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該当件数 : 18



(Response to environmental constraints: [ii] Efficiency enhancement through reorganization of logistics systems) - 経済産業省

③ 企業の事業再構築や産業再編のための環境整備例文帳に追加

[3] Business restructuring and environmental improvement for industrial reorganization - 厚生労働省


Recently its industrial structure has been transforming as in corporate reorganizations following the integration of the EU and other changes in the market environment. - 経済産業省


To provide a device which can reedit a coded audio signal into a new one in which difference between a sound pick-up environment and a sound reproducing environment of the coded audio signal is compensated. - 特許庁



In the information server 4 receiving the information with which the environment of the user can be specified, the contents of the contents information are reorganized and supplied through the connecting server 1 to the user terminal 2. - 特許庁



To provide an information server providing a user's terminal with information recompiled according to environment where a user requesting information is placed and to provide a recording medium recorded with its program. - 特許庁


Amid this changing business environment, Japanese companies which have expanded into East Asia are working to reorganize and improve the efficiency of business networks to align with their own business strategies. - 経済産業省


Japan has implemented system reforms for company reorganizations, from the aspect of providing wider options for company management which rapidly and flexibly responds to changes in the economic environment. - 経済産業省


Further, in recent years, the necessity of primary business role and constitutional strengthening of the wholesaler who is responsible for the drug distribution is strongly required, and the market reorganization has been done due to environmental changes for the recent drug wholesaling. - 厚生労働省



When a stream for coding two or more channel signal sequences includes information for controlling a sound field called spatial sound information or auditory sound information, the editing device rewrites the parameter and reedits it into a new coded audio signal in which difference between a sound pick-up environment and a sound reproducing environment of the stream is compensated. - 特許庁



As for taxation, in light of the change in the management environment surrounding Japanese corporations, we have improved taxation on corporate reorganization. In addition, in order to promote economic recovery, we have introduced a new system for tax credits for housing loans and will extend the period of taxation for the promotion of investments in small and medium-sized enterprises. - 財務省


To provide an information distributing system by which information provided by an information server located on a computer network is reorganized and provided to a user terminal corresponding to the environment of a user requesting the information. - 特許庁

実際に、現地法人の解散、撤退・移転等に取り組む理由として、組織再編、経営資源の見直し等に伴う拠点統廃合を挙げる企業割合は高く、こうした行為を柔軟かつ迅速に行えるような環境整備がEPA / FTAを通じて更に進むことが期待される(第2-2-31 図)。例文帳に追加

When companies were asked why they were taking steps to disband, withdraw, or transfer their local corporations, many pointed to the integration of bases accompanying reorganization and review of business resources. The development of an environment in which such measures can be implemented swiftly and flexibly is expected to advance through EPA/FTA. (Figure 2-2-31). - 経済産業省


18. There has been no perfect model for a successful introduction of domestic regulations and a competitive environment for the energy services sector. On the contrary, every country is progressing with regulatory reform and business reorganization in the energy market on a trial and error basis.  - 経済産業省


With regard to the promotion and change of key industries, the report listed as targets promoting companiesresearch and development into new products and energy conservation, breaking up industrial monopolies through the promotion of corporate reorganization and mergers, and the improvement of product quality. With relation to the strategic fostering of emerging industries, the report indicated policies to bolster the development of new energy sources, new materials, energy and environmental conservation, biotechnology, health care, information networks and leading-edge manufacturing. - 経済産業省


On Friday, January 16, Citigroup of the United States announced the financial results for the fourth quarter of 2008, namely the October-December period, bringing forward the announcement date from January 22, and, at the same time, unveiled a business restructuring plan that featured the split-up of the group into Citicorp, which engages in core businesses such as commercial and investment banking, and Citi Holdings, which engages in non-core businesses, in light of the current economic and market environments, as I understand it.  - 金融庁


In addition to these investment promotion measures, the investment environment for FDI into Japan is gradually being developed and improved through measures such as: (i) progress being made on various deregulations which had been barriers to entry until now; (ii) development of laws that contribute to the facilitation of business restructuring, such as amendments to the Commercial Code; (iii) improved transparency incorporate management by introducing consolidated and current value accounting systems; and (iv)cutting costs incurred by advancing into the Japanese market by the decline in land prices and office rents and reduction of corporate tax. - 経済産業省



Secondly, in order to raise Japan’s international competitiveness, it is necessary to strengthen the foundations of the SMEs that support manufacturing’s technological base (supporting industries). SMEs that do not themselves establish operations overseas also urgently need to respond to the changed domestic environment due, for example, to the influx of cheap foreign products, decline in orders due to customers moving operations offshore, and the restructuring of business networks within Japan.  - 経済産業省


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