
「西部」に関連した英語例文の一覧と使い方(30ページ目) - Weblio英語例文検索










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Located near the center of the former Kuse-gun in the southwestern part of Uji City, with Joyo City and Kumiyama-cho of Kuse-gun also at walking distance, JR West Nara Line and Kintetsu Kyoto Line tracks come close together and then sharply separate in an X configuration near Okubo Station; a network of routed buses is available at the bus terminal, a number of rental car dealers have established offices nearby and, as the junction of the southern regions of Kyoto Prefecture (population approximately 600,000) and an economic center, further improvements and development of the neighborhood can be anticipated in the days to come.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


Originally the shortest route between Tsuruga and Kyoto was by way of the Kosei Line, but the direct line going through Tsuruga was not set up and instead the direct line going through the Maizuru Line and the Sanin Main Line was set up, because it met the coming and going from Kyoto, Osaka region to the west of Wakasa region and it also undertook the local transportation on the Obama Line (for example, we can raise the local trains directly linking Tsuruga with Fukuchiyama or the express train 'Tango' and so on, whose departure and arrival was in Kyoto and which ran as a local train eastward from Higashi-Maizuru, that is, on the Obama Line).  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


When I served as the Minister for Posts and Telecommunications 12 years ago, I studied a bit on independent administrative commissions to deal with postal services and telecommunications under Plan 1 submitted by then-Prime Minister Ryutaro Hashimoto. My knowledge may be limited by the books I have read, but historically, you see those badge-wearing sheriffs in western towns in the United States. This is a reflection of extremely strong law enforcement.  - 金融庁


China may be broadly developed into four regions in which heavy concentrations of industry have formed: 1) the Bohai Sea Rim Economic Zone around the northeast and north (including, for example, Beijing, Dalian, and Tianjin); 2) the Yangtze River Delta Economic Zone around the east of the country (including Shanghai, Suzhou, and Hangzhou); 3) the Zhujiang (Pearl) River Delta Economic Zone around the south (including Guangzhou and Shenzhen); and 4) the emerging Central West Economic Zone around Chongqing and Sichuan (Fig. 2-2-7).  - 経済産業省



Upon the construction of the Transcontinental Railroad, two private companies came forward to build the Transcontinental Railroad. As we are talking about the United States here, they engaged in cut-throat price competition. This resulted in the bankruptcy of one of the companies. As train fares increased subsequently due to the adverse effects of monopoly, a riot broke out among farmers in Chicago, in Illinois, one of the Midwestern states where agriculture is a prominent industry. Farmers had to sell their produce in the cities, but the train fares had become higher and higher. This caused a mass riot. As you know, executive power is weaker in the United States than in Japan.  - 金融庁


一 ウイルス(ワクチンを除く。)であって、アフリカ馬疫ウイルス、アフリカ豚コレラウイルス、エボラウイルス、黄熱ウイルス、オーエスキー病ウイルス、オムスク出血熱ウイルス、オロポーチウイルス、キャサヌール森林病ウイルス、牛疫ウイルス、狂犬病ウイルス、クリミアーコンゴ出血熱ウイルス、口蹄疫ウイルス、サル痘ウイルス、小反芻獣疫ウイルス、水胞性口炎ウイルス、西部ウマ脳炎ウイルス、セントルイス脳炎ウイルス、ダニ媒介性脳炎ウイルス、チクングニヤウイルス、跳躍病ウイルス、テッシェン病ウイルス、デング熱ウイルス、痘瘡ウイルス、東部ウマ脳炎ウイルス、トリインフルエンザウイルス(H五又はH七のH抗原を有するものに限る。)、豚コレラウイルス、ニパウイルス、日本脳炎ウイルス、ニューカッスル病ウイルス、肺及び腎症候性出血熱ウイルス、ハンターンウイルス、ブタエンテロウイルス九型、フニンウイルス、ブルータングウイルス、ベネズエラウマ脳炎ウイルス、ヘンドラウイルス、ポテト・アンデアン・ラテント・チモウイルス、ポテト・スピンドル・チュバー・ウィロイド、ホワイトポックスウイルス、ポワッサンウイルス、マチュポウイルス、マールブルグウイルス、マレー渓谷脳炎ウイルス、南アメリカ出血熱、ヤギ痘ウイルス、羊痘ウイルス、ラッサ熱ウイルス、ランピースキン病ウイルス、リフトバレー熱ウイルス、リンパ球性脈絡髄膜炎ウイルス又はロシオウイルス例文帳に追加

(i) Viruses (excluding vaccines): the African horse sickness virus, the African swine fever virus, the Ebola virus, the yellow fever virus, Aujeszky's disease virus, the Omsk hemorrhagic fever virus, the Oropouche virus, the Kyasanur Forest disease virus, the cattle plague virus, the rabies virus, the Crimean-Congo hemorrhagic fever virus, the foot-and-mouth disease virus, the monkeypox virus, the peste des petits ruminants virus, the vesicular stomatitis virus, the western equine encephalitis virus, the Saint Louis encephalitis virus, the tick-borne encephalitis virus, the Chikungunya virus, the louping ill virus, the Teschen disease virus, the dengue fever virus, the smallpox virus, the eastern equine encephalitis virus, the avian influenza virus (limited to those having the H5 or H7 H antigen), the swine fever virus, the Nipah virus, the Japanese encephalitis virus, the Newcastle disease virus, the hemorrhagic fever virus with pulmonary and renal syndromes, the Hantaan virus, porcine enterovirus type 9, the Junin virus, the blue tongue virus, the Venezuelan equine encephalitis virus, the Hendra virus, the potato Andean latent tymovirus, the potato spindle tuber viroid, the white pox virus, the Powassan virus, the Machupo virus, the Marburg virus, the Murray Valley encephalitis virus, the South American hemorrhagic fever, the goat pox virus, the sheep pox virus, the Lassa fever virus, the lumpy skin disease virus, the Rift Valley fever virus, the lymphocytic choriomeningitis virus, or the Rocio virus  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム


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