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The history book is written about events and consists of the 397 volumes with 226 books, and the first seventy three volumes are honki (about the emperors), next 170 volumes are retsuden (retsuden describes empresses, prince and princesses and courts chronologically while it is sometimes classified as gyakushinden or koshiden) and the last 154 volumes are shi and hyo (five catalogues). 例文帳に追加

紀伝体の史書で、本紀(帝王)73巻、列伝(后妃・皇子・皇女を最初に置き、群臣はほぼ年代順に配列、時に逆臣伝・孝子伝といった分類も見られる)170巻、志・表154巻、全397巻226冊(目録5巻)。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

They conducted inspections at Nagaoka-shuku Station holding a sign which said "Dainihon shidai shiko kusunoki-kou shokon hyo" and tried to stop the chokusho to be brought in Edo. 例文帳に追加

彼等は「大日本至大至忠楠公招魂表」と書かれた札を立てて長岡宿での検問を実施、江戸への勅書搬入を阻止しようとしたのである。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

The ringleader Ok-gyun KIM announced that Jae-won Lee, one of the Heungseon Daewongun's relatives, would be appointed to be the 'supreme leader' as the prime minister, Yong-hyo PAK to be the deputy prime minister, and himself to be the minister of finance. 例文帳に追加

そして首謀者の金玉均は、首相にあたる「領議政」に大院君の親戚の一人の李載元、副首相に朴泳孝、自らを大蔵大臣のポストに置く事を表明した。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

In response to that, the bakufu decided to release 1,500 hyo (bales) of rice to the Kyoto citizen and to overlook the violation of the regulations as the act by the Emperor and the Kanpaku could be considered justifiable due to the serious situation. 例文帳に追加

これに対して幕府は米1,500俵を京都市民への放出を決定、法度違反に関しては事態の深刻さから天皇や関白が行動を起こしたのももっともな事であるとして不問とした。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


In "Theme and Variation of Etenraku in Banshikicho Mode for Piano and Orchestra" arranged by Yoritsune MATSUDAIRA (in 1951), the melody line of Etenraku was used in Banshikicho mode which is different from "Hyo-jo" (a basic mode) while attempts for fusion with dodecaphony, Twelve-tone technique and with boogie-woogie are observed. 例文帳に追加

松平頼則作曲の『盤渉調越天楽の主題によるピアノと管弦楽のための主題と変奏』(1951年)は平調とは異なる盤渉調の越天楽のメロディを採用しつつ十二音技法やブギウギとの融合も試みられている。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


On the other hand, it seems that the mass media and entertainers say '"u chimasho (not "uchima hyo," the beginning part is made long) or "shi memasho" don, don, "mohitotsu se ei" don, don, "iwo te sando" dodon ga don,' but these should be treated as something that are different from the danjiri teuchi. 例文帳に追加

一方で、マスコミや芸人は、「『打ーちましょう(『打ちまーひょ』とせず、最初を伸ばす)または『締ーめましょ』ドンドン、『も一つせぇい』ドンドン、『祝ぉて三度』ドドンがドン」としているようだが、こちらは地車の手打ちとは別物として扱うべきであろう。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

In regions that have construction craftsmen, tatemae and muneage mean a series of processes for scaffolding men to construct the framework by reviewing a banzuke hyo (a kind of the construction procedure manual) made by the head carpenter and to place a ridgepole on the top. 例文帳に追加

建前、棟上とは普請を生業にする職人がいる地域では、棟梁(大工)が中心になり大工の作成した番付表(組み立て手順書の様な物)を見て鳶職が軸組みの組み立てを行い一番高い棟木を設置する一連の作業を指す。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Ok-gyun KIM, Yong-hyo PAK, and Jae-pil SEO of the Progressive Party (Independent Party), who had doubts about the modernization of Korea under this situation, reached the political and financial leaders of the early-modernized Japan, including Yukichi FUKUZAWA and Shigenobu OKUMA, and deepened exchanges with them. 例文帳に追加

このままでは朝鮮の近代化はおぼつかないと感じた金玉均・朴泳孝・徐載弼らの開化派(独立党)人士らは、福澤諭吉や大隈重信をはじめ一足先に近代化を果たした日本の政財界の代表者達に接触し、交流を深めてゆく。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Members of the Korean Progressive group (Independent Party) such as Ok-gyun KIM, Yong-hyo PAK and Jae-pil SEO, who thought that modernization might not be attained if Korea stayed as it was, contacted Yukichi FUKUZAWA, Shigenobu OKUMA and some of the key people in the political and business world in Japan that succeeded in modernization earlier and deepened their friendship. 例文帳に追加

このままでは朝鮮の近代化はおぼつかないと感じた金玉均・朴泳孝・徐載弼らの開化派(独立党)人士らは福澤諭吉や大隈重信をはじめ一足先に近代化を果たした日本の政財界の代表者達に接触し、交流を深めてゆく。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


Hanzan's "Tosei Jinbutsu Hyo" was made up of unconventional and outpoken expresions and had a style easy to read fast and with full of new and coined words, and he said that he created other new words such as "Chiyomumage Party", "Pistol Party", "Cosmetic Party","Necktie Party" and so on, but he said that "these words did not become popular only with an exception of haikara, which became extraordinarily popular" (ISHIKAWA,1912). 例文帳に追加

半山の『当世人物評』は洒脱で辛口な文章と、次々と繰り出される新語・造語でテンポ良く読ませるスタイルをとっており、他にもチヨム髷党、ピストル党、コスメチツク党、ネクタイ党等々の語が新作されたが、本人曰くこれらは「少しも流行しなかッたが、唯此のハイカラと云ふ一語だけが、馬鹿に大流行を来した」(石川、1912)という。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


There were three major different types of Hyo: Gahyo (handed at celebratory occasions such as Emperor's Genpuku [coming of age], investitures of the Empress or the Crown Prince and Sakutan Toji [celebration when the winter solstice falls on November 1 of the lunar calendar. Once in 19 years, this is an auspicious day and has been celebrated at the court]), Kohyo (handed when the Emperor's family members wished to decline the Emperor's offer of abdication of the throne or people to decline the offers of privileges such as Fuko [salary] or Zuishin [having bodyguards]) and Jihyo (handed when people wished to resign or leave their government posts). 例文帳に追加

表は大きく分けると、天皇の元服、立后、立太子や朔旦冬至などの慶事に奉られる賀表(がひょう)、天皇から皇親への譲位や封戸・随身などの特権など天皇から賜る恩恵を辞退する際に奉られる抗表(こうひょう)、官職辞任・致仕する際に奉られる辞表(じひょう)の3種類があった。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

This incident gathered momentum among the former Shogunate to fight against the Satsuma Domain; with the statement to the Emperor declaring that they would avenge Satsuma's wrongs (to-satsu-hyo), the Shogunate infantry of the former Shogunate and warriors of the Aizu and Kuwana Domains advanced from Osaka to pacify Kyoto and they clashed with the forces of the Satsuma and Choshu Domains in Toba and Fushimi on the outskirts of southern Kyoto on January 27, 1868. 例文帳に追加

これにより旧幕府では薩摩打倒の機運が高まり、「薩摩の不法行為を誅する」とした上奏表(討薩表)を携え、京都を兵力で抑えるべく、旧幕府側の幕府歩兵隊、会津藩兵、桑名藩兵などが大阪から進軍し、薩摩藩・長州藩の軍勢と慶応4年1月3日(旧暦)(1868年1月27日)、京都南郊外の鳥羽と伏見で衝突した。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


Sources: Nanbo OTA, 'Kansei 10 nen, Bogo, Edonin betsu' from vol. 26 of "Ichiwa Ichigen" (1820); Shigetami YAMASHITA, 'Edo shigai Tokei Ippan' from vol.1 (pp. 18-26) of "Edokai zasshi" (1889); Kaishu KATSU, 'Edo Jinko Shoki' from "Suijinroku" (1890); Yasusuke KOMIYAMA, 'Funai no Jinko' from vol. 2 (pp. 1923) of "Edo kyujiko" (1891) and vol. 9 (pp. 1210–1243) of "Nihon Zaise Keizai Shiryo" (1922); Juzo YUZUKI and Yasuzo HORIE, 'Honpo jinko hyo' from vol. 7 (pp. 188–210) of "Keizaishi Kenkyu" (1930); Shigetomo KODA, 'Edo no Chonin no Jinko' from vol. 8 (pp. 1–23) of "Shakai Keizai gakkaishi" (1938); Yasujiro TAKAMI, 'Edo no Jinko no Kenkyu' from the 7th conference (pp. 5983) of "Zenkoku Toshi Mondai kaigi" (1940); Bonsen TAKAHASHI, "Nihon Jinkoshi no Kenkyu" from Sanyusha publishing (1941), Naotaro SEKIYAMA, "Kinsei Nihon no Jinko Kozo" published by Yoshikawa Kobunkan Inc. (1958); Kazuo MINAMI, "Bakumatsu Edo Shakai no Kenkyu" published by Yoshikawa Kobunkan Inc. (1978). 例文帳に追加

(大田南畝「寛政十年戊午江戸人別」『一話一言』巻26(1820年)山下重民「江戸市街統計一班」『江戸会雑誌』1冊(2号)pp.18–26(1889年)勝海舟「江戸人口小記」「正徳ヨリ弘化迄江戸町数人口戸数」『吹塵録』(1890年)小宮山綏介「府内の人口」『江戸旧事考』2巻pp.19–23(1891年)『日本財政経済史料』9巻pp.1210–1243(1922年)柚木重三、堀江保蔵「本邦人口表」『経済史研究』7号pp.188–210(1930年)幸田成友「江戸の町人の人口」『社会経済学会誌』8巻(1号)pp.1–23(1938年)鷹見安二郎江戸の人口の研究」『全国都市問題会議』第7回1(本邦都市発達の動向と其の諸問題上)pp.59–83(1940年)高橋梵仙『日本人口史之研究』三友社(1941年)関山直太郎『近世日本の人口構造』吉川弘文館(1958年)南和男『幕末江戸社会の研究』吉川弘文館(1978年)より作成。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


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