
「株式会社における責任追及等の訴え」に関連した英語例文の一覧と使い方 - Weblio英語例文検索





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第二節 株式会社における責任追及等の訴え例文帳に追加

Section 2 Action for Pursing the Liability, etc. of a Stock Company  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム

第八百五十条 民事訴訟法第二百六十七条の規定は、株式会社責任追及訴えに係る訴訟における和解の当事者でない場合には、当該訴訟における訴訟の目的については、適用しない。ただし、当該株式会社の承認がある場合は、この限りでない。例文帳に追加

Article 850 (1) The provisions of Article 267 of the Code of Civil Procedure shall not apply to the subject-matter of a suit relating to an Action for Pursuing Liability, etc. in cases where a Stock Company is not a party to settlement in such suit; provided, however, that this shall not apply when such Stock Company has given approval.  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム

第三十九条 役員の責任追及する訴えについては、会社法第七編第二章第二節(第八百四十七条第二項、第八百四十九条第二項第二号及び第五項並びに第八百五十一条を除く。)(株式会社における責任追及等の訴え)の規定を準用する。この場合において、同法第八百四十七条第一項及び第四項中「法務省令」とあるのは「主務省令」と読み替えるものとするほか、必要な技術的読替えは、政令で定める。例文帳に追加

Article 39 With regard to an action to pursue the liability of an officer, the provisions of Part 7, Chapter II, Section 2 (excluding Article 867, paragraph (2), Article 849, paragraph (2), item (ii) and paragraph (5), and Article 851) (Action to Pursue the Liability, etc. of a Stock Company) of the Companies Act shall apply mutatis mutandis. In this case, the term "Ordinance of the Ministry of Justice" in Article 847, paragraph (1) and paragraph (4) of the same Act shall be deemed to be replaced with "ordinance of the competent ministry," and any other necessary technical replacement of terms shall be specified by a Cabinet Order.  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム

第五十三条の三十七 会社法第七編第二章第二節(第八百四十七条第二項、第八百四十九条第五項並びに第八百五十一条第一項第一号及び第二項を除く。)(株式会社における責任追及等の訴え)の規定は相互会社における責任追及する訴えについて、同章第三節(第八百五十四条第一項第一号イ及び第二号並びに第二項から第四項までを除く。)(株式会社の役員の解任の訴え)及び同法第九百三十七条第一項(第一号ヌに係る部分に限る。)(裁判による登記の嘱託)の規定は相互会社の役員の解任の訴えについて、それぞれ準用する。この場合において、同法第八百四十七条第一項(責任追及訴え)中「株式を有する株主(第百八十九条第二項の定款の定めによりその権利を行使することができない単元未満株主を除く。)」とあるのは「社員である者」と、「第四百二十三条第一項」とあるのは「保険業法第五十三条の三十三第一項」と、同条第三項から第五項まで及び第七項中「株主」とあるのは「社員」と、同法第八百五十四条第一項第一号(株式会社の役員の解任の訴え)中「総株主(次に掲げる株主を除く。)の議決権の百分の三(これを下回る割合を定款で定めた場合にあっては、その割合)以上の議決権を」とあるのは「社員総数の千分の三(これを下回る割合を定款で定めた場合にあっては、その割合)以上に相当する数の社員又は三千名(これを下回る数を定款で定めた場合にあっては、その数)以上の社員(特定相互会社にあっては、保険業法第三十八条第一項に規定する政令で定める数以上の社員)で」と、「有する株主」とあるのは「社員である者(総代会を設けているときは、これらの者又は九名(これを下回る数を定款で定めた場合にあっては、その数)以上の総代)」と読み替えるものとするほか、必要な技術的読替えは、政令で定める。例文帳に追加

Article 53-37 The provisions of Part VII, Chapter II, Section 2 (excluding Article 847, paragraph (2), Article 849, paragraph (5), Article 851, paragraph (1), item (i) and Article 851, paragraph (2)) (Lawsuit for Accountability, etc. in Stock Company) of the Companies Act shall apply mutatis mutandis to a lawsuit for accountability in a Mutual Company; and the provisions of Section 3 of said Chapter (excluding Article 854, paragraph (1), item (i), (a) and Article 854, paragraphs (2) to (4) inclusive) (Lawsuit for Dismissal of Officer in Stock Company) and Article 937, paragraph (1) (limited to the segment pertaining to item (i), (j)) (Commission of Registration by Judicial Decision) of that Act shall apply mutatis mutandis to a lawsuit for dismissal of an officer in a Mutual Company. In this case, the terms "shareholders having the shares (excluding the holders of shares less than one unit who may not exercise their rights pursuant to the provisions of the articles of incorporation under Article 189, paragraph (2)" and "Article 423, paragraph (1)" in Article 847, paragraph (1) (Lawsuit for Accountability, etc.) of that Act shall be deemed to be replaced with "persons who have been members" and "Article 53-33, paragraph (1) of Insurance Business Act," respectively; the term "shareholder" in Article 847, paragraphs (3) to (5) inclusive and (7) shall be deemed to be replaced with "member"; and the provision of Article 854, paragraph (1), item (i) of that Act shall be deemed to be replaced with "members representing at least three thousandths (or any smaller proportion prescribed by the articles of incorporation) of the total membership, or three thousand (or any smaller number prescribed by the articles of incorporation) or more members of a Mutual Company (or, in a Specified Mutual Company, members equal to or exceeding the number specified by a Cabinet Order set forth in Article 38, paragraph (1) of the Insurance Business Act), who have been members of the Mutual Company without interruption for the preceding six months (or any shorter period prescribed by the articles of incorporation) (or, where the company has a General Meeting, those members or nine (or any smaller number prescribed by the articles of incorporation) or more general representatives"; any other necessary technical change in interpretation shall be prescribed by a Cabinet Order.  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム


2 会社法第百二十条第二項から第五項まで(株主の権利の行使に関する利益の供与)の規定は前項の場合について、同法第七編第二章第二節(第八百四十七条第二項、第八百四十九条第五項並びに第八百五十一条第一項第一号及び第二項を除く。)(株式会社における責任追及等の訴え)の規定はこの項において準用する同法第百二十条第三項の利益の返還を求める訴えについて、それぞれ準用する。この場合において、同法第百二十条第三項及び第四項中「第一項」とあるのは「保険業法第三十三条の二第一項」と、同条第五項中「総株主」とあるのは「総社員」と、同法第八百四十七条第一項(責任追及訴え)中「株式を有する株主(第百八十九条第二項の定款の定めによりその権利を行使することができない単元未満株主を除く。)」とあるのは「社員である者」と、同条第三項から第五項まで及び第七項中「株主」とあるのは「社員」と読み替えるものとするほか、必要な技術的読替えは、政令で定める。例文帳に追加

(2) The provisions of Article 120, paragraphs (2) to (5) inclusive (Giving Benefits on Exercise of Shareholder's Right) of the Companies Act shall apply mutatis mutandis to the case set forth in the preceding paragraph; and the provisions of Part VII, Chapter II, Section 2 (excluding Article 847, paragraph (2), Article 849, paragraph (5), and Article 851, paragraph (1), item (i) and paragraph (2)) (Lawsuit for Responsibility, etc. in Stock Company) of that Act shall apply mutatis mutandis to a lawsuit for the return of benefits under Article 120, paragraph (3) of that Act as applied mutatis mutandis pursuant to this paragraph, respectively. In this case, the term "paragraph (1)" in Article 120, paragraphs (3) and (4) of that Act shall be deemed to be replaced with "Article 33-2, paragraph (1) of the Insurance Business Act"; the term "all shareholders" in Article 120, paragraph (5) shall be deemed to be replaced with "all members"; the term "shareholder who has been holding shares (other than a holder of share less than one unit who may not exercise his/her rights pursuant to the provision of the articles of incorporation under Article 189, paragraph (2))" in Article 847, paragraph (1) (Lawsuit for Responsibility, etc.) of that Act shall be deemed to be replaced with "person who has been a member"; and the term "shareholder" in Article 847, paragraphs (3) to (5) inclusive and (7) shall be deemed to be replaced with "member"; and any other necessary technical change in interpretation shall be specified by a Cabinet Order.  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム


4 第九十七条第三項及び会社法第七編第二章第二節(第八百四十七条第二項、第八百四十九条第二項及び第五項並びに第八百五十一条を除く。)(株式会社における責任追及等の訴え)の規定は、発起人、設立時取締役又は設立時監査役の責任追及する訴えについて準用する。この場合において、同法第八百四十七条第一項中「六箇月(これを下回る期間を定款で定めた場合にあっては、その期間)前から引き続き株式を有する株主(第百八十九条第二項の定款の定めによりその権利を行使することができない単元未満株主を除く。)」とあるのは「特定社員又は六箇月(これを下回る期間を定款で定めた場合にあっては、その期間)前から引き続き優先出資を有する優先出資社員(資産流動化法第二十六条に規定する優先出資社員をいう。)」と、同条第三項から第五項まで及び第七項中「株主」とあるのは「特定社員又は優先出資社員」と読み替えるものとするほか、必要な技術的読替えは、政令で定める。例文帳に追加

(4) The provisions of Article 97(3) and the provisions of Part VII, Chapter II, Section 2 (excluding Article 847(2), Article 849(2) and (5), and Article 851) (Action for Pursing the Liability, etc. of a Stock Company) of the Companies Act shall apply mutatis mutandis to an action pursuing the liability of an incorporator, a Director at Incorporation, or a Company Auditor at Incorporation. In this case, the phrase "A shareholder (excluding a Holder of Shares Less than One Unit who is unable to exercise rights pursuant to the provisions of the articles of incorporation as set forth in Article 189(2)) having the shares consecutively for the preceding six months or more (or, in cases where a shorter period is prescribed in the articles of incorporation, such period or more)" in Article 847(1) of the Companies Act shall be deemed to be replaced with "A Specified Equity Member or Preferred Equity Member (meaning a preferred equity member as defined in Article 26 of the Asset Securitization Act) who has held Preferred Equity continuously for the preceding six months or longer (or, in cases where a shorter period is prescribed in the articles of incorporation, such period or longer)," the term "shareholder" in Article 847(3) to (5) inclusive and (7) of the Companies Act shall be deemed to be replaced with "Specified Equity Member or Preferred Equity Member," and any other necessary technical replacement of terms shall be specified by a Cabinet Order.  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム

2 第九十七条第三項及び会社法第七編第二章第二節(第八百四十七条第二項、第八百四十九条第二項及び第五項並びに第八百五十一条を除く。)(株式会社における責任追及等の訴え)の規定は、第百十七条の規定による同条に規定する特定目的会社の取締役の責任追及する訴え並びに前条の規定及び前項において準用する同法第四百六十四条の規定による特定目的会社の取締役の責任追及する訴えについて準用する。この場合において、同法第八百四十七条第一項中「六箇月(これを下回る期間を定款で定めた場合にあっては、その期間)前から引き続き株式を有する株主(第百八十九条第二項の定款の定めによりその権利を行使することができない単元未満株主を除く。)」とあるのは「特定社員又は六箇月(これを下回る期間を定款で定めた場合にあっては、その期間)前から引き続き優先出資を有する優先出資社員」と、同条第三項から第五項まで及び第七項中「株主」とあるのは「特定社員又は優先出資社員」と読み替えるものとするほか、必要な技術的読替えは、政令で定める。例文帳に追加

(2) The provisions of Article 97(3) of this Act and the provisions of Part VII, Chapter II, Section 2 (excluding Article 847(2), Article 849(2) and (5) and Article 851) (Action for Pursuing the Liability, etc. of a Stock Company) of the Companies Act shall apply mutatis mutandis to an action seeking liability filed against the director of a Specific Purpose Company under the provisions of Article 117 and to an action seeking liability filed against the director of a Specific Purpose Company under the provisions of the preceding Article and Article 464 of the Companies Act as applied mutatis mutandis pursuant to the preceding paragraph. In this case, the phrase "A shareholder (excluding a Holder of Shares Less than One Unit who is unable to exercise right pursuant to the provisions of the articles of incorporation under Article 189(2)) having the shares consecutively for the preceding six months or more (or, in cases where a shorter period is prescribed in the articles of incorporation, such period or more)" in Article 847(1) of the Companies Act shall be deemed to be replaced with "A Specified Equity Member or a Preferred Equity Member who has held Preferred Equity continuously for the preceding six months or longer (if a shorter period is provided for in the articles of incorporation, such a period or longer)," the term "shareholder" in Article 847(3) to (5) inclusive and (7) of the Companies Act shall be deemed to be replaced with "Specified Equity Member or Preferred Equity Member," and any other necessary technical replacement of terms shall be specified by a Cabinet Order.  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム

6 第九十七条第三項及び会社法第七編第二章第二節(第八百四十七条第二項、第八百四十九条第二項及び第五項並びに第八百五十一条を除く。)(株式会社における責任追及等の訴え)の規定は、第三項の利益の返還を求める訴えについて準用する。この場合において、同法第八百四十七条第一項中「六箇月(これを下回る期間を定款で定めた場合にあっては、その期間)前から引き続き株式を有する株主(第百八十九条第二項の定款の定めによりその権利を行使することができない単元未満株主を除く。)」とあるのは「特定社員又は六箇月(これを下回る期間を定款で定めた場合にあっては、その期間)前から引き続き優先出資を有する優先出資社員」と、同条第三項から第五項まで及び第七項中「株主」とあるのは「特定社員又は優先出資社員」と読み替えるものとするほか、必要な技術的読替えは、政令で定める。例文帳に追加

(6) Article 97(3) of this Act and the provisions of Part VII, Chapter II, Section 2 (excluding Article 847(2), Article 849(2) and (5), and Article 851) (Action for Pursuing the Liability, etc. of a Stock Company) of the Companies Act shall apply mutatis mutandis to actions for the return of benefits under paragraph (3). In this case, the phrase "A shareholder (excluding a Holder of Shares Less than One Unit who is unable to exercise right pursuant to the provisions of the articles of incorporation under Article 189(2)) having the shares consecutively for the preceding six months or more (or, in cases where a shorter period is prescribed in the articles of incorporation, such period or more)" in Article 847(1) of the Companies Act shall be deemed to be replaced with "A Specified Equity Member or a Preferred Equity Member who has held Preferred Equity continuously for the preceding six months or longer (if a shorter period is provided for in the articles of incorporation, such a period or longer)," the term "shareholder" in Article 847(3) to (5) inclusive and (7) of the Companies Act shall be deemed to be replaced with "Specified Equity Member or Preferred Equity Member," and any other necessary technical replacement of terms shall be specified by a Cabinet Order.  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム

8 第九十七条第三項及び会社法第七編第二章第二節(第八百四十七条第二項、第八百四十九条第二項及び第五項並びに第八百五十一条を除く。)(株式会社における責任追及等の訴え)の規定は、第五項において準用する同法第二百十二条第一項の規定による支払を求める訴えについて準用する。この場合において、同法第八百四十七条第一項中「六箇月(これを下回る期間を定款で定めた場合にあっては、その期間)前から引き続き株式を有する株主(第百八十九条第二項の定款の定めによりその権利を行使することができない単元未満株主を除く。)」とあるのは「特定社員又は六箇月(これを下回る期間を定款で定めた場合にあっては、その期間)前から引き続き優先出資を有する優先出資社員」と、同条第三項から第五項まで及び第七項中「株主」とあるのは「特定社員又は優先出資社員」と読み替えるものとするほか、必要な技術的読替えは、政令で定める。例文帳に追加

(8) The provisions of Article 97(3) and the provisions of Part VII, Chapter II, Section 2 (excluding Article 847(2), Article 849(2) and (5), and Article 851) (Action for Pursing the Liability, etc. of a Stock Company) of the Companies Act shall apply mutatis mutandis to an action seeking payment under the provisions of Article 212(1) of the Companies Act as applied mutatis mutandis pursuant to paragraph (5). In this case, the phrase "shareholder (excluding a Holder of Shares Less than One Unit who is unable to exercise rights pursuant to the provisions of the articles of incorporation) having the shares consecutively for the preceding six months or more (or, in cases where a shorter period is prescribed in the articles of incorporation, such a period or more)" in Article 847(1) of the Companies Act shall be deemed to be replaced with "Specified Equity Member, or a Preferred Equity Member who has held Preferred Equity continuously for the preceding six months or longer (or, in cases where a shorter period is prescribed in the articles of incorporation, such a period or longer)," the term "shareholder" in paragraphs (3) to (5) and (7) of that Article shall be deemed to be replaced with "Specified Equity Member or Preferred Equity Member," and any other necessary technical replacement of terms shall be specified by a Cabinet Order.  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム


2 第九十七条第三項及び会社法第七編第二章第二節(第八百四十七条第二項、第八百四十九条第二項及び第五項並びに第八百五十一条を除く。)(株式会社における責任追及等の訴え)の規定は、前項において準用する同法第二百十二条第一項の規定による支払を求める訴えについて準用する。この場合において、同法第八百四十七条第一項中「六箇月(これを下回る期間を定款で定めた場合にあっては、その期間)前から引き続き株式を有する株主(第百八十九条第二項の定款の定めによりその権利を行使することができない単元未満株主を除く。)」とあるのは「特定社員又は六箇月(これを下回る期間を定款で定めた場合にあっては、その期間)前から引き続き優先出資を有する優先出資社員」と、同条第三項から第五項まで及び第七項中「株主」とあるのは「特定社員又は優先出資社員」と読み替えるものとするほか、必要な技術的読替えは、政令で定める。例文帳に追加

(2) Article 97(3) of this Act and the provisions of Part VII, Chapter II, Section 2 (excluding Article 847(2), Article 849(2), and (5) and Article 851) (Action for Pursuing the Liability, etc. of a Stock Company) of the Companies Act shall apply mutatis mutandis to an action demanding payment under Article 212(1) of the Companies Act as applied mutatis mutandis pursuant to the preceding paragraph. In this case, the phrase "A shareholder (excluding a Holder of Shares Less Than One Unit who is unable to exercise rights pursuant to the provisions of the articles of incorporation) having the shares consecutively for the preceding six months or more (or, in cases where a shorter period is prescribed in the articles of incorporation, such period or more)" in Article 847(1) of the Companies Act shall be deemed to be replaced with "A Specified Equity Member or a Preferred Equity Member who has held Preferred Equity continuously for the preceding six months (if a shorter period is provided for in the articles of incorporation, such a period)," the term "shareholder" in Article 847(3) to (5) inclusive and (7) of the Companies Act shall be deemed to be replaced with "Specified or Preferred Equity Member," and any other necessary technical replacement of terms shall be specified by a Cabinet Order.  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム


10 第九十七条第三項及び会社法第七編第二章第二節(第八百四十七条第二項、第八百四十九条第二項及び第五項並びに第八百五十一条を除く。)(株式会社における責任追及等の訴え)の規定は、第五項において準用する同法第二百十二条第一項の規定による支払を求める訴え及び第五項において準用する同法第二百十三条第一項の規定による同項に規定する取締役責任追及する訴えについて準用する。この場合において、同法第八百四十七条第一項中「六箇月(これを下回る期間を定款で定めた場合にあっては、その期間)前から引き続き株式を有する株主(第百八十九条第二項の定款の定めによりその権利を行使することができない単元未満株主を除く。)」とあるのは「特定社員又は六箇月(これを下回る期間を定款で定めた場合にあっては、その期間)前から引き続き優先出資を有する優先出資社員」と、同条第三項から第五項まで及び第七項中「株主」とあるのは「特定社員又は優先出資社員」と読み替えるものとするほか、必要な技術的読替えは、政令で定める。例文帳に追加

(10) The provisions of Article 97(3) and the provisions of Part VII, Chapter II, Section 2 (excluding Article 847(2), Article 849(2) and (5) and Article 851) (Action for Pursing the Liability, etc. of a Stock Company) of the Companies Act shall apply mutatis mutandis to an action seeking payment under the provisions of Article 212(1) of the Companies Act as applied mutatis mutandis pursuant to paragraph (5), and to an action for pursuing, under the provisions of Article 213(1) of the Companies Act as applied mutatis mutandis pursuant to paragraph (5), the liability of directors, etc. defined in Article 213(1) of the Companies Act. In this case, the phrase "shareholder (excluding a Holder of Shares Less than One Unit who is unable to exercise rights pursuant to the provisions of the articles of incorporation) having the shares consecutively for the preceding six months or more (or, in cases where a shorter period is prescribed in the articles of incorporation, such a period or more)" in Article 847(1) of the Companies Act shall be deemed to be replaced with "Specified Equity Member, or a Preferred Equity Member who has held Preferred Equity continuously for the preceding six months or longer (or, in cases where a shorter period is prescribed in the articles of incorporation, such a period or longer)," the term "shareholder" in paragraphs (3) to (5) inclusive and (7) of that Article shall be deemed to be replaced with "Specified Equity Member or Preferred Equity Member," and any other necessary technical replacement of terms shall be specified by a Cabinet Order.  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム

第九十六条の四 会社法第二百七条(金銭以外の財産の出資)、第二百十二条(第一項第一号を除く。)(不公正な払込金額で株式を引き受けた者責任)、第二百十三条(第一項第一号及び第三号を除く。)(出資された財産の価額が不足する場合の取締役責任)、第八百六十八条第一項(非訟事件の管轄)、第八百七十条(第二号及び第七号に係る部分に限る。)(陳述の聴取)、第八百七十一条(理由の付記)、第八百七十二条(第四号に係る部分に限る。)(即時抗告)、第八百七十四条(第一号に係る部分に限る。)(不服申立ての制限)、第八百七十五条(非訟事件手続法の規定の適用除外)及び第八百七十六条(最高裁判所規則)の規定は第九十二条第三号に掲げる事項を定めた場合について、同法第七編第二章第二節(株式会社における責任追及等の訴え)の規定はこの条において準用する同法第二百十二条(第一項第一号を除く。)の規定による支払を求める訴えについて、それぞれ準用する。この場合において、同法第二百七条第十項第一号中「取締役」とあるのは「保険業法第八十六条第一項に規定する組織変更をする相互会社の取締役」と、同法第二百十二条第一項第二号中「第二百九条」とあるのは「保険業法第九十六条の二」と、「第百九十九条第一項第三号」とあるのは「同法第九十二条第三号」と、同条第二項中「第百九十九条第一項第三号」とあるのは「保険業法第九十二条第三号」と、「申込み又は第二百五条の契約」とあるのは「申込み」と、同法第八百四十七条第一項中「株式を有する株主」とあるのは「株式を有する株主(組織変更の効力発生日から六箇月(これを下回る期間を定款で定めた場合にあっては、その期間。以下この項において同じ。)を経過していないときは、六箇月前から当該組織変更の効力発生日まで引き続いて社員であった者であって、当該組織変更の効力発生日から引き続いて株式を有する株主)」と読み替えるものとするほか、必要な技術的読替えは、政令で定める。例文帳に追加

Article 96-4 The provisions of Article 207 (Contribution of Property Other than Monies), Article 212 (excluding paragraph (1), item (i)) (Liabilities of Persons Who Subscribed for Shares with Unfair Amount to Be Paid in), Article 213 (excluding paragraph (1), items (i) and (iii)) (Liabilities of Directors in Case of Shortfall in Value of Property contributed), Article 868, paragraph (1) (Jurisdiction of Non-Contentious Cases), Article 870 (limited to the segment pertaining to items (ii) and (vii)) (Hearing of Statements), Article 871 (Supplementary Note of Reasons), Article 872 (limited to the segment pertaining to item (iv)) (Immediate Appeal Against Ruling), Article 874 (limited to the segment pertaining to item (i)) (Restrictions on Appeal), Article 875 (Exclusion from Application of Provisions of Act on Procedures for Non-Contentious Cases) and Article 876 (Supreme Court Rules) of the Companies Act shall apply mutatis mutandis to any stipulation for the matters listed in Article 92, item (iii); and the provisions of Part VII, Chapter II, Section 2 (Lawsuit for Accountability, etc. in Stock Company) of that Act shall apply mutatis mutandis to a lawsuit for payment under Article 212 (excluding paragraph (1), item (i)) of that Act as applied mutatis mutandis pursuant to this Article. In this case, the term "director" in Article 207, paragraph (10), item (i) of that Act shall be deemed to be replaced with "director of the converting Mutual Company set forth in Article 86, paragraph (1) of the Insurance Business Act"; the terms "Article 209" and "Article 199, paragraph (1), item (iii)" in Article 207, paragraph (2) shall be deemed to be replaced with "Article 96-2 of the Insurance Business Act" and "Article 92, item (iii) of that Act," respectively; the terms "Article 199, paragraph (1), item (iii)" and "application for subscription for shares for subscription or his/her manifestation of intention relating to the contract provided for in Article 205" in Article 212, paragraph (2) of that Act shall be deemed to be replaced with "Article 92, item (iii) of the Insurance Business Act" and "application," respectively; and the term "shareholders having the shares" in Article 847, paragraph (1) of that Act shall be deemed to be replaced with "shareholders having the shares (or, where six months (or any shorter period prescribed by the articles of incorporation; hereinafter the same shall apply in this paragraph) have not lapsed since the Effective Date of an Entity Conversion, persons who had been members from six months prior until the Effective Date of the Entity Conversion and have been holding the shares without interruption since the Effective Date of the Entity Conversion)"; any other necessary technical change in interpretation shall be specified by a Cabinet Order.  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム


第六十九条 組合の解散及び清算については、会社法第四百七十五条(第一号及び第三号を除く。)、第四百七十六条、第四百七十八条第二項及び第四項、第四百七十九条第一項及び第二項(各号列記以外の部分に限る。)、第四百八十一条、第四百八十三条第四項及び第五項、第四百八十四条、第四百八十五条、第四百八十九条第四項及び第五項、第四百九十二条第一項から第三項まで、第四百九十九条から第五百三条まで、第五百七条(株式会社の清算)、第八百六十八条第一項、第八百六十九条、第八百七十条(第二号及び第三号に係る部分に限る。)、第八百七十一条、第八百七十二条(第四号に係る部分に限る。)、第八百七十四条(第一号及び第四号に係る部分に限る。)、第八百七十五条並びに第八百七十六条(非訟)並びに非訟事件手続法(明治三十一年法律第十四号)第四十条(検査をすべき者の選任の裁判)の規定を、組合の清算人については、第三十五条の三、第三十五条の四、第三十六条の二、第三十六条の三第一項及び第二項、第三十六条の五から第三十八条の四まで(第三十六条の七第四項を除く。)、第四十条(第一項、第十一項及び第十三項を除く。)、第四十七条第二項から第四項まで、第四十八条並びに第五十三条の二並びに会社法第三百五十七条第一項、同法第三百六十条第三項の規定により読み替えて適用する同条第一項並びに同法第三百六十一条、第三百八十一条第二項、第三百八十二条、第三百八十三条第一項本文、第二項及び第三項、第三百八十四条から第三百八十六条まで並びに第五百八条の規定を、組合の清算人の責任追及する訴えについては、同法第七編第二章第二節(第八百四十七条第二項、第八百四十九条第二項第二号及び第五項並びに第八百五十一条を除き、監査権限限定組合にあつては、監査役に係る部分を除く。)(株式会社における責任追及等の訴え)の規定を、監査権限限定組合の清算人については、同法第三百五十三条、第三百六十条第一項及び第三百六十四条の規定を準用する。この場合において、第四十条第二項中「財産目録、貸借対照表、損益計算書、剰余金処分案又は損失処理案」とあるのは「財産目録、貸借対照表」と、「事業報告書」とあるのは「事務報告書」と、同条第三項、第五項から第十項まで並びに第十二項第一号及び第三号中「事業報告書」とあるのは「事務報告書」と、同法第三百八十二条中「取締役(取締役会設置会社にあっては、取締役会)」とあるのは「清算人会」と、同法第四百七十九条第二項各号列記以外の部分中「次に掲げる株主」とあるのは「総組合員の五分の一以上の同意を得た組合員」と、同法第三百八十四条、第四百九十二条第一項、第五百七条第一項並びに第八百四十七条第一項及び第四項中「法務省令」とあるのは「主務省令」と、同法第四百九十九条第一項中「官報に公告し」とあるのは「公告し」と読み替えるものとするほか、必要な技術的読替えは、政令で定める。例文帳に追加

Article 69 (1) With regard to the dissolution and liquidation of a cooperative, the provisions of Article 475 (excluding item (i) and item (iii)), Article 476, Article 478, paragraph (2) and paragraph (4), Article 479, paragraph (1) and paragraph (2) (limited to the portions other than those listed in the respective items), Article 481, Article 483, paragraph (4) and paragraph (5), Article 484, Article 485, Article 489, paragraph (4) and paragraph (5), Article 492, paragraphs (1) to (3), Articles 499 to 503, Article 507 (Liquidation of a Stock Company), Article 868, paragraph (1), Article 869, Article 870 (limited to the portions pertaining to item (ii) and item (iii)), Article 871, Article 872 (limited to the portions pertaining to item (iv)), Article 874 (limited to the portions pertaining to item (i) and item (iv)), Article 875, and Article 876 (Non-Contentious Cases) of the Companies Act and Article 40 (Judicial Decision for Appointment of a Person to Conduct Inspections) of the Non-Contentious Cases Procedure Act (Act No. 14 of 1898) shall apply mutatis mutandis; with regard to a liquidator of a cooperative, the provisions of Article 35-3, Article 35-4, Article 36-2, Article 36-3, paragraph (1) and paragraph (2), Articles 36-5 to 38-4 (excluding Article 36-7, paragraph (4)), Article 40 (excluding paragraph (1), paragraph (11), and paragraph (13)), Article 47, paragraphs (2) to (4), Article 48, and Article 53-2 of this Act, the provisions of Article 357, paragraph (1) of the Companies Act, paragraph (1) of the same Article as applied mutatis mutandis by replacing the terms pursuant to the provisions of Article 360, paragraph (3) of the same Act, and the provisions of Article 361, Article 381, paragraph (2), Article 382, the main clause of Article 383, paragraph (1), Article 383, paragraph (2) and paragraph (3), Articles 384 to 386, and Article 508 of the Companies Act shall apply mutatis mutandis; with regard to an action to pursue the liability of a liquidator of a cooperative, the provisions of Part 7, Chapter II, Section 2 (excluding Article 847, paragraph (2), Article 849, paragraph (2), item (ii) and paragraph (5), and Article 851, and excluding the portions pertaining to the company auditors in the case of a cooperative limiting the audit authority)(Action to Pursue the Liability, etc. of a Stock Company) of the same Act shall apply mutatis mutandis; and with regard to a liquidator of a cooperative limiting the audit authority, the provisions of Article 353, Article 360, paragraph (1) and Article 364 of the same Act shall apply mutatis mutandis. In this case, the phrase "an inventory of property, a balance sheet, a profit and loss statement, and a plan for the appropriation of surplus or a plan for the disposal of losses" in Article 40, paragraph (2) shall be deemed to be replaced with "an inventory of property and a balance sheet," the term "a business report" in the same paragraph shall be deemed to be replaced with "an affairs written report," the term "business report" in paragraph (3), paragraphs (5) to (10), and paragraph (12), item (i) and item (iii) of the same Article shall be deemed to be replaced with "affairs written report," the term "the directors (or, for a Company with Board of Directors, to the board of directors)" in Article 382 of the Companies Act shall be deemed to be replaced with "the board of liquidators," the term "the following shareholders" in the portions of Article 479, paragraph (2) of the Companies Act other than those listed in the respective items shall be deemed to be "a member who has obtained the consent of or more one-fifth of all partner," the term "Ordinance of the Ministry of Justice" in Article 384, Article 492, paragraph (1), Article 507, paragraph (1), and Article 847, paragraph (1) and paragraph (4) of the same Act shall be deemed to be "ordinance of the competent ministry," the phrase "give public notice in the official gazette" in Article 499, paragraph (1) of the same Act shall be deemed to be replaced with "give public notice," and any other necessary technical replacement of terms shall be specified by a Cabinet Order.  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム


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