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a postal document in the form of a registered letter for sending money発音を聞く - EDR日英対訳辞書
現金書留によるご返金の場合は書留料を差し引かせていただきます。メールで書く場合 例文帳に追加
Postage will be deducted from the total amount of refund if you'd like to receive the refund in cash by registered mail.発音を聞く - Weblio Email例文集
A delivery institution 3 delivers the designated amount of cash to the depositor 1 via a register mail or courier service. - 特許庁
For example, the kinds of postal matter includes a package and registered mail for cash. - 特許庁
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該当件数 : 17件
現金書留をご利用の場合10日以上お時間を頂く場合がございます。メールで書く場合 例文帳に追加
It could take more than ten days if you send cash by registered mail.発音を聞く - Weblio Email例文集
To develop a new demand and usage for an envelope for registered mail by a method wherein sending of cash gift for congratulatory or condolatory purpose is made with an envelope formed in a novel and rational design satisfying a modal beauty without spoiling the Japanese customs of respecting 'culture of parcel'. - 特許庁
An explanatory note whereon details about the envelope for registered mail for sending cash gift for congratulatory or condolatory purpose are printed and a message space are connected to the envelope main body so as to be folded up and severed. - 特許庁
The host server 30 acquires the second address related to the second account and the first address related to the first account based on an account database 37 when the host server 30 receives the first transaction information, and sets the addresses as a return address and a remittance destination address of a cash registration transaction respectively. - 特許庁
To provide a packaging which is suitable for packaging a thick article, easily and reliably unsealable without allowing an unsealing tape (string) to come off or be broken into pieces during the unsealing, capable of taking a protective measures from illegal unsealing, and suitable for registered mail for cash. - 特許庁
After the Meiji period, many people tried to make modern translations, and translations by Akiko YOSANO and Junichiro TANIZAKI were published several times; however, beginning in the early Showa period the government prohibited the production or performance of stories adapted from the scene of a secret meeting of Hikaru Genji and Fujitsubo due to the reason that 'it includes a scene insulting to the Imperial Family,' so even the translation was restricted more than a little.発音を聞く - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
To overcome the problem such that an applicant needs to visit a post office and follow a procedure to send a received application form by registered mail and needs to pay in cash for the examination fee at the window of the post office with a postal transfer form and a specified test institution needs to input the contents of the posted application form as a database on its server after confirming the contents. - 特許庁
許可が付与された日及び許可に関する製品の販売の合意契約が成立した日の遅い方の日後15日以内に,許可の所有者は,長官及び特許権者又は場合により各特許権者に対して証明郵便又は書留郵便で次に掲げるものを提出しなければならない。 (a) 製造及び販売を許可された製品の提供についての第21.04条(2)(f)にいう人又は団体との間で成立した契約の写し。この契約には,すべての実質的な事項に関して第21.04条(2)(a),(b),(e)及び(f)にいう情報と同一の情報を組み込まなければならない。 (b) 次に掲げる事項を述べる所定の様式による正式又は法定の宣言 (i) 製造及び販売を許可された製品に関する契約の金銭価値全額をカナダ通貨で表示するもの,及び (ii) 契約条件に基づいて販売される製品の単位数例文帳に追加
Within fifteen days after the later of the day on which the authorization was granted and the day on which the agreement for the sale of the product to which the authorization relates was entered into, the holder of an authorization must provide by certified or registered mail, the Commissioner and the patentee, or each patentee, as the case may be, with (a) a copy of the agreement it has reached with the person or entity referred to in paragraph 21.04(2)(f) for the supply of the product authorized to be manufactured and sold, which agreement must incorporate information that is in all material respects identical to the information referred to in paragraphs 21.04(2)(a), (b), (e) and (f); and (b) a solemn or statutory declaration in the prescribed form setting out (i) the total monetary value of the agreement as it relates to the product authorized to be manufactured and sold, expressed in Canadian currency, and (ii) the number of units of the product to be sold under the terms of the agreement.発音を聞く - 特許庁
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