
「次に何をすべきでしょうか」に関連した英語例文の一覧と使い方 - Weblio英語例文検索





Weblio 辞書 > 英和辞典・和英辞典 > 次に何をすべきでしょうかに関連した英語例文






該当件数 : 5



In considering what order, if any, should be made under section 128, the Court must consider whether other remedies available in proceedings for counterfeiting or falsely using a registered trade mark would be adequate to compensate, or protect the interests of, the owner of the registered trade mark; and the need to ensure that no infringing goods are disposed of in a manner that would adversely affect the owner of the registered trade mark. - 特許庁

第110条に基づいて出す命令がある場合に,如なる命令を出すべきであるかを検討すると きは,裁判所は,次に掲げる事項を考慮しなければならない。登録商標を使用する排他権の侵害に関して適用可能な他の救済措置が,次に掲げる者に対して補償し又はその利益を保護する上で適切であるか否かということ登録商標の所有者登録商標について使用権者がいる場合は,その使用権者,及び侵害物品,侵害素材又は侵害物体が次に掲げる者に悪影響を及ぼす方法で処分されないようにすることの必要性登録商標の所有者登録商標について使用権者がいる場合は,その使用権者例文帳に追加

In considering what order, if any, should be made under section 110, the Court must consider whether other remedies available for infringement of the exclusive right to use the registered trade mark would be adequate to compensate, or protect the interests of, the owner of the registered trade mark: the licensee (if any) of the registered trade mark; and the need to ensure that no infringing goods, infringing material, or infringing object is disposed of in a manner that would adversely affect the owner of the registered trade mark: the licensee (if any) of the registered trade mark. - 特許庁

(2) 当該規則においては,(1)の一般原則を害することなく,特に,次に掲げる事項の全部又は一部について定めることができる。 (a) 書類の送達を含む本法律に基づく手続(裁判所における手続又はそれに関連する事項を除く。)を規制すること (b) 商標の登録に関する商品又はサービスを分類すること (c) 商標又はその他の書類を複製し又はそれらの複製を要求すること (d) 大臣が適当と認める方法で商標又はその他の書類の写しを公開し,かつ販売又は配布すること及びそれらを規制すること (e) 本法の適用上必要とされる事項又は事柄に関して納付すべき手数料を定めること[法律A881による置換] (ea) 代理人の登録及び資格を規制すること[法律A881による挿入] (f) 本法に明示的に規定されているか否かを問わず,ただし,本法のれの規定にも違反しないように,各商標局において実行される商標業務に関する事項を一般的に規制すること例文帳に追加

(2) In particular and without prejudice to the generality of subsection (1), such regulations may provide for all or any of the following: (a) to regulate the practice (other than that relating to proceedings before the Court or connected therewith) under this Act including service of documents; (b) to classify goods or services for the purpose of registration of trade marks; (c) to make or require duplication of trade marks or other documents; (d) to secure and regulate the publishing and selling or distributing in such manner as the Minister may think fit of copies of trade marks and other documents; (e) to prescribe the fees to be paid in respect of any matter or thing required for the purposes of this Act; [Subs. Act A881] (ea) to provide for the registration and qualifications of agents; [Ins. Act A881] (f) to regulate generally on matters pertaining to the business of trade marks carried on in any trade marks office whether or not specially prescribed under this Act but so as not to be inconsistent with any of the provisions of this Act. - 特許庁


(1) Where it is proposed that a person should be registered as a registered user of a trademark, the registered proprietor and the proposed registered users shall jointly apply in writing to the registrar in the prescribed manner, and every such application shall be accompanied by- (a) the agreement in writing or a duly authenticated copy thereof, entered into between the registered proprietor and the proposed registered user with respect to the permitted use of the trademark; and (b) an affidavit made by the registered proprietor or by some person authorized to Act on his behalf, which shall include- (i) particulars of the relationship, existing or proposed, between the proprietor and the proposed registered user, including particulars showing the degree of control by the proprietor over the permitted use which their relationship will confer; (ii) whether it is a term of their relationship that the proposed registered user shall be the sole registered user or that there shall be any other restriction as to persons for whose registrations as Registered user application may be made; (iii) stating the goods or services in respect of which registration is proposed; (iv) stating the conditions or restrictions, if any, proposed with respect to the characteristics of the goods or services, as the case may be, to the mode or place of permitted use, or to any other matter; (v) stating whether the permitted use is to be for a period, or without limit of period, and, if for a period, the duration thereof; and (c) such further documents, information or other evidence as may be required by the Registrar or as may be prescribed.  - 特許庁



(1) Without prejudice to the provision of section 51 of this Act. the registration of a person as a registered user- (a) may be varied by Registrar as regards the goods or services in respect of which, or any conditions or restrictions subject to which, if has effect, on the application in writing in the prescribed manner of the registered proprietor of the trademark; (b) may be cancelled by the Registrar on the application in writing in the prescribed manner of the registered proprietor or of the registered user or of any other registered user of the trademark; (c) may be cancelled by the Registrar on the application in writing in the prescribed manner of any person on any of the following grounds, namely :- (i) that the Registered user has used the trademark otherwise than by way of the permitted use, or in such a way as to cause or to be likely to cause, deception or confusion; (ii) that the proprietor or the Registered user misrepresented, or failed to disclose, some fact material to the application for the registration, which if accurately represented or disclosed would have justified the refusal of the application for registration of the Registered user; (iii) that the registration ought not to have been effected having regard to rights vested in the applicant by virtue of a contract in the performance of which he is interested; (iv) that the circumstances have changed since the date of registration in such a way that at the date of such application for cancellation they would have justified the refusal of an application for registration of the registered user; (d) may be cancelled by the Registrar in respect of any goods or services, as the case may be, in relation to which the trademark is no longer Registered; (e) may be cancelled by the Registrar of his own motion or on the application in writing in the prescribed manner of any person, on the ground that any stipulation in the agreement between the Registered proprietor and the registered user regarding the quality of the goods or services in relation to which the trademark is to be used is either no being enforced or is not being complied with.  - 特許庁


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