該当件数 : 15件
To provide a tool for capturing rats having a simple structure, capable of surely capturing the rats and further vertically mountable on a column, a wall, or the like, and an apparatus for capturing the rats capable of remarkably enhancing the capturing efficiency of the rats by forming forced passages where the rats unavoidably pass. - 特許庁
The apparatus for capturing the rats comprises fences C for forming forced passages 40 for the rats and the tools A for capturing the rats placed in the forced passages 40 formed of the fences C. - 特許庁
A right inguinal region cooling/warming body housing part first attachment belt 50 and a right inguinal region cooling/warming body housing part second attachment belt 52 are mounted to the right inguinal part cooling/warming body housing part 40 of the right inguinal region cooling/warming body mounting body 14. - 特許庁
The objective belt is obtained by attaching the metal fittings for angling the belt to the belt in the vicinity of the pelvis so that one belt may pass around the low back, the pelvis and inguinal region and rubber plates are attached so that the upper part of the pubic bone and the right and left inguinal regions are suitably pressed. - 特許庁
To provide a shorts-type disposable diaper, eliminating the need of separately preparing a wipe-off article, not only simplifying replacement work, but also keeping a dirty part out of the body surface, and facilitating wiping off a part requiring careful work such as groin, gluteal fold and periphery of genitals. - 特許庁
The Raigo's curse did not end with the killing of the prince, but he was transfigured to a giant rat like a bull which had a stone body and iron fangs. - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
To provide an effective method for mounting a pierced earring type IC sensor for individual control in verification of chemical hazard by using small animals such as rats, etc. - 特許庁
To provide a rat stopper which has air permeability, does not need periodic check and exchange, has excellent durability, does not have a taste and a smell, does not affect people, pets, and so on, with electromagnetic waves, or the like, and semi-permanently retain the rat damage-preventing effect. - 特許庁
To improve the easiness in using an absorbent article and the flexibility of an absorber in a sub part by attaching the absorber as the sub part to a main part of the absorbent article formed to cover the crotch of a wearer from the abdominal side to the back side when the user wears the absorbent article; and to improve the capability of preventing leakage from a groin area, or the like of the main part. - 特許庁
Therefore, the entry of an animal such as a rat or the like from the outside can be prevented by providing the lid member 43 and, if the lid member 43 is detached to be used as a grain inspecting tray (carton), it can be easily confirmed and inspected whether dehulling treatment is properly executed. - 特許庁
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