意味 | 例文 (18件) |
該当件数 : 18件
Clerical errors in any instrument of record in the Patent Office do not invalidate the instrument, but they may be corrected under the authority of the Commissioner.発音を聞く - 特許庁
(c) 同様に,聴聞官は,当事者が郵送する保証証書及び逆保証証書について判断し,これを承認する権限を有する。保証証書又は逆保証証書は,現金,知的所有権庁名義で振り出される銀行発行自己宛小切手によらなければならない。例文帳に追加
(c) The Hearing Officer shall likewise have the power to pass upon and approve bonds and counter bonds that may be posted by the parties; the bond or counter bond shall be in the form of cash, cashier's or manager's check issued in the name of the Intellectual Property Office. - 特許庁
authority given (in a will or deed) by a donor to a donee to appoint the beneficiaries of the donor's property発音を聞く - 日本語WordNet
a person who has a license that gives them the legal power to witness the signing of documents, to certify that documents are real, and to take statements made under oath.発音を聞く - PDQ®がん用語辞書 英語版
A delegate must, if so required by the instrument of delegation, exercise or perform a delegated power or function under the direction or supervision of the Registrar or an employee specified in the instrument.発音を聞く - 特許庁
(2) 被委任者は,委任証書によって要求されている場合は,局長又は当該証書に規定されている職員の指示に基づき又はその監督の下で,委任された権限又は機能を行使又は遂行しなければならない。例文帳に追加
(2) A delegate must, if so required by the instrument of delegation, exercise or perform a delegated power or function under the direction or supervision of the Commissioner or an employee specified in the instrument.発音を聞く - 特許庁
Clerical errors that occur in the drawing up or copying of any instrument under this Act respecting industrial designs shall not be construed as invalidating the instrument, but when discovered, may be corrected under the authority of the Minister.発音を聞く - 特許庁
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該当件数 : 18件
(2) 記録を受けるためには,申請人は,公の証書の認証謄本又は私的証書の原本若しくは認証謄本を添付して,正規に認証された適切な登録申請書を提出しなければならない。認証が不可能な場合には,イタリア特許商標庁は認証されていない私的証書を記録することを認める権限を有する。例文帳に追加
2. To obtain a registration, the applicant shall file a proper application for registration, enclosing a certified copy of the public act, or either the original or a certified copy of the private act, duly authenticated. Where authentication is not possible, the Italian Patent and Trademark Office shall be entitled to allow the registration of unauthenticated private acts. - 特許庁
The Registrar may by signed instrument delegate all or any of his or her powers or to a prescribed employee, or employees in a prescribed class.発音を聞く - 特許庁
The Registrar may, by written instrument signed by the Registrar, delegate all or any of the Registrar's powers or functions under this Act, the regulations or any other Act to a prescribed employee, or a prescribed class of employees.発音を聞く - 特許庁
(1) 局長は,自署した証書により,本法又は他の法律に基づく局長の権限又は機能の全部又は一部を,所定の職員又は所定の等級の職員に委任することができる。例文帳に追加
(1) The Commissioner may, by instrument, signed by him or her, delegate all or any of the Commissioner's powers or functions under this Act or any other Act to a prescribed employee, or a prescribed class of employees.発音を聞く - 特許庁
To provide a service provision contract system, an intermediary server, a service provision contract method, and a program simultaneous acquiring pieces of information with guarantees, and third party guarantee certificates from a plurality of guarantors by the same means without involving a user terminal through a series of processes of authority confirmation. - 特許庁
Where a person becomes the registered owner or one of the registered owners or an exclusive licensee of a registered design (the new owner or licensee) by virtue of a transaction, instrument or event to which section 34 applies, then unless--発音を聞く - 特許庁
特許出願に出願日が認定され,かつ,所定の手数料が1月以内に納付された場合は,他の要件の遵守について審査される。当該他の要件には,次に関連するものが含まれる。 (a)フィリピン特許の付与を求める願書の内容 (b)条約上の優先権を主張する場合は,優先権書類(すなわち,優先権出願の出願番号,出願日及び国名に係るもの) (c)出願人が発明者でない場合は,権限の証拠 (d)譲渡証書 (e)すべての手数料の納付(例:超過クレームに係るもの) (f)出願人の署名 (g)発明者の特定,及び (h)正式図面例文帳に追加
If a patent application has been accorded a filing date and the required fee has been paid within one month, compliance with other requirements will be checked. Such other requirements may relate to the following: (a) Contents of the request for grant of a Philippine patent; (b) Priority documents if with claim of convention priority (i.e., file number, date of filing and country of the priority applications); (c) Proof of authority, if the applicant is not the inventor; (d) Deed of assignment; (e) Payment of all fees, (e.g. excess claims) (f) Signatures of the applicants; (g) Identification of the inventor; and (h) Formal drawings. - 特許庁
(2) 特許の被付与者又は所有者として登録されている者のうちの何人かが前記のとおり登録されている他の何れかの共有特許権者から本条の規定に基づいて発せられた命令を実行するために必要な証書の作成若しくはその他行動をとるべき旨を書面で請求されてから後14日以内にそれを作成せず又はその他の行為を実行しない場合に,前記他の何れかの共有特許権者が所定の方法で局長宛てに申請したときは,局長は,前記懈怠した者の名義で,かつ,その者の代理で前記証書を作成し又は前記行為を実行する権限を何人かに付与するべき旨の指示を発することができる。例文帳に追加
(2) If any person registered as grantee or proprietor of the patent fails to execute any instrument or to do any other thing required for the carrying out of any direction given under this section within 14 days after being requested in writing so to do by any of the other persons so registered, the Commissioner may, upon application made to him in the prescribed manner by any such other person, give directions empowering any person to execute that instrument or to do that thing in the name and on behalf of the person in default. - 特許庁
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