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Weblio 辞書 > 英和辞典・和英辞典 > 世界新規性に関連した英語例文






該当件数 : 7


新規の例として、統括業務又は研究開発業務の内容として世界初ないし日本初、統括形態又は研究形態として世界初ないし日本初 等例文帳に追加

* Examples: the business model is the first of its kind globally or in Japan, the structure of Regional Headquarters operations or R&D activities is the first of its kind globally or in Japan.  - 経済産業省


Considering the fact that there is a global need to supplement reserves, especially in emerging economies, and that the risk of inflation is historically low, the case for a new general allocation is very strong. - 財務省


A design shall be considered new if, prior to the filing date or the priority date, as appropriate, of the application no identical design has been made available to the public by means of publication, use, registration or otherwise disclosed anywhere in the world.  - 特許庁

前文の規定にかかわらず、意匠の開示又は記述は、それが世界貿易機関の加盟国又はエジプトと相互関係がある国において登録出願後に実施された場合、又は当該開示が国内又は国際展示会又は会議又は科学雑誌における意匠の発表において行われた場合は、その新規に影響を及ぼしてはならない。ただし、エジプトにおいて登録出願が提出された日の前6 月以内に全てが行われる場合に限る。例文帳に追加

Nonetheless, disclosure or description of an industrial design shall not affect its novelty if it was carried out after the application for registration in a country member in the World Trade Organization, or a country which applies reciprocity to Egypt, or if the disclosure occurred in a national or an international exhibition, or a publication about the industrial design in a conference or a scientific periodical, provided that all this has occurred within six months prior to the date on which the registration application was filed in Egypt.  - 特許庁


ASEAN 加盟国の間及び日本と ASEAN との間における経済発展段階の違い、並びにカンボジア王国、ラオス人民民主共和国、ミャンマー連邦及びベトナム社会主義共和国(以下「ASEAN 新規加盟国とする」)が日・ASEAN 包括的経済連携に参加することを容易にする必要を認識し、世界貿易機関を設立するマラケシュ協定(以下「WTO 協定」とする)並びにその他の多国間、地域間及び二国間の協定及び取極の下での各国の権利及び義務を再確認し、例文帳に追加

RECOGNISING the catalytic role that regional trade arrangements can contribute towards accelerating regional and global liberalisation and as building blocks in the framework of the multilateral trading system; - 経済産業省



At the same time, overseas markets are generally expected to continue to grow more rapidly than domestic markets due, among other things, to differences in demographic trends between Japan and the rest of the world, and so it is important to economic growth that, on the demand front, Japanese SMEs and small and medium manufacturers in particular develop business strategies with a view to expansion overseas in various ways, innovate in business to develop new markets, raise value added by development new technologies and enhancing brand value, and enter markets in Japan as well that are expected to grow in the light of trends such as population aging (see Part II, Chapter 1). - 経済産業省



In that sense and others, striking a balance between all those factors is criticalwhile peace of mind and security do matter in financial services, adhering excessively to such qualities could, as I have just pointed out, result in a credit crunch or oppressive debt collection and thus create impediments to the growth of truly healthy companies or the growth of a healthy economy, which is why the financial sector is so vital. This time around, I reaffirmed in talks with people like Mr. Bernanke and Mr. Zhou Xiaochuan that harmony or a balance between those factors is extremely important. Having spoken with financial regulators in both the U.S. and China, I am now even more convinced of this idea. In any case, the Financial Services Agency (FSA) is aware of the importance of paying proper attention to any impact of the new requirements on the current situation and corporate reform efforts in Japan – a point that applies to not only Japan but also the G20 nations that each have their own lay of the landwhile they will, put simply, contribute to a higher level of soundness of Japan's financial system over the medium to long term. From this viewpoint, I do see that Japan's argument has increasingly received global approval to a considerable extent, while I am committed to continuing to advocate Japan's position in a proactive and resolute fashion.  - 金融庁


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