
「コントロール」に関連した英語例文の一覧と使い方(276ページ目) - Weblio英語例文検索





Weblio 辞書 > 英和辞典・和英辞典 > コントロールの意味・解説 > コントロールに関連した英語例文






該当件数 : 13756


下記の商標は登録を受けることができない。 ―企業の商品又は役務と他の企業の商品又は役務とを区別することができない不明確な商標 ―国家の道徳風俗と公共秩序に反する標章 ―特に商品又は役務の原産地、性質又は特徴について、公衆又は商業界に混同・誤認を生じさせる標章 ―国家、政府間の国際組織又は国際公約に基づいて設立した組織の紋章、旗又は記章、国家の特有文化又は歴史遺跡、ある国家の名称又は略称と同一、類似又はそれを構成要素とする標章、並びに、国家又は国際組織のコントロールと証明に関る公的な標識又は品質証明を含む標章(当該国家又は組織の承諾を得ているものを除く) ―商品又は役務の商標又は商号で、広く知られているものと同一又は類似の標章例文帳に追加

A trademark cannot be registered if: An unclear trademark which is incapable of distinguishing the goods or services of one enterprise from those of other enterprises is submitted; A mark is contrary to the national cultural morality and the public order. A mark is likely to mislead the public or trade circles, in particular as regards the geographical origin, nature or characteristics of the goods or services. - 特許庁


The contest result information is prepared and stored in a data base, and the contest result information, or the like, is radio-distributed to an information bulletin board and displayed in real time. - 特許庁


The read-once record medium comprises: a data substrate having control data zone and a data zone and having pre-record data; the photo-sensitive layer disposed above the data substrate; a reflective layer disposed above the photo-sensitive layer; an adhesive layer disposed above the reflective layer; and a transparent substrate disposed above the adhesive layer. - 特許庁


The Tokyo High Court judgment of March 31, 2005 upheld the original decision ruling that the service provider had infringed the right to make the copyrighted work transmittable and that there is a concrete and realistic risk that that automatic public transmission services will, by nature, trigger certain types of copyright infringements by its users, which would be foreseeable for the service provider operating such service, who consequently induces such infringements. Moreover, where the service provider may procure certain economic benefits from operating such service, the service provider will be held responsible for the infringement, because such provider has caused damages from actions which are under his/her own control. In this case, it is natural that such service provider should be held liable for such infringement, in other words he/she would himself/herself be regarded as the infringer.  - 経済産業省


そして、被告が本件番組において本件各音源を送信しこれを受信者がMDに録音する場合における、被告と受信者との間の関係をみると、被告と受信者との間には、被告がその送信に係る本件番組の受信を受信者に許諾し、これに対して受信者が一定の受信料を支払うという契約関係が存するのみで、受信された音源の録音に関しては何らの合意もなく、受信者が録音を行うか否かは、専ら当該受信者がその自由意思に基づいて決定し、自ら任意に録音のための機器を準備した上で行われるものであって、被告が受信者の右決定をコントロールし得るものではないことからすれば、被告が受信者を自己の手足として利用して本件各音源のMDへの録音を行わせていると評価しうる程度に、被告が受信者による録音行為を管理・支配しているという関係が認められないことは明らかである。」 例文帳に追加

As with the relationship between the Defendant, sending the sound source in the Program and the receiver of such sound source who records it on MD, the only agreement that exists by and between these parties is that the Defendant shall license the receiver to receive such Program and the receiver shall pay certain amount of consideration for receipt of such Program. There is no agreement on the receiver's recording of the sound source. Whether or not to record the sound source depends on the receiver's voluntary will, and the receiver will record it at its discretion by preparing the equipments for recording. Considering that the Defendant has no way to exercise any control over the receiver's decision making, therefore, it is evident that the relationship between the Defendant and the receiver shall not be so constituted that the Defendant has control over the receiver's act of recording to the extent that the Defendant is regarded as causing the receiver to record the sound source on MD as if the receiver were the Defendant's tool.  - 経済産業省



In particular, the fact that economic and financial fields have become highly globalized is common knowledge to all of you, so globalized that even 100 million dollars can be moved in a flash by means of computers. In times like this, it is, put simply and as far as I see it, a challenge to humanity in the 21st century to deal with the question of how to democratically control the advancement of financial engineering, or the economic globalization and financial globalization, and we are indeed in the process of tackling it, but imposing excessively harsh regulations on markets might cause them to shrink. Government control may pose another issue in that process, but the lack of it, which means applying a laissez-faire or no-restriction approach, might impose one negative effect after another on manufacturing and other industries, as was the case in the economic recession two years ago. In that sense, unlike the 1929 Great Depression, what I think the recent crisis is making us face is a challenge to human wisdom.  - 金融庁


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