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該当件数 : 26


ピジョンについての口論? - こけこっこピジョン!例文帳に追加

Argument about pigeons? cockadoody pigeons! - 映画・海外ドラマ英語字幕翻訳辞書

箱箱箱って 常に箱携帯してる高校生がいるか例文帳に追加

What high school student always carries a box?! - 映画・海外ドラマ英語字幕翻訳辞書

箱箱箱って 常に箱携帯してる高校生がいるか例文帳に追加

What high school student always carries around a box?! - 映画・海外ドラマ英語字幕翻訳辞書


To provide solid soap effectively utilizing shrinking solid soap remained. - 特許庁



a Turkish nation located in the Mongolian plateau in the 6th century  - EDR日英対訳辞書



The bearing in which a porous solid lubricant 37 is sealed in a bearing 31 is characterized in that the porous solid lubricant 37 is produced by foaming and curing a lubricating component and a foamable liquid silicone component to occlude the lubricating component in the skeleton of the resin. - 特許庁


This cosmetic is obtained by compounding an ester oil having a structure of a sterol skeleton into a solid oily cosmetic containing 12- hydroxystearic acid. - 特許庁


In a following forming process, the skeleton forming material 29 in which the liquid raw material 23 is filled is dried to obtain a prescribed shaped solid material 31. - 特許庁


To provide technology that achieves excellent curl and cockling aptitudes and high color development on a low water-absorption media, such as plain paper and coated paper, and improves discharge stability of high solid content pigment ink. - 特許庁



The epoxy resin composition and the composition for a powder coating are both characterized by containing (A) a solid epoxy resin containing the residue of bis(hydroxyphenyl)poly(oxyphenylene) (a1) in the skeleton and (B) a curing agent. - 特許庁



The whey fermented beverage is produced by adding Bifidobacterium genus bacteria and Lactococcus genus bacteria to a fermented milk raw material containing a whey raw material whose solid content is 7 to 15 mass%, fermenting the same until pH of the fermented milk raw material becomes 5.0 or less, stopping fermentation and preparing fermented matter, thereafter adding sugar to the prepared fermented matter, and then homogenizing the same. - 特許庁


In the image forming apparatus 1, a toner image is formed on a photoreceptor drum 5, and the toner image on the photoreceptor drum 5 is transferred to a paper, and toner left untransferred on the photoreceptor drum 5 is recovered by a toner solidifying recovery device 6. - 特許庁


The invention relates to a solid pharmaceutical preparation containing one or more solid excipients and/or adjuvants and an active ingredient selected from the group consisting of monoamine neurotransmitter re-uptake inhibitors which have a 2,3-disubstituted tropane structure. - 特許庁


A bridge 1 is constituted by supporting the section between the floor slab supports at the space of the cross beams by a girder framing 10 composed of main girders 11 and the cross beam 12 in a synthetic floor slab 20, in which a concrete layer 21 is formed integrally on the upper side of a steel skeleton 30. - 特許庁


This resin composition for the optical member is provided by incorporating (A) 1 to 80 wt.% compound having a fluorene backbone, (B) 1 to 80 wt.% acrylate without having the fluorene backbone and (C) 1-20 wt.% photopolymerization initiator based on the total amount of solid portions. - 特許庁


Concerning the moromi of Japanese sake, as defined in the fourteenth section in the third article of the Liquor Tax Act, the softly solidified product which remains after wringing the liquid sake out of the moromi is regarded as "sakekasu" (sake lees) and is used for the material for "tsukemono" (Japanese pickled vegetables), "amazake" (sweet mild sale) and vinegar.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


To provide an apparatus for cooling a coagulable substance fluidized at high temp. like pyrolysis residue resulting from the pyrolysis of waste plastic to solidify the same into a lumpy or powdery form easy to handle. - 特許庁


To provide a combustion auxiliary tool for solid fuel capable of being easily handled, improving heat transfer efficiency, and heating a cooking pan with approximately stable fire power even from a middle stage to a closing stage of the combustion so far as the fuel remains. - 特許庁


The porous iron powder can be obtained by a means where an alloy essentially consisting of iron is dipped into an acid aqueous solution to elute a specified element, and the remaining solid matter is reduced. - 特許庁


The treating device described above is the wet process oxidation treating device 1 and is so constituted that the whole or part of the remaining solid components returned by the returning means 8 is introduced into the wet process oxidation treating device 1 by an introducing means 9. - 特許庁


The residue after distillation in white distilled liquor-producing step is directly dried by evaporation or after wheat flour and/or starch is added to the distillation residue of white distilled liquor, the mixture is dried by evaporation and left solid material is used as the seasoning. - 特許庁


The light-resistant conductive paste includes a solid bisphenol-A type epoxy resin (A) having average molecular weight of 500-1400, an amine curing agent (B) having no benzene ring frame, a hardening accelerator (C), a reacting diluted solution (D) having no solvent and/nor benzene ring frame, and conductive powder(E). - 特許庁


In addition, the core is manufactured by performing pattern exposure and development after laminating an optical curing film formed of an epoxy resin composition containing an epoxy resin having 3,4-epoxy cyclohexenyl skeleton, liquid-like bisphenol epoxy resin, solid bisphenol epoxy resin and an optical cation curing agent. - 特許庁


The resin composition comprises an acrylic polyol, an isocyanate resin as a crosslinking agent, and macromolecular fine particles having 1.0-20 mass% content ratio based on solid components in the composition, wherein the acrylic polyol has side chains comprising a polysiloxane skeleton expressed by at least either one of formula (1) or formula (2), and fluoroalkyl groups. - 特許庁


Wood wastes, straw wastes, crushed materials of waste straw mats, solid fuel wastes, wastepaper, crushed materials of expansion molded articles of synthetic resin, crushed materials of polymer absorbing materials, meat and bone meal, composting materials of livestock, food wastes, crushed materials of used food containers, waste white clay, dried products of sewage sludge, etc. are included as the waste oil absorbing material. - 特許庁



The oily rod-shaped cosmetic is obtained by formulating a hydrocarbon-based wax solid at normal temperature, a wax ester, an ester oil solid or semisolid at the normal temperature and having a sterol skeleton, and a fatty acid ester derivative of a polysaccharide. - 特許庁


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