英訳・英語 affected person
該当件数 : 15件
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Weblio例文辞書での「気取り屋」に類似した例文 |
a snob
a grumbler
a dyer
a chandler
a scraps-man
a scoffer
a seedsman
a hatter
a draper―a mercer―(米国にては)―a dry-goods store
a bully
a tailor
a timber-dealer
a brothel
a house-broker
a china-mender
該当件数 : 15件
ディーター、あの二人のciaの気取り屋はな 帰還兵報告の為にお前をグアムへ連れていく気やで例文帳に追加
Dieter, those two cia dudes wanna take you back to guam for debriefing. - 映画・海外ドラマ英語字幕翻訳辞書
魔法なんて必要ないですわ あんな気取り屋の クリスタル学園をやっつけるには例文帳に追加
We don't need magic to defeat those hoitytoity crystal preppers! - 映画・海外ドラマ英語字幕翻訳辞書
ディーター、あの二人のCIAの気取り屋はな 帰還兵報告の為にお前をグアムへ連れていく気やで例文帳に追加
Dieter, those two cia dudes wanna take you back to guam for debriefing. - 映画・海外ドラマ英語字幕翻訳辞書
The composite materials are used to assemble the book storage casing and thus the outdoor stack excelling in thermal insulation/deodorization/dehumidification functions. - 特許庁
A vent 5, provided in a house 2, is coupled with a dedicated piping 9 leading to an air intake part and the outdoor unit 1 of an air conditioner takes in the air under the floor of the housing 2 and discharges it as exhaust air 4. - 特許庁
The open air taken in from an open air intake aperture 29 is heated using the heat of the exhaust duct 25b and the disposal container 10 is heated by venting the heated open air to the second chamber 28 with the help of a venting fan 30. - 特許庁
The ventilation structure of a windowless henhouse has a plurality of ducts having different lengths, each having an air inlet port at a side face of the henhouse and placed near the roof of the house, and a dangled wall suspended in front of the blowing port opened at an end of the duct to diffuse the blown air flow and sufficiently ventilate with outer air in all area of even a long henhouse. - 特許庁
An air intake port 4 is formed on the indoor side on the floor side of the building wall surface 2, an air cleaner 30 and an air blower 31 are arranged in the wall surface, and a blowoff duct 5 for blowing off air passing through an inside space indoors and an exhaust duct 6 for exhausting the air to outdoors are formed on the ceiling side of the wall surface 2. - 特許庁
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