
「関する新聞の報道」に関連した英語例文の一覧と使い方 - Weblio英語例文検索





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…に関する新聞[テレビ, ラジオ]の報道.例文帳に追加

a press [TV, radio] report on  - 研究社 新英和中辞典


The amount of coverage given to Japan in American newspapers has increased of late.  - 研究社 新和英中辞典


Newspaper companies made a vigorous protest against a series of suppression of free speech by the Terauchi Cabinet and it gradually developed into the movement about freedom of press.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


In contrast, the government insisted that the movements were spread since newspaper had reported them exaggeratedly, so they shut down "Takaoka Shinpo" (newspaper) on August 7 and issued an injunction against articles about the rice riots to media organizations on August 14.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


第十一条 気象庁は、気象、地象、地動、地球磁気、地球電気及び水象の観測の成果並びに気象、地象及び水象に関する情報を直ちに発表することが公衆の利便を増進すると認めるときは、放送機関、新聞社、通信社その他の報道機関(以下単に「報道機関」という。)の協力を求めて、直ちにこれを発表し、公衆に周知させるように努めなければならない。例文帳に追加

Article 11 When the Japan Meteorological Agency finds that immediate announcement of the results of observations of meteorological phenomena, terrestrial phenomena, tremors and ground deformations, terrestrial magnetism, terrestrial electricity, and hydrological phenomena, and information on meteorological phenomena, terrestrial phenomena, and hydrological phenomena will be in the public interest, it shall endeavor to immediately announce such results or information and make them publicly known by seeking cooperation from broadcasting institutions, newspaper publishers, communication agencies, and other mass media (hereinafter simply referred to as "mass media").  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム



A person (the "Defendant") repeatedly created links to some newspaper articles containing major commercial headlines without the permission of the newspaper company. Then, he posted illegal copies of such newspaper articles and an index thereto on his website. Furthermore, the Defendant not only converted them for personal use but also distributed the newspaper articles indexed via a link to 20,000 registered users of his website so that they can access it on the website. In a suit seeking compensation for damages against the Defendant, the court admitted the claim on the ground that the Defendant illegally competed with the newspaper company in a socially unacceptable manner (Yomiuri on-line case, judgment of High Court (Intellectual Properties Division), October 6, 2005).  - 経済産業省

第二百六十条 第七十一条の規定は海上保安留置業務管理者による新聞紙に関する制限について、第七十二条第一項の規定は海上保安留置業務管理者による時事の報道に接する機会の付与について、それぞれ準用する。この場合において、第七十一条中「法務省令」とあるのは「国土交通省令」と、同条及び第七十二条第一項中「被収容者」とあるのは「海上保安被留置者」と、第七十一条中「刑事施設の管理運営」とあるのは「海上保安留置施設の管理運営」と読み替えるものとする。例文帳に追加

Article 260 The provision of Article 71 and the provision of paragraph (1) of Article 72 shall apply mutatis mutandis to the restrictions on the newspapers by the coast guard detention services manager and the measures such as the provision of opportunity to access to news report on current affairs by the coast guard detention services manager respectively. In this case, the term "Ministry of Justice Ordinance" in Article 71 shall be read as "Ordinance of the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport, and Tourism" ; the term "inmates" in said Article and paragraph (1) of Article 72 shall be read as "coast guard detainees" ; and the phrase "management and administration of the penal institution" in Article 71 shall be read as "management and administration of the coast guard detention facility".  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム


第二百九条 第七十一条の規定は留置業務管理者による新聞紙に関する制限について、第七十二条の規定は留置業務管理者による時事の報道に接する機会の付与等の措置について、それぞれ準用する。この場合において、第七十一条中「法務省令」とあるのは「内閣府令」と、同条及び第七十二条第一項中「被収容者」とあるのは「被留置者」と、第七十一条中「刑事施設の管理運営」とあるのは「留置施設の管理運営」と、第七十二条第二項中「第三十九条第二項」とあるのは「第百八十五条」と、「刑事施設に」とあるのは「留置施設に」と読み替えるものとする。例文帳に追加

Article 209 The provision of Article 71 and the provision of Article 72 shall apply mutatis mutandis to the restrictions on the newspapers by the detention services manager and the measures such as the provision of opportunity to access to news report on current affairs by the detention services manager respectively. In this case, the term "Ministry of Justice Ordinance" in Article 71 shall be read as "Cabinet Office Ordinance" ; the term "inmates" in said Article and paragraph (1) of Article 72 shall be read as "detainees" ; the phrase "management and administration of the penal institution" in Article 71 shall be read as "management and administration of the detention facility" ; and the phrases "paragraph (2) of Article 39" and "in the penal institution" in paragraph (2) of Article 72 shall be read as "Article 185" and "in the detention facility" respectively.  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム


研究社 新和英中辞典
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研究社 新英和中辞典
Copyright (c) 1995-2024 Kenkyusha Co., Ltd. All rights reserved.
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