
「契約明細書」に関連した英語例文の一覧と使い方 - Weblio英語例文検索





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該当件数 : 9



To provide a performance specification accurately describing two or more pieces of performance information even in a case in which addition or deletion is caused in a contract content. - 特許庁


(4) Upon a request in writing signed by or on behalf of the contracting parties, the Registrar shall, on payment of the prescribed fee, record in the Register such particulars relating to the contract as the parties thereto might wish to have recorded: Provided that the parties shall not be required to disclose or have recorded any other particulars relating to the said contract. - 特許庁


To automatically generate document data of a worker's property accumulation deposit request form and a worker's property accumulation transfer detailed statement corresponding to new data several days before a transaction when a contract of worker's property accumulation savings is made with a company or when the salary payment day or bonus payment day of a contract company is changed. - 特許庁


When the contractor wants issue of the bill statement, the contractor can receives the issue of the bill statement from the issuing device by connecting a mobile machine 301 to the issuing device 10 and performing a prescribed operation. - 特許庁



To reduce the labor, time and cost of both a contractor and an enterpriser, with respect to a bill statement for public utility charges or the like. - 特許庁


2 前項の場合においては、無限責任組合員は、組合契約及び公認会計士(外国公認会計士を含む。)又は監査法人の意見(業務報告及びその附属明細については、会計に関する部分に限る。次項において同じ。)を併せて備えて置かなければならない。例文帳に追加

(2) Further to paragraph 1, the general partners shall also maintain the Partnership Contract and the audit report (with respect to the business report and its detailed attachments only the portion relating to accounting with the same to apply in the succeeding paragraph) prepared by either a certified public accountant (including a foreign certified public accountant) or an accounting firm.  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム

2. 無限責任組合員は、前項の附属明細において、本組合が投資勘定において保有する投資証券等及び投資知的財産権については本契約添付別紙3 に定めるところに従い、各事業年度期末時点における評価額を記載するものとする。例文帳に追加

(2) With respect to the Portfolio Securities and the Portfolio Intellectual Property held by the Partnership in an investment account, the General Partner shall enter their values as of the end of each business year in the schedules annexed set forth in the preceding paragraph pursuant to Exhibit 3 attached hereto.  - 経済産業省

九 定款、社員総会、総代会、創立総会、取締役会、重要財産委員会、委員会、監査役会、保険契約者総会、保険契約者総代会、社債権者集会若しくは債権者集会の議事録、社員の名簿、会計帳簿、貸借対照表、損益計算、事業報告、第五十四条の三第二項若しくは第百八十条の十七において準用する会社法第四百九十四条第一項の附属明細、会計参与報告、監査報告、会計監査報告、決算報告、社債原簿、財産目録、事務報告又は第六十一条の五において準用する同法第六百八十二条第一項若しくは第六百九十五条第一項、第百六十五条の二第一項、第百六十五条の九第一項、第百六十五条の十三第一項、第百六十五条の十五第一項、第百六十五条の十九第一項若しくは第百六十五条の二十一第一項の面若しくは電磁的記録に記載し、若しくは記録すべき事項を記載せず、若しくは記録せず、又は虚偽の記載若しくは記録をしたとき。例文帳に追加

(ix) When he/she has failed to state or record the matters required to be stated or recorded or made a false statement or record in the articles of incorporation, minutes of general meeting of members, General Meeting, Organizational Meeting, board of directors, committee on important property, Committees, board of company auditors, policyholders meeting, General Meeting of Policyholders, bondholders meeting or creditors meeting, roster of members, accounting books, balance sheet, profit and loss statement, business report, annexed detailed statement of Article 494, paragraph (1) of the Companies Act, as applied mutatis mutandis pursuant to Article 54-3, paragraph (2) or Article 180-17, accounting advisory report, audit report, accounting auditing report, statement of accounts, bond registry, inventory of property, business report, or document or electromagnetic record set forth in Article 682, paragraph (1) or Article 695, paragraph (1), Article 165-2, paragraph (1), Article 165-9, paragraph (1), Article 165-13, paragraph (1), Article 165-15, paragraph (1), Article 165-19, paragraph (1) or Article 165-21, paragraph (1) of the same Act, as applied mutatis mutandis pursuant to Article 61-5;  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム


(1)登録官は,特許出願の優先日又は出願日から18月が経過した後,かつ,所定の手数料の納付があったときは,次に掲げる事項を公衆の利用に供するようにしなければならない。 (a)出願人の名称,宛先及び説明並びに代理人があるときは,その名称及び宛先 (b)出願番号 (c)出願日及び優先権が主張されている場合は,優先日,先の出願の出願番号及び先の出願が行われた国の名称又は,先の出願が地域出願若しくは国際出願である場合は,その出願の対象である国及び出願が行われた官庁の名称 (d)出願の詳細であって,明細,クレーム,(図面がある場合は)図面,及び出願の要約を含むもの,並びに(補正がある場合は)補正 (e)出願類に示されている出願する権利に関わる変更及びライセンス契約への言及例文帳に追加

(1) The Registrar shall make available for public inspection after eighteen months from the priority date or filing date of a patent application and upon payment of the prescribed fee - (a) the name, address and description of the applicant and the name and address of his agent, if any; (b) the application number; (c) the filing date of the application and, if priority is claimed, the priority date, the number of the earlier application and the name of the State in which the earlier application was filed or where the earlier application is a regional or an international application, the name of the country or countries for which and the office at which it was filed; (d) the particulars of the application including the description, claim or claims, drawing or drawings, if any, and the abstract and any amendments to the application, if any; and (e) any change in ownership of the application and any reference to a licence contract appearing in the file relating to the application. - 特許庁


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