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該当件数 : 1140件
The 1st wavelength of the light 22 emitted by the lamp 23 is different from the 2nd wavelength of the light 26 emitted by the lamp 27. - 特許庁
Naoharu became the second president of Nippon Life Insurance, succeeding Zenemon KONOIKE, the first president of the company.発音を聞く - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
The agency consequently made corrections and issued an apology during the second report of March 14.発音を聞く - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
Speaking of the family of Sajiro HIRATA (the first), his son succeeded to the name of Sajiro HIRATA (the second) and served as the president of Hirata Boseki.発音を聞く - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
Tetcho SUEHIRO (March 15, 1849 - February 5, 1896) was a political activist, press reporter and novelist in the Meiji period.発音を聞く - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
(2) Nothing in sub-section (1) shall be deemed to require the Registrar to hear the parties before disposing of an application for extension of time.発音を聞く - 特許庁
The recorder 1 is provided which has a first irradiation part 3 for irradiating a first light W1 modulated by data to a medium 2, and a second irradiation part 4 for irradiating a second light W2 from an angle different from an angle of the first irradiation part 3 to the medium 2. - 特許庁
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該当件数 : 1140件
In 1488, he was appointed as the Renga Master of Kitano Shrine and became the leading figure in renga circles in both name and reality.発音を聞く - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
第十三条の二 内閣総理大臣は、この法律による権限(政令で定めるものを除く。)を消費者庁長官に委任する。例文帳に追加
Article 13-2 The Prime Minister shall delegate the authority conferred to him/her under this act to the Secretary-General of the Consumer Affairs Agency (except those specified by Cabinet Order).発音を聞く - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム
The inventor defined by provisions of Section 81 of the Law shall file his request for transformation of a valid inventor's certificate into a patent with the Office in two copies.発音を聞く - 特許庁
Service industry employment is also growing as a share of employment in all industries, with a long term growth trend in the U.S., European and East Asian countries (Figure 3-1-2). - 経済産業省
中国の消費者が最も好きな外車メーカーの調査では上位10 位の中に我が国からはトヨタ1 社のみがランクインしている中、ドイツ企業は上位5 位を独占している(第3-2-2-9 図)。例文帳に追加
The survey on foreign car manufacturers that Chinese people like most reveals that German enterprises occupy the top five spots compared with only Japan's Toyota ranked in top 10 enterprises (Figure 3-2-2-9). - 経済産業省
第77条 (2)に定める場合において,登録の抹消を記入するためには,意匠所有者又は利害関係人が特許庁に請求書を提出しなければならない。例文帳に追加
In order to make an entry on a deletion of a registration in the cases specified in subsection 77 (2) of this Act, the owner of the industrial design or an interested person shall file a request with the Patent Office.発音を聞く - 特許庁
The read unit 21 reads an image on the rear surface 20 of the original 11 in such a manner that a 2nd illumination lamp 27 emits light 26 of a 2nd wavelength toward the rear surface 20 of the original 11 and that a 2nd line image sensor 29 receives the reflected light 28 from the rear surface 20 of the original 11. - 特許庁
(2) 本勅令で定める事項に関するイタリア特許商標庁の権限は,前項にいう勅令第 70条第 2段落で定める手続に関しても斟酌されるものとする。例文帳に追加
2. The competences of the Office with respect to the matters governed by this Decree shall also be taken into account with respect to the procedures set forth in the aforementioned Article 70, second paragraph. - 特許庁
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