意味 | 例文 (4件) |
how about the salesとは 意味・読み方・使い方

Weblio例文辞書での「how about the sales」に類似した例文 |
how about the sales
It is a questionable business.
What is your business?
What line of business are you engaged in?
have a clearance sale
to offer anything for sale―put anything to sale―place anything on sale―place anything on the market
「how about the sales」の部分一致の例文検索結果
該当件数 : 4件
To provide a client sorting method or a client analyzing device that can suggest about what time and how many clients visit a shop with a higher probability, and can provide information that can be prediction clues for the sales due to the prospective clients.例文帳に追加
何時頃どれくらいの数の顧客が来店する確率が高いかを教唆し、かつそれらの見込み客による売上げ予測の手がかりとなる情報を提供できる顧客分類方法または顧客分析装置を提供する - 特許庁
To effectively acquire detailed data about sales promotion items such as how layout of articles is executed resulting from actions on the retail store side.例文帳に追加
商品のレイアウトをどのように実行すれば良いか等、小売店側の処置に起因する販売促進項目の詳細なデータを有効に取得すること。 - 特許庁
Next, I will ask you about preliminary GDP data, announced yesterday, which showed the economy grew for three quarters in a row, a very encouraging number. But a look at the details indicates that the growth was due in large part to the effects of policy measures, such as a subsidy program to promote sales of eco-friendly cars and post-earthquake reconstruction-related public investments. From the perspective of promoting an integrated reform centering on a consumption tax hike, how do you view the current economic condition?発音を聞く 例文帳に追加
次に、昨日発表されましたGDPの速報値なのですけれども、3期連続でプラスということで非常に好ましい数字だと思うのですが、中身を見ますとエコカーの補助金や復興関連の公共投資といった政策効果が大きかったと言われております。ただ、消費税増税を柱とした一体改革を進める環境としては、こういった今の景気の現状をどういうふうに受止めていらっしゃるのかお伺いできればと思います。 - 金融庁
Meanwhile, injecting capital into financial institutions in order to force them to move into high-risk fields would lead to excessive risk-taking. Although they should make financial judgments on a case-by-case basis, regional financial institutions in particular should maintain close relationships with their regions and avoid focusing only on numerical factors. They should have knowledge about the quality of managers, engineers and sales people at their client companies and use such knowledge to, for example, foresee a recovery one or two years from now for companies that are struggling this year. If regional financial institutions that have such know-how receive capital injection, their capital base will grow strong enough to enable active lending to borrowers for which they would otherwise have refused to continue financing.発音を聞く 例文帳に追加
そうじゃなくて、目的はもちろん金融機関もビジネスですから、明らかにリスクの高いところに無理やりやるために資本増強するというのもこれまたリスクテイクのやり過ぎでありますから、だから個々の金融判断で色々なケースがあるけれども、しかしその時に特に地域金融機関というのは地域に密着をして、単に数字だけではなくて、例えばこの経営者がいいとか技術陣がいいとか営業陣がいいとか、だから今年はちょっと苦しいけれどもゆくゆくは、1年か2年経てば良くなっていくという金融機関のノウハウみたいなものがあった時に、今までですとそれはもう貸せないとか、あるいは延長を認めないとかということになりますけれども、そういうところにも自分のところの資本は更に強くなったということによって、更に積極的にやっていけるための基盤を作っていくと。 - 金融庁
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意味 | 例文 (4件) |
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how about the dates below are our available times.
How about the day before the party?
How about the last part of the story?
How about the one which starts two hours later?
how about the sales
How about these bunny ornaments?
How about the securities industry?
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