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英訳・英語 public research organization
該当件数 : 13件
五 その発明が公設試験研究機関研究者がした職務発明である場合において、その公設試験研究機関研究者から特許を受ける権利を承継した当該公設試験研究機関を設置する者例文帳に追加
(v) In the case that the invention is an employee invention made by Public Research and Development Institute Researcher, the person who establishes said Public Research and Development Institute which has succeeded the right to obtain a patent from said Public Research and Development Institute Researchers発音を聞く - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム
五 その特許発明が公設試験研究機関(地方公共団体に置かれる試験所、研究所その他の機関(学校教育法第二条第二項に規定する公立学校を除く。)であって、試験研究に関する業務を行うものをいう。以下この条において同じ。)の長又はその職員のうち専ら研究に従事する者(以下この条において「公設試験研究機関研究者」という。)がした職務発明である場合において、その公設試験研究機関研究者から特許を受ける権利を承継した当該公設試験研究機関を設置する者例文帳に追加
(v) In the case that the patented invention is an employee invention made by person who is either the head or an employee exclusively engaged in research of a public Research and Development Institute (meaning an entity that is a, laboratory, research institute or other organization established in local government (excluding public school as prescribed in Article 2, paragraph 2 of the School Education Act) and which conducts business related to research and development; hereinafter the same shall apply in this Article ) (hereinafter in this Article referred to as a "Public Research and Development Institute Researcher"), a person who establishes said Public Research and Development Institute which has succeeded the right to obtain a patent from that Public Research and Development Institute Researcher.発音を聞く - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム
According to Fig. 2-3-15, there is strong interest in technology transfer with national and local governments’ public experimental and research institutes, universities, and major companies. - 経済産業省
National universities and private universities account for a large percentage of the partners in these collaborations, followed by government's public experimental and research institutes - 経済産業省
The government set up the "Council on Studying Public Testing/Research Organizations' Possible Roles for Pushing Ahead with Regional Innovations" in July 2010 in order to examine what kind of roles public testing/research organizations should play from the viewpoint of pushing ahead with regional innovation on the nationwide scale. - 経済産業省
In regions throughout Japan, support for technology and R&D is being enhanced and action is being taken to develop the strengths of regional industries, and playing a leading role in this are organizations such as local industry development centers and public experimental research institutes. - 経済産業省
Heretofore, we have looked at collaborative business activities between companies, but increasing attention is now being focused on collaborations between SMEs and universities or government's public experimental and research institutes (industry-university-government collaborations). - 経済産業省
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該当件数 : 13件
Conversely, items that were cited more than by enterprises that had not entered new fields included “inter-industry exchange,” “meetings of chambers of commerce and industry and other industry associations,” and “universities and public experimental research facilities.”発音を聞く - 経済産業省
Currently, 18 projects are being developed nationwide and a large area network has been formed containing approximately 10,700 second-tier enterprises and SMEs aiming for the global market and approximately 290 universities (including technical colleges), with approximately 2,450 institutions and enterprises such as government's public experimental and research institutes, financial institutions, and trading firms providing support to industrial clusters. (continuation) (\\1,201 million budget) - 経済産業省
InFY2007, the expenses eligible for subsidies will be partially expanded. In addition, a portion of SME expenses incurred in requesting R&D from public research institutes, etc., in order to resolve technical issues and incurred when requesting analysis or inspections, will be newly eligible for subsides.(continuation) (\\470 million budget) - 経済産業省
This section will focus on these horizontal connections among SMEs and outline SMEs' collaborative business activities with other enterprises. This will be followed by an examination of the current status of, and issues relating to, industry-university-government collaborations between SMEs and universities, government's public experimental and research institutes, or other entities, which are seen as promising business cooperatives through which SMEs could pursue their research and development activities. - 経済産業省
In order to enhance the added value of locally-produced wheat, a process integrating all steps from production of wheat to processing, distribution, and delivery to the consumer carried out entirely within Ebetsu City was established through collaboration among various entities, including farmers, food product manufacturers, distributors, agricultural cooperatives, government's public experimental and research institutes, universities, residents (consumers) and government (Ebetsu City). - 経済産業省
The graph shows that “consumers’ needs and trends” and “the ideas and inventiveness of company staff” were popular answers in each of the five fields as sources of ideas, and this result is the same as that of Fig. 2-2-1. In addition, the fact that “the seeds of new technologies emerging from universities and public research laboratories” was a relatively unpopular answer in the field of “enhancing production lines and manufacturing methods,” but was relatively popular in the field of “basic research and development, and anticipatory research and development of basic technologies,” shows the different characteristics of innovative technology in each of the five fields. - 経済産業省
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