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英訳・英語 scale merit
JMdictでの「スケールメリット」の英訳 |
文法情報 | (名詞) |
対訳 | economy of scale; cost saving or benefit from having a larger scale (e.g. of production) (※「scale merit」は和製英語) |
該当件数 : 11件
Our firm was successful in achieving an economies of scale. - Weblio英語基本例文集
In a rare bid to emphasize the merit of scale, Saijo has promoted campaigns of local products under the title of "Shikoku Japan" without using the city name. - 経済産業省
The Keifuku Electric Railroad Co., Ltd., operates small businesses, all of which are less profitable because they can't take advantage of scale; therefore, its operating foundations have historically been fragile.発音を聞く - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
It is said that, in the home appliance area, South Korean enterprises dominate volume zones by concentrating investments (gaining a scale merit by investments made at a stretch) in India, and European and the U.S. enterprises also dominate consumer goods markets. - 経済産業省
To provide an electronic commerce support system which activates the advertisement of areal stores to consumers by freely using a computer network, and obtains buying power making good use of scale advantages and then efficiently increase the sales of the stores by putting the stores together by types of business. - 特許庁
A mall is operated with large number of stores and articles from the introduction of the system, so that a scale merit as large as network-shopping is obtained that cannot be obtained, in particular, in the enterprise, group and single mall of small or middle scale. - 特許庁
●高い輸送コストと関連する費用: 高い輸送コストとそれに関係する費用は中小企業により大きな影響を及ぼす。なぜなら中小企業はスケールメリットを活用すること及びより費用の少ない代替手段を特定することが困難であるからである。例文帳に追加
. High transportation and related costs: High transportation and related costs have a greater impact on SMEs because they have difficulty taking advantage of economies of scale and have difficulty identifying less costly alternatives.発音を聞く - 経済産業省
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Weblio和製英語辞書での「スケールメリット」の英訳 |
該当件数 : 11件
Yet, this does not mean that expansion of local procurements is an effective measure in all cases. Objective calculation of costs in regard to components with scale merit produced in Japan and ASEAN countries shows that it is often more reasonable to import components from already established production bases than to procure them locally. - 経済産業省
Meanwhile, two national colleges of technology in each of four regions – Miyagi, Toyama, Kagawa and Kumamoto – underwent restructuring, including reorganization and enhancement of specialized courses, in order to diversify the range of subjects available while maintaining economies of scale, and to achieve higher levels of science and technology and strengthen industry-academia collaboration in response to the advance of science and technology. - 経済産業省
Presently, bi-directional efforts for gaining of profits are observed in East Asia: i) efforts for gaining profits through exploitation of the stratified new demand that is expanding mainly in China; and ii)efforts for gaining profits through exploitation of the even greater scale merits and low cost merits achieved through optimization of the production and specialization structure, which makes the most of the developed supporting industries and the low-cost labor in East Asia. - 経済産業省
The previous Fig. 2-1-4 looked at the features of innovation by SMEs. Considering the relationship between this and their strengths, it can be seen that they cannot employ economies of scale, (or “scale merits”) and have weaknesses in their ability to procure funding. As such, it is difficult for SMEs to drive large-scale research and development forward. However, it can be assumed that they are striving to realize innovation through creativity with the management working together with the staff, forming a single unit while taking leadership. - 経済産業省
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