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英訳・英語 Trading Gains
該当件数 : 12件
Real GNI = Real GDP + Income from overseas (real) + Trade gains and losses - 経済産業省
Real GNI (93SNA) = Real GDP + Trading gains + Net income from abroad (real) - 経済産業省
Due to the rise in natural resource and food prices, the trading gains fell across the major countriesof Japan, China, the US, and Europe. - 経済産業省
Consider the changes in trade gains and losses in major countries and regions in Figure 2-2-11. It shows that Japan has suffered the most from the deteriorating terms of trade in the world. - 経済産業省
GNI covers domestic demand, external demand (net exports), the income balance and trading gains. We should consider how to expand each component. - 経済産業省
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Weblio例文辞書での「交易利得」に類似した例文 |
該当件数 : 12件
The impact of the downturn in the exchange rate may be considered as the background for such expansion of the contribution of net exports and trading gains outflow. - 経済産業省
Generally, in countries importing natural resources and food, when the terms of trade (ratio betweenimport and export prices) deteriorate, it results in reduced trading gains or trading losses, that is, lossof income60.Looking at the next phase of resources and food price increases, we see that conditions in terms oftrading gain/loss vary according to the country and region. Most of the processing trade industrialstructures, where raw materials are imported and processed and semiprocessed products are exported,are located in countries and regions such as Japan, newly industrialized countries (NIEs), and China. These countries and regions are experiencing reduced trading gains or increased trading losses, whileother countries, including those in the Gulf (GCC) and many resources and food exporting countries,are experiencing expanded trading gains (see Figure 1-1-50). - 経済産業省
While nominal GNP based on the 68SNA was identical to nominal GNI based on the 93SNA, the 93SNA made an adjustment for computing real GNI. Real GNP based on the 68SNA had covered net exports as a real export-import gap while failing to include real income (trading gains) emerging from an export-import price gap. In order to indicate real national income more precisely through the adjustment, the 93SNA adds trading gains when computing real GNI. - 経済産業省
Recently, with resource prices soaring, the terms of trade1 have been worsening; this has caused the outflow of income (trading loss) to surpass the income from overseas (income balance surplus) (see Figures 2-2-8and 2-2-9). Subsequently, the nation's companies and households have been hard hit; this will be discussed later in detail. Under these circumstances, it is considered reasonable to use real GNI, which is more appropriate than nominal GNI (used in the 2006 white paper), because real GNI also includes trade gains and losses2. - 経済産業省
In order to achieve real GNI growth in the midst of globalization, while at the same time spreading the fruits of such growth broadly throughout the economy and building an affluent national economy, it will be necessary 1) to acquire external demand through aggressive trade investment (expand real GDP through growth in exports, expand income earnings overseas through greater overseas investment), 2) improve terms of trade (improved trading gains/losses) and 3) achieve a smooth repatriation of wealth acquired overseas into Japan (generation of domestic demand). - 経済産業省
Trading Gains
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