・The company is focusing on digitalization to improve customer experience.(その企業は顧客体験を向上させるためにデジタル化に注力している。)
・Digitalization of medical records can enhance the quality of healthcare services.(医療記録のデジタル化は医療サービスの質を向上させることができる。)
・Through digitalization, we can access a vast amount of information instantly.(デジタル化により、我々は膨大な情報に即座にアクセスできるようになる。)
・data capture(データ取得)
・The library is undertaking the digitization of its historical archives.(その図書館は歴史的なアーカイブのデジタル化を進めている。)
・Digitization of documents reduces the need for physical storage space.(文書のデジタル化により、物理的な保管スペースの必要性が減少する。)
・Digitization helps in preserving valuable artifacts for future generations.(デジタル化は貴重な文化遺産を後世に保存するのに役立つ。)
・The company is focusing on digitalization to improve customer experience.(その企業は顧客体験を向上させるためにデジタル化に注力している。)
・Digitalization of medical records can enhance the quality of healthcare services.(医療記録のデジタル化は医療サービスの質を向上させることができる。)
・Through digitalization, we can access a vast amount of information instantly.(デジタル化により、我々は膨大な情報に即座にアクセスできるようになる。)
・data capture(データ取得)
・The library is undertaking the digitization of its historical archives.(その図書館は歴史的なアーカイブのデジタル化を進めている。)
・Digitization of documents reduces the need for physical storage space.(文書のデジタル化により、物理的な保管スペースの必要性が減少する。)
・Digitization helps in preserving valuable artifacts for future generations.(デジタル化は貴重な文化遺産を後世に保存するのに役立つ。)
device for converting digital signals into analogue signals
a device with both digital and analog display functions
a digital camera designed to take digital photographs and transmit them over the internet
a method of communication in which digitalized information is transmitted
the act of transforming information sent by telegraph into print
the design and construction of communications technology that transmits information in digital form
Development of the digital wireless phone system for an office.
device for converting analogue signals into digital signals
Development of the digital wireless phone system for business.
a television set whose circuits are digitalized
the action of linking long distance telephone calls by digitalizing both transmission lines and switchboards
the standard established for standardizing the movements for all electronic musical instruments having a digital form
a digital system developed by NTT that digitalizes the telephone circuits of private household subscribers
of computers, a system in which a digital network unites individual networks using optical and digital techniques
For example, some make analog bell sounds while others make digital electronic sounds.
an extensive electronic network (such as the internet) used for the rapid transfer of sound and video and graphics in digital form
a generic name for digital lines that are provided by telephone companies to their local subscribers and that carry data at high speeds
a device that stores in digital form the voice of incoming phone calls one receives while one is out
an integrated service network that uses digital communication, fibre optics, and a wide-area cable
a signal used in analog to express something