意味 | 例文 (87件) |

該当件数 : 87件
数が増えるほど怖くなる 一杯でゼロに戻るからだ例文帳に追加
The bigger that number gets, the more it frightens me, because I know all it takes is one drink to go back to zero. - 映画・海外ドラマ英語字幕翻訳辞書
For the period from when Ed is zeroed to when the di-axis current is zeroed, the qi-axis current is kept at a value read when Ed is zeroed. - 特許庁
make world がすばらしい考え方だとお思いの方にとって、 「FreeBSD をゼロから設定する」は、まさに makeworld を make evenmore (さらにその先)へと広げるものになることでしょう。例文帳に追加
If you think make world is a wonderful concept, FreeBSD From Scratch extends it to make evenmore.発音を聞く - FreeBSD
指定した文字列を、例題とその間のテキストに分割し、例題をExample オブジェクトに変換し、Example と文字列からなるリストにして返します。 各Example の行番号はゼロから数えます。例文帳に追加
Divide the given string into examples and intervening text, and return them as a list of alternating Examples and strings.Line numbers for the Examples are 0-based. - Python
An amount of the air blown from the outlet port is substantially zero when the adjustment plate rotational angle is zero, and is increased as the adjustment plate rotational angle becomes larger. - 特許庁
For an mth slave phase (m=2 to n), a timing delayed by "T1(m-1)/n" from a timing when a current flowing through the master-phase coil becomes zero is determined as a target timing TM at which a current flowing through a coil becomes zero. - 特許庁
A suction flow rate adjustment means 54 adjusts the suction flow rate from the suction opening 50e in such a way that the detected pressure difference is zero. - 特許庁
単語を確認! -
増える! -
学習機能付き! -
単語を理解! -
該当件数 : 87件
A mechanism for applying a prescribed mechanical pressure to the object 9 is provided, and the preload mechanism applies a mechanical pressure, lower than the residual attraction generated by residual charges on an electrostatic attraction plane 10, to the object 9 reversely to the direction of the electrostatic attraction before the object 9 is detached. - 特許庁
When increasing/decreasing the electric current amount exchanged between the piezoelectric elements Pa by the on/off operation, the switching from the off-operation to the on-operation is arranged to be executed when the electric current amount becomes zero, after executing the switching before the current amount becomes zero. - 特許庁
To provide a base fabric for an air bag with excellent sewing part strength and slippage resistance force having an air transmissivity of substantially zero, and an air bag comprising it. - 特許庁
After the pressure P is reduced, the die 2 is allowed to descend before the reduction of the pressure P is stopped, and the molding 7 is drawn out of the die 2 before the pressure P reaches zero. - 特許庁
In a data section where there is interference from the second cell, the first base station transmits a first desired signal to the terminal in a directivity of a reception signal at a relay station becoming null, and the relay station receives an interference signal from the second cell. - 特許庁
A gain characteristic of the optical relay amplifier 16 is set so that a maximum gain is obtained at an effective zero dispersion wavelength of the optical transmission line 12 and the gain is decreased more as apart from the effective zero dispersion wavelength. - 特許庁
Then, a time t when the value of the temporal function f2(t) is zero is obtained as minimum time from starting up a photoreceptor drum driving means until starting transfer operation. - 特許庁
A phase detection means 14c determines an optical path length wherein the phase of the output signal from the band selection means becomes zero, which is an optical path length most similar to the optical path length wherein the magnitude of the output signal becomes maximum. - 特許庁
意味 | 例文 (87件) |
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