意味 | 例文 (112件) |

英訳・英語 International economic law
該当件数 : 112件
Trade Policy Bureau Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry発音を聞く - 経済産業省
<World head office>:Through an individual negotiation with EDB (Economic development board), 0~10% corporate tax is applied. - 経済産業省
According to a questionnaire-based survey by the Japan Economic Foundation, many companies are investing in China, ASEAN, and the United States. - 経済産業省
The survey results conducted by the Japan Economic Foundation (2008) will provide information on Japanese companies’ approaches to delegating authority. - 経済産業省
財団法人国際経済交流財団(2011)による中国ビジネスのターゲットとなる地域をみても、同様の傾向にある(第3-1-2-4 図)。例文帳に追加
According to Japan Economic Foundation (2011), the data collected on the chosen target area for business in China, display the similar trend (Figure 3-1-2-4). - 経済産業省
The phenomena of the priority in economic activities shifting from agriculture, forestry and fishery (primary industries) to manufacturing industries (secondary industries), and then to non-manufacturing industries (service industries, or tertiary industries) along with economic developments is called the "Petty-Clark's law" In the actual international economy, too, such a shift is observed mainly in advanced countries, while it is not so apparent in developing nations which are now going through economic developments. - 経済産業省
The ASEAN Secretariat WHO Regional Office for Western Pacific (WPRO) UN Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific (ESCAP) Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA) - 厚生労働省
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Weblio例文辞書での「国際経済法」に類似した例文 |
an international currency system called {Smithsonian system}
international dealings in a field where trade rules have not been established, called "invisible trade dealings"
the money used for international business transactions
a principle of international trading called a {"free and indiscriminate trading principle"}
該当件数 : 112件
Sources: "Research about Japanese industrial competitive power enhancement corresponding to the change of the competition environment" Japan Economic Foundation - 経済産業省
資料 : 財団法人国際経済交流財団「競争環境の変化に対応した我が国産業の競争力強化に関する調査研究」から作成。例文帳に追加
Source: "Research about Japanese industrial competitive power enhancement corresponding to the change of the competition environment" The Japan Economic Foundation - 経済産業省
Sources: "Research about Japanese industrial competitive power enhancement corresponding to the change of the competition environment" The Japan Economic Foundation - 経済産業省
財団法人国際経済交流財団(2009)「我が国が締結したEPAの効果と課題に関する調査研究報告書」(2008 年11~12 月にかけて、1912社から回答を得たもの)。例文帳に追加
Japan Economic Foundation (2009), "Research Report regarding effects and concerns of concluded Japan EPAs" (responded by 1,912 companies in November to December 2008). - 経済産業省
世界経済危機後(2008 年度決算期以降)、我が国企業の海外展開の方向性がどう変わり、今後(3 年間程度)の見通しをどう見ているのかについて、財団法人国際経済交流財団のアンケート調査から確認する。例文帳に追加
Here, we verify how Japan's direction of overseas development changed after the global economic crisis (after the fiscal year of 2008) and how we foresee the future (for about three years) from the survey conducted by Japan Economic Foundation. - 経済産業省
According to a survey by circulating a questionnaire conducted by the Japan Economic Foundation, Japanese companies have a big sales amount in China, ASEAN5 (Thailand, Philippines, Indonesia, Malaysia, and Vietnam), and North America. - 経済産業省
Source: Compiled using data from the Japan Economic Foundation, "Survey and Research on the Strengthening of the Competitiveness of the Japanese Industry Adapting to Changes in the Competition Environment" - 経済産業省
In addition, as trade and investment flows become more globalized, greater alignment in regulatory approaches, including to international standards, is necessary to prevent needless barriers to trade from stifling economic growth and employment.発音を聞く - 経済産業省
意味 | 例文 (112件) |
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