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We learned why the French Revolution broke out.とは 意味・読み方・使い方

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We learned why the French Revolution broke out.発音を聞く 例文帳に追加
私達はフランス革命が起きた理由を学んだ。 - Tanaka Corpus
We learned why the French Revolution broke out.例文帳に追加
私達はフランス革命が起きた理由を学んだ。 - Tatoeba例文
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Weblio例文辞書での「We learned why the French Revolution broke out.」に類似した例文 |
We learned why the French Revolution broke out.
We learned why the French Revolution broke out.
The French Revolution encompassed the fall of the House of Bourbon.
The French revolution postdates the American Revolution.
the French King was beheaded during the Revolution
The French Revolution began in 1789.
After the revolution, France became a republic.
Defeated revolutions are forgotten quickly.
Revolutions that don't succeed are soon forgotten.
a member of the radical movement that instituted the Reign of Terror during the French Revolution
a member of the moderate republican party that was in power during the French Revolution
A revolution broke out in that country.
of the French Revolution, a third status social class, called 'daisanmibun'
The revolution ushered in a new era.
The revolution brought in a new era.
of or relating to the Jacobins of the French Revolution
Revolutionary ideas pervaded the land.
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We learned that oil floats on water.
We learned that the earth goes around the sun.
We learned that the moon goes around the earth.
We learned that this has a valuable effect.
We learned that this topic is important.
We learned what we should do first.
We learned why the French Revolution broke out.
We learn English conversation.
We learn English for 3 years in middle school and 3 years in high school.
We learn English three hours a week.
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