
「SANJO」に関連した英語例文の一覧と使い方(29ページ目) - Weblio英語例文検索










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The warriors fighting on Yoshitomo's side included MINAMOTO no Shigenari, MINAMOTO no Mitsumoto, and MINAMOTO no Hidezane, all of whom had taken part in the raid on the Sanjo Palace, and MINAMOTO no Mitsuyasu and others who had tracked down and captured Shinzei, as well as Yoshitomo's sons Yoshihira, Tomonaga, and Yoritomo and his uncle MINAMOTO no Yoshitaka and Yoshinobu HIRAGA and others of the Shinano branch of the Minamoto clan, and his army took shape around his retainers, including Masaie KAMATA, Sanemoto GOTO, and Hideyoshi SASAKI; yet from the Kanto, the source of Yoshitomo's power, only a handful, including Yoshizumi MIURA, Hidetsune KAZUSANOSUKE (TAIRA no Hidetsune), and some warriors of the Yamanouchi-Sudo clan were present to fight with him. 例文帳に追加

義朝側の戦力は、三条殿襲撃に参加した源重成・源光基・源季実、信西を追捕した源光保などの同盟軍、子息の義平・源朝長・頼朝、叔父・源義隆、信濃源氏・平賀義信などの一族、鎌田正家・後藤実基・佐々木秀義などの郎等により形成され、義朝の勢力基盤である関東からは、三浦義澄・上総介広常・山内首藤氏などが参戦したに過ぎなかった。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

It is thought that Kyoto nanakuchi were originally set as entrances to the roads connecting Kyoto and seven circuits, and are said to be the Oohara entrance (the Ohara Entrance, the Yase entrance: the Hokuriku road), the Kurama entrance (the Izumo road entrance), the Awata entrance (the Higashi-sanjo entrance: the Tokai road), the Fushimi entrance (the Uji entrance, the Kohata entrance: the Nankai road), the Toba entrance (the Saikai road), the Tanba entrance (the Nishi-shichijo entrance, the Shichijo entrance: the Sanin road) and the Nagasaka entrance (the Tanba road); however, this theory came about after the Edo Period and when such checkpoints had been abolished, so there are doubts surrounding whether these are historical facts. 例文帳に追加

京都七口は元来、京都と七道を結ぶ街道の入口として設置されたと考えられ、大原口(小原口・八瀬口→北陸道)・鞍馬口(出雲路口)・粟田口(東三条口→東海道)・伏見口(宇治口・木幡口→南海道)・鳥羽口(→西海道)・丹波口(西七条口・七条口→山陰道)・長坂口(→(丹波道))の7つと言われているが、これは関所が廃止された江戸時代以後の説で史実に即しているのか疑問を持たれている。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

The Iwakura Mission project came up before the completion of Haihan-chiken (abolition of feudal domains and establishement of prefectures) that had been set about on August 29, 1871, in the project Tomomi IWAKURA, Toshimichi OKUBO, Takayoshi KIDO and many other leaders of the Meiji government finally joined the great delegation, and therefore the Establishment was organized by Grand Minister Sanetomi SANJO at its head, Takamori SAIGO, Kaoru INOUE, Shigenobu OKUMA, Taisuke ITAGAKI, Shinpei ETO and Takao OKI in order to protect the nation and to settle the affairs of Haihan-chiken while the Iwakura Mission was traveling abroad officially. 例文帳に追加

明治4年7月14日(旧暦)(1871年8月29日)に断行された廃藩置県の後始末が済まないうちに、岩倉使節団の計画が持ち上がり最終的に岩倉具視・大久保利通・木戸孝允ら明治政府を主導してきた首脳の多くが加わる一大使節団となったことから、使節団の外遊中の留守を守るとともに廃藩置県の後始末を行うための組織として太政大臣三条実美を筆頭に西郷隆盛・井上馨・大隈重信・板垣退助・江藤新平・大木喬任らによって結成された。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

While Ito and others attempted to change the relationship between the Emperor and the Imperial court, Sanjo and Iwakura were disinclined to completely suppress the power of Imperial court side including Motoda and Sasaki, in fear that their own status defended by the lineage of court noble would be undermined by the rapid establishment of constitutionalism, and they even cooperated with the Imperial court side to put pressure on the Dajokan side over the problem of the issuance of foreign bonds in the closing days of Okuma finance. 例文帳に追加

伊藤らは天皇と宮中側の関係を改めさせようとしたが、急速に立憲制が確立することで公家出身の門地に依存してきた自分の地位が危うくなることを危惧した三条や岩倉は、元田や佐々木らの宮中側勢力を完全に抑えることには消極的で、大隈財政末期の外債発行問題などでは宮中側と連携して太政官側を動かそうとする動きも見せたのである。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


In Japan, the Keihan Keishin Line is the only one that serves as three different types of tracks: a subway, a mountain railway and a tram; a vehicle consisting of four cars enters a subway (Tozai Line of the Kyoto Municipal Subway) in the central part of Kyoto City (not a mutual entry but a single entry of the Keihan Keishin Line), runs through a steep curve and slope like a mountain railway near Osakayama, which used to be the hilliest part of the Kyu-Tokaido (the former Tokaido) on the boundary of Kyoto Prefecture and Shiga Prefecture, and runs like a tram along National Route 161 in the central part of Otsu City, Shiga Prefecture (between Misasagi Station shared with the Tozai Line of the Kyoto Municipal Subway, and Kyu-Misasagi-fudo Fumikiri (Railroad Crossing at the former Kyoto Prefecture Route of Misasagi) (Sanjo-dori Street) runs a subway). 例文帳に追加

京阪京津線は、4両編成の車両が京都市中心部地域では地下鉄(京都市営地下鉄京都市営地下鉄東西線)に乗り入れ(相互乗り入れではなく、片乗り入れ)、京都府と滋賀県との府県境にあり、旧東海道の難所でもあった逢坂山付近では、登山電車並みの急曲線・急勾配を走り抜け、滋賀県大津市中心部地域では、路面電車のように国道161号線上の併用軌道を走るという日本で唯一、地下鉄・登山鉄道・路面電車という3つの顔(京都市営地下鉄東西線との共同駅である御陵駅と旧御陵府道踏切(三条通)との間は、地下線)を持つ路線である。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


As they are centers of mass production of consumer goods such as blades, metal cutlery, and spectacles, many enterprises in the Tsubame-Sanjo and Sabae regions presently sense direct competition from China (Fig. 2-4-14), and there has been a decline in the large number of enterprises that selectedstable, cheap supply of raw materials” and “ability to meet large-volume orders through division of laboras advantages of the business environment 20 years ago (Fig. 2-4-15). As there has also been a decline in the proportion of massproduced goods (Fig. 2-4-16), systems of mass producing items such as consumer goods appear to be performing less well. 例文帳に追加

燕・三条地域や鯖江地域では刃物や金属洋食器、メガネなどの消費財の量産拠点であったため、現在はダイレクトに中国との競合を感じている企業が多い(第2-4-14図)。 燕・三条地域や鯖江地域では刃物や金属洋食器、メガネなどの消費財の量産拠点であったため、現在はダイレクトに中国との競合を感じている企業が多い(第2-4-14図)。事業環境の優位性として20年前は多数の企業が回答していた「安価で安定した原材料の確保」や「分業で量産発注へ対応」を選択する企業が減少しており(第2-4-15図)、量産品の生産割合も減少していることから(第2-4-16図)、消費財等の大量生産システムは機能しづらくなっていることが分かる。 - 経済産業省


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