
「きかす」に関連した英語例文の一覧と使い方(129ページ目) - Weblio英語例文検索





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該当件数 : 6408



As previously noted in periods of euphoria (excessive bullish expectations), asset prices are inflated along with credit inflation by financial institutions, and in periods of excessively low expectations, losses on financial institution balance sheets and reduction of credit-granting functions lower asset prices, and there is the potential for the impact to spread to the macroeconomy.5Shiratsuka (2000)6points out that the impact exerted on the macroeconomy by asset price fluctuation spreads both directly to the real economy and indirectly through damage to the financial system, and that in particular, impact during periods of collapse is asymmetrically larger than in periods of formation.7 - 経済産業省


Amid intensifying global competition, the East Asian economy is experiencing a gradual rise in personnel costs along with economic development. In order to maintain a competitive edge in the area of costs as well, it is important to provide efficient and advanced logistics services to support business activities that aim at the manufacture and supply of goods only in the necessary quantities at the necessary time in order to meet diversifying customer needs. These requirements are relevant not only to the development of Japanese companies but also to the development of the East Asian economy as a whole. - 経済産業省

こうした東アジア地域の広域経済連携の進展により、①拡大する生産ネットワークに対して FTA を活用することで、最適な生産配分・立地戦略を実現することが可能となり、東アジア地域における産業の国際競争力の強化につながることが期待される。また、②ルールの統一化や手続の簡素化による負担の軽減、③第 3 国間との競争が激化する中での関税削減や貿易救済の規律強化により、日本を拠点とした高付加価値な部材の生産を促進し、技術、ノウハウ、技術者の流出を防ぐことにつながる。例文帳に追加

If an extensive economic partnership in the East Asia region is developed, the followings can be expected: (A) through effective use of FTAs on behalf of production networks that are expanding, optimum production allocation and locational strategy will be realized, leading to strengthening of international competitiveness of East Asian industries; (B) burdens will be reduced by standardization of rules and simplification of procedures; (C) under the circumstances where competition with third countries is intensified, Japan-based production of high-value added materials will be promoted through reduction of custom duties and regulatory improvement of trade remedies, preventing outflows of technologies, know-how and technical experts. - 経済産業省


On the other hand, Japan’s service sector carry out business expansion which flexibly responds to the business environment of the market locations, and this ability to adapt to markets is highly regarded. But as international competition is forecast to further intensify in the future, to achieve even faster growth, a strategy similar to European and U.S. global service companies is demanded to foster and deliver competitive strengths which can be delivered regardless of the country, execute successful global expansion, and use that success to strengthen the entire company. - 経済産業省



None of these were particularly suitable as a Baron under the bylaw, however, the following were raised to the peerage: Shinto priests of local areas, especially from the old families (the Arakita family of Ise Jingu Shrine, Kawabe family, Matsumoto family of Ise Jingu Shrine, Aso family of Aso-jinja Shrine, Itouzu family and Miyanari family of Usa-jingu Shrine, Ono family of Hinomisaki-jinja Shrine, Kaneko family of Mononobe-jinja Shrine (in Ota city), the Ki family of Hinokuma-jingu Shrine and Kunikakasu-jingu Shrine, Kitajima family and Sen family of Izumo-taisha Shrine, Senshu family of Atsuta-jingu Shrine, the Tsumori family of Sumiyoshitaisha Shrine, Takachiho family of Tendai Shugen zasu (head priest of the temple) of Hikosan; Family names in bold letters indicate that they were kuninomiyatsuko (the heads of local governments), and Buddhist priests' families which inherited positions (the Kibe family, the chief abbot of the Kibe school of Jodo Shinshu - the True Pure Land Sect of Buddhism, the Shibuya family, the chief abbot of the Shibuya school of Jodo Shinshu, and the Hanazono family, the chief abbot of the Kosho-ji Temple of Jodo Shinshu).  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス



Nevertheless, the turmoil in the global financial markets, if prolonged, could lead to the materialization of risks for Japanese financial institutions by affecting the value of securities held by them - valuation losses were recognized and announced in their financial statements for the fiscal year ended in March. Also, if downside risks for the U.S. economy materialize, the Japanese economy will also be affected, and the condition of regional economies in Japan may continue to be unfavourable. These various factors could affect the financial health of regional financial institutions in Japan.  - 金融庁


The liquid fuel 5 as a subsidiary fuel is mixed completely with the natural gas 5 as the main fuel when the condition is in a loaded operation or over, and then a premixed gas is prepared by mixing it with the air for combustion in the premixing part which is injected into the combustor and combusted so as to produce a combustion gas. - 特許庁



The self state and the other's state are simultaneously displayed by using two or more screen frames. - 特許庁


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