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クラブ全長Lが43.5〜55(インチ)のゴルフクラブ1であって、グリップ端4aでの慣性モーメントMは、1.0×10^6 〜3.0×10^6 (g・cm^2 )であり、かつ前記クラブ全長L(インチ)とにおいて下記式を満たすことを特徴とする。例文帳に追加
This golf club 1 has an overall length L of 43.5-55 (inch) and an inertia moment M of 1.0×10^6-3.0×10^6 (g.cm^2) in a grip end 4a. - 特許庁
Ci is composed according to each tune that had the different form; for example, in "Okukonan (Recalling the south of the Chang Jiang River) " the number of characters in each line is determined as 3,5,7,7, and 5 characters, and the 2nd, 4th, and 5th lines should be rhymed.発音を聞く - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
Fig. 2-5-2 compares SMEs that carry out research and development and those that do not and shows that early growth phase SMEs that carry out research and development in particular are less likely to be able to secure sufficient funds. - 経済産業省
This Shibocho had a different format from two other kinds of Shibocho which were Shosoin monjo, and adopted a form of name records of double-deck description in which the 'name and age of person' were described above the 'classification of age and date of death,' and a style of describing two lines under the name of a person.発音を聞く - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
The oligomer complexing at both ends contains crown ether groups represented by the formula (n is an integer of 2-100; R is a 1-3C alkyl group or a phenyl group) at both ends. - 特許庁
指揮権発動は史上2度目1954年の造船疑獄で 当時の自由党幹事長の逮捕が見送られて以来ー 53年ぶりということです例文帳に追加
This marks only the second use of such judicial authority... going back to a shipbuilding scandal 53 years ago in 1954. - 映画・海外ドラマ英語字幕翻訳辞書
February 2007, cooperation with the Chinese vehicle maker distribution affiliate company was established, and a pickup type part procurement distribution service (Milk run) was begun. - 経済産業省
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該当件数 : 52件
In 852, it received the highest ranking of the god, Shonii and ranked among Myojin-taisha Shrines in Engishiki Jinmyocho (a list of the shrines compiled in 927).発音を聞く - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
When the operating lever 7 arrives at an operation end (b) at an unclamping side shown in Fig.14 (2), a crest of a gentle slope 861 passes the crest of a chevron of an engaging projection 871 of an oscillating lever holding spring 87, and the crest of the chevron of the engaging projection 871 is engaged with a steep slope 862. - 特許庁
一方、新興国事業の弱みは、「低価格化」、「マーケティング」が上位だが、欧米事業と比べた差に着目すれば、特に「低価格化」、「部材調達力」、「組織マネージメント力」、「マーケティング力」が同様に特徴的な弱みと言える(第3-2-1-15 図)。例文帳に追加
But for businesses in Europe and the U.S, it can be said that “high quality”, “strength of brand”, “short delivery/improving speed”, “after-sales service” are factors that determine the advantages similarly with those in emerging countries (Figure 3-2-1-15). - 経済産業省
In the golf club 1, the tapes 2, 3 and 4 clearly colored are adhered onto the entire circumference of the shaft 1a or a part thereof to improve the visual recognizability. - 特許庁
It portrays the history from 1331, just before the downfall of the Kamakura bakufu, to 1597, the year in which Yoshiaki ASHIKAGA, the final Muromachi Shogun, died.発音を聞く - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
(2) In Aina, Yamada-cho, Kita Ward, Kobe City (Town), it is said that seeds obtained in Megaki-mura (the present-day Ibaraki City) grew into high-quality sakamai, which, as it was honored as Japan's best at the exhibition of 1890, it was named Yamadaboafter the name of the place.発音を聞く - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
The cluster for adjusting the pressurized water nuclear reactor comprising a bundle of neutron-absorbing rods 2 and a spider 3 of radiating shape to which the neutron-absorbing rods 2 are attached to the spider 3 through their upper end plugs 6. - 特許庁
As the imperial decree was issued in November 1183 (October 1183 under the old lunar calendar), the Kamakura government led by Yoritomo, which was originally a rebel, became a power that was officially certified by the Imperial Court.発音を聞く - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
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