of the capital inflow to the US and to the current account adjustment process. - 経済産業省


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