
「SANJO」に関連した英語例文の一覧と使い方(28ページ目) - Weblio英語例文検索










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After that, ownership was trandferred to his daughter, FUJIWARA no Kiyoko (Kokamonin), and then to his heir, Motozane KONOE, but in December, 1166, when Imperial Prince Norihito, the crown prince (and later Emperor Takakura), lived there, Higashi Sanjo-dono Residence caught fire and was destroyed, and had been in ruins thereafter without being reconstructed. 例文帳に追加

その後、忠通の娘・藤原聖子(皇嘉門院)、続いて嫡男の近衛基実に譲られたが、仁安元年(1166年)12月に当時皇太子憲仁親王(後の高倉天皇)の御所であった東三条殿は火災で焼失、以後は再建されずに荒廃した。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Although in the house of a branch line the house status excelled as compared with the head family (the Ogimachi-Sanjo Family), it was exceptionally ranked among the three houses of ministers and frequently produced ministers of the right from the Muromachi period through the early Edo period; therefore, the house status was considered to be approximately equivalent to seigake (one of the statuses of court nobility that is inferior to Sekke but superior to minister). 例文帳に追加

分家でありながら家格は本家の正親町三条家をしのぎ、三大臣家の中でも格別とされ、室町時代から江戸時代初期にかけ右大臣をたびたび輩出したため、その家格は清華家とほぼ同格とみなされていた。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

From the end of Edo period to the Meiji Restoration, Takauta SHIJO was actively involved in affairs of state as a court noble belonging to the group which revered the Emperor and desired the expulsion of foreigners/overthrow of the Tokugawa Shogunate; he suffered in incident of the shichikyo-ochi (defeated seven nobles) with Sanetomi SANJO, but after the Meiji Restoration he was rehabilitated, joining the army and reaching the rank of lieutenant general. 例文帳に追加

幕末、明治維新期の四条隆謌(たかうた)は、尊皇攘夷、倒幕派の公卿として国事に奔走し、三条実美らとともに七卿落ちの憂き目にもあったが、明治維新後、復権し陸軍に入り陸軍中将にまで累進した。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

After the Meiji Restoration, the title of Danshaku (Baron - one of the titles of Kazoku - nobility), was given to the Oshikoji family (or the Oshinokoji family) and the Mibu family, the leading Jigeke, correspondingly to raise them to Toshoke; and the Itami family (Shigekata ITAMI: court official served at Shorenin Temple), the Ozaki family (Saburo OZAKI: court official served at the Sanjo family), and the Tomii family (Masaakira Tomii: a senior servant at Shogoin Temple) in recognition of merit. 例文帳に追加

明治維新後、地下家の筆頭格であった押小路家・壬生家は堂上家に準じて、また、伊丹家(伊丹重賢:青蓮院諸大夫)・尾崎家(尾崎三良:三条家諸大夫)・富井家(富井政章:聖護院坊官)は勲功により華族(男爵)に列せられた。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


The criterion for the rating was based on a paper 'Study on the Peerage System' written by President of Department of the Decoration Sakimitsu YANAGIWARA and submitted to Daijo-daijin (Grand minister of state) Sanetomi SANJO on May 7, 1884; roughly speaking, actual peerages were conferred based on the criterion. 例文帳に追加

この基準は、明治17年(1884年)5月7日に賞勲局総裁柳原前光から太政大臣三条実美に提出された「爵制備考」として提出されたものが元になっており、実際の叙爵もおおむねこの基準に沿って行われている。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


Although some say the name Oike originates from a nearby pond of Shinsenen, a topography titled 'Kyo Suzume' (Kyoto sparrow) published in 1665 says, 'This Sanjo Bomondono street is called Hachimancho-dori in the east, Oike-dori in the west, as there was Oikecho at Muromachi on this street; long ago the Imperial Palace Kamoidono (palace of ducks) was there, and it had the pond with ducks; this place is supposed to be.' 例文帳に追加

神泉苑の傍を通るため、この名前になったというが、江戸時代初期の1665年(寛文5年)発行の地誌「京雀」には「【三条坊門通】この筋を東にては八幡町通と云、…、西にては御池通と云、此筋室町に御池町あり、むかし鴨居殿とて御所あり、鴨の下居池の井ありける跡也とかや」とある。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

After his death, therefore, it was believed that he damned the Kujo school of the Northern House of the Fujiwara clan as a vengeful spirit and in the clause of May 27, 1015 (old lunar calendar) of "Shoyu-ki Diary," it is recorded that the eye disease of the then Sanjo Emperor (a grandchild born of a daughter of Kujo school FUJIWARA no Kaneie) was caused by vengeful spirits of FUJIWARA no Motokata and Gasho. 例文帳に追加

そのため、死後には怨霊になって良源を保護していた藤原北家九条流に祟ったと言われ、『小右記』長和5年5月7日(旧暦)(1015年5月27日)条には、当時の三条天皇(九条流藤原兼家の外孫)の眼病は藤原元方と賀静の怨霊によるものであると記されている。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

However, in Buddhist Studies, it is pointed out that there is not much of a basis behind the esan kiitsu because although the Lotus Sutra set a goal of 'learning ichijo through understanding sanjo,' it is not clearly explained how these different people can be treated equally in accordance with the preaching of ichijo, in addition to the fact that there is an academic theory that the Lotus Sutra has no content. 例文帳に追加

しかし、仏教学においては法華経無内容説という学説的な主張に加え、また法華経が「三乗を会して一乗に帰す」という目標を示してはいるものの、三乗の差別ある者たちがどうやって一乗の教えに平等に帰すことができるのか明らかに説かれておらず、その根拠に乏しいという指摘もある。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Hiyoshitaisha Shrine began to have its dignified appearance as the head shrine by having Daigu (or Daihiei, original enshrined deity: Shakuju Nyorai) and Ninomiya (or Kohiei, original enshrined deity: Yakushi Nyorai) as gracious deities at both sides, by adding Shoshinshi (original enshrined deity: Amida Nyorai) later to collectively call three of them Sanno Sanjo or Sansei, and by further adding Hachioji (original enshrined deity: Senju Kannon), Kyakujin (original enshrined deity: Juichimen Kannon), Juzenji (original enshrined deity: Jizo Bodai), and Sangu (original enshrined deity: Fugen Bodai) to collectively call them Sanno nanasha (Kami nanasha). 例文帳に追加

大社自体も大宮(大比叡・本地釈梼如来)、二宮(小比叡・本地薬師如来)を山王両明神とし、聖真子(本地阿弥陀如来)を加えて山王三所または三聖といい、やがて八王子(本地千手観音)、客人(本地十一面観音)、十禅師(本地地蔵菩醍)、三宮(本地普賢菩醍)を加えて山王七社(上七社)となすなど、総本山の威容を整え始めた。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


It contains nise-e (Kamakura-period realistic portraitures of courtiers and warriors painted in the Yamato-e style) of 57 of 66 ministers appointed between 1137 and 1252 (the nine missing ministers are said to be Ietada KAZANIN, Munetada NAKAMIKADO, Sanefusa SANJO, Kanemasa KAZANIN, Kanefusa TAKANO, Tadachika NAKAYAMA, Yoshitsune KUJO, Yorizane OINOMIKADO and Iezane KONOE.) 例文帳に追加

保延3年(1137年)から建長4年(1252年)までの期間において大臣に補任された66名のうち、57名の似絵(肖像画)が描かれている(脱落している9名は花山院家忠・中御門宗忠・三条実房・花山院兼雅・高野兼房・中山忠親・九条良経・大炊御門頼実・近衛家実と言われている)。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


Looking at the first two Nyoin, Higashi Sanjoin's title was based on Higashi Sanjo-dono Palace, and Jotomonin's was based on Jotomon-dai (aka Tsuchimikado-dai; another name for Jotomon in Daidairi, the Greater Imperial Palace was "Tuchimikado," and the road that ran through it was called Tsuchimikado Oji or Jotomon Oji), both came from the ridai (palace outside the Imperial enclosure). 例文帳に追加

最初の二人の女院に即して見ると、東三条院の称号は東三条殿によって、上東門院の称号は上東門第(土御門第の別名)(大内裏の上東門は別名を「土御門」といい、そこに通じる道路は土御門大路または上東門大路と呼ばれた)によってと、いずれも里第に由来した。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

During this time, Empress Teishi and her prince, Takahito, were treated coldly by the chancellors (chief advisors to the emperor), and it is said that after Emperor Go-Suzaku decided to abdicate due to his illness when he was staying in the temporary palace of Higashi Sanjo dono, FUJIWARA no Yoshinobu, who supported the Empress, helped set up Prince Takahito as the next Crown Prince according to the will of Emperor Go-Suzaku. 例文帳に追加

その間皇后禎子内親王とその皇子尊仁親王は関白らに冷遇されていたが、後朱雀天皇が里内裏東三条殿において病に倒れて譲位を決断した際、皇后を支援していた藤原能信の働きで尊仁親王を次期皇太子にするよう遺詔を発したと言われる。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

(The residence of the Imperial Prince was later the Higashi sanjo dono where FUJIWARA no Kaneie lived.) Also, according to "Goke shidai," when foreigners (envoys from Bokkai) broke into his residence, Imperial Prince wrapped an ox-drawn carriage made with duck's feathers with eight layers of badger's fur, so the envoys were very ashamed, and it revealed that he seemed to love elegance, but also had a strong and brave character. 例文帳に追加

(親王の邸宅は後に藤原兼家が住んだ東三条殿であった)また『江家次第』によれば、ある時蕃客(渤海の使者)が参入した時、親王が鴨毛の車に黒貉の皮衣を八重重ねで纏っていたので使者たちが大いに恥じたと言われ、風雅を愛する一方で豪気な一面も持ち合わせていたらしい。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

According to one theory he was a son of Meiseki ISHIKAWA, who was a vassal in Miyoshi clan, he was a large man with strength of 30 men, broke into the treasure house of his master at the age of 16, killing 3 guards along the way, stole a gold-mounted sword, fled and wandered in various provinces and stole, but he was caught in 1594, and he was roasted to death in a cauldron along with his child at Sanjo-gawara in Kyoto. 例文帳に追加

一説に三好氏の臣石川明石の子で、体幹長大、三十人力を有し16歳で主家の宝蔵を破り、番人3人を斬り黄金造りの太刀を奪い、逃れて諸国を放浪し盗みをはたらいたが、文禄3年追捕せられ、京都三条河原で一子とともに釜で煎殺されたという。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

First of all, according to "Relation of Japan (Relacion del Reino de Nippon a que llaman Corruptante Japon)" written by Avila GIRON who lived in Japan as a trading merchant for about 20 years between the Azuchi-Momoyama period to the early Edo period, it is noted that there was a group that ransacked Kyoto at one time, but 15 ringleaders were caught and they were boiled alive in oil at Sanjo-gawara in Kyoto. 例文帳に追加

まず、安土桃山時代から江戸時代初期の20年ほど日本に貿易商として滞在していたアビラ・ヒロンの記した『日本王国記』によると、かつて都(京都)を荒らしまわる集団がいたが、15人の頭目が捕らえられ京都の三条河原で生きたまま油で煮られたとの記述がある。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

On November 12, 1871, Sanjo and Saigo were entrusted with the duty of Rusu-naikaku (the acting cabinet while the heads of government are away), because a group of ambassadors, namely the ambassador who is the ambassador extraordinary and plenipotentiary Tomomi IWAKURA, vice ambassadors Takayoshi KIDO, Toshimichi OKUBO, Hirobumi ITO and Naoyoshi YAMAGUCHI went to Europe and the North America for revision of a treaty (Kunai-taijo (a post in the Imperial Household Ministry), and Shinpachi MURATA was one of the attendant). 例文帳に追加

明治4年(1871年)11月12日、三条・西郷らに留守内閣(留守政府)をまかせ、特命全権大使岩倉具視、副使木戸孝允・大久保利通・伊藤博文・山口尚芳ら外交使節団が条約改正のために横浜から欧米各国へ出発した(随員中に宮内大丞村田新八もいた)。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

At the time, Issei MAEHARA (who was appointed the successor of Masujiro OMURA, the Hobu-taifu, who had resigned earlier because he was doubtful of the sufficiency of his ability) sent a letter to the grand minister of state, Sanetomi SANJO saying 'Saigo should be reassigned to his work of attempting the harmonization of Satsuma and Choshu. If not, there will be some debates about wise lost', because he was concerned about the future of the Meiji Government. 例文帳に追加

このとき、西郷の推挙で兵部大輔大村益次郎の後任に補されながら、能力不足と自覚して、先に下野していた前原一誠は「宜シク西郷ノ職ヲ復シテ薩長調和ノ実ヲ計ルベシ、然ラザレバ、賢ヲ失フノ議起コラント」という内容の書簡を太政大臣三条実美に送り、明治政府の前途を憂えた。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

He also annoyed many people around him by rebuilding his own residence, Higashi-sanjo-den Palace, so that part of it would look like Seiryo-den Palace of Dairi (Imperial Palace), because young Emperor Ichijo lived there with his mother Senshi, by selecting his sons and brothers such as Michitaka or Michinaga as Court nobles, and by executing unreasonable personnel replacements such as replacing all officials with those who were in his own sect. 例文帳に追加

また、一条天皇が幼少で母親の詮子とともに兼家の屋敷である東三条殿に居住している事を理由に建物の一部を内裏の清涼殿に模して建て替えたり、道隆や道長ら自分の子弟を公卿に抜擢したり、弁官を全て自派に差し替えるなどの強引な人事を行って顰蹙を買った。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

In January 997, Teishi gave birth to Imperial Princess Shushi (or Nagako), the first Princess of Emperor Ichijo, and the Emperor yearned to have Teishi back in the Imperial Court as the Empress; on the other hand, Higashi Sanjo Nyoin (or Higashi Sanjoin) was hardly recovered yet from her illness; at last on May 18, 997, the Imperial Court decided to pardon the brothers Dazai gon no sochi Korechika and Izumo gon no kami Takaie under the general amnesty on Nyoin gono (illness of Nyoin) to send them back by Daijokanpu (official documents issued by Daijokan, Grand Council of State). 例文帳に追加

同年12月には定子の腹から一条天皇第一皇女脩子内親王が出生し、帝が定子入内を強く望む一方、東三条女院の病気も一向に快方に向かわず、朝廷は遂に長徳3年(997年)4月5日、女院御悩による大赦に託けて大宰権帥伊周・出雲権守隆家兄弟の罪科を赦し、太政官符を以って召還することに決めた。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

His creative activities reached a peak from 1967 to 1970; he directed the masterpiece "Oryu sanjo" (The Appearance of Oryu), part of the "Hibotanbakuto" series, starring Junko FUJI; made successful action movies such as "By a Man's Face Shall You Know Him" and "The Eighteen-year Sentence" which starred Noboru ANDO; and directed "Showa onna bakuto" (A Showa Lady Gambler), a revenge story featuring a strange curse in which Kyoko ENAMI, a star of yakuza films who had moved from Daiei to Toei, played the lead. 例文帳に追加

その創作活動は1967年から1970年にピークを迎え、藤純子主演の『緋牡丹博徒』ではシリーズ中屈指の傑作である『お竜参上』を監督し、安藤昇を主演に迎え『男の顔は履歴書』や『懲役十八年』などのアクション映画を成功させ、大映の任侠スターだった江波杏子を東映に迎えて一種異様な怨念に彩られた復讐物語『昭和おんな博徒』を手掛けた。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

When Takauji ASHIKAGA deserted the Kenmu Government after suppressing the Nakasendai War in which Tokiyuki HOJO uprose in Shinano Province and temporarily occupied Kamakura, Nagatoshi battled against Takauji, supporting the court with Masashige KUSUNOKI and Yoshisada NITTA, but was defeated by Takauji who entered Kyoto after the Battle of Minatogawa in 1336, and was killed in the battlefield of Sanjo Inokuma. 例文帳に追加

足利尊氏が、信濃国で北条時行らが蜂起して鎌倉を一時占領した中先代の乱の討伐を契機に建武政権から離脱すると、楠木正成、新田義貞らと共に宮方として尊氏と戦うが、1336年(延元元年/建武3年)の湊川の戦いの後に京都に入った尊氏に敗れ、三条猪隈で討死する。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

When the Sanjo-ohashi Bridge Noticeboard Incident occurred on October 20, 1866, he received a financial incentive in gold equivalent to 2.5-ryo in old currency, belonging to Sanbangumi-tai (third platoon), and in the Tenmanya Incident on January 1, 1868, he took charge of guarding an official of Kishu Domain, Yasushi MIURA, with Hajime SAITO, Kuwajiro OISHI and others, as a member of the platoon lead by Sanosuke HARADA. 例文帳に追加

また、慶応2年(1866年)9月12日(旧暦)に起きた三条制札事件の際には三番組に属し報償として金千疋を受け取り、慶応3年(1867年)12月7日(旧暦)の天満屋事件が起きた際には原田左之助隊に属し斎藤一、大石鍬次郎らと共に紀州藩公用人三浦安らの護衛にあたる。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

His children included Kinmune TOIN, Kino OGURA (originator of Ogura family), Kinmori TOIN, Sadakatsu (head of Daigo-ji Temple), Morie (To-ji choja), Jijun (the head priest of Hossho-ji Temple), Kyogokuin Kitsuhi Toin (empress of Emperor Kameyama), Genkimonin Toin Inshi (wife of Emperor Gofukakusa), Emperor Gofukakusa Kishi TOIN (wife of Emperor Fushimi), wife of Motohira KONOE, wife of Mototada TAKATSUKASA, wife of Kinchika SANJO. 例文帳に追加

子に洞院公宗・小倉公雄(小倉家の祖)・洞院公守・定勝(醍醐寺座主)・守恵(東寺長者)・慈順(法性寺座主)・京極院洞院佶子(亀山天皇皇后)・玄輝門院洞院愔子(後深草天皇妃)・顕親門院洞院季子(伏見天皇妃)・近衛基平室・鷹司基忠室・三条公親室らがいる。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

But Emperor Komei recognizing Edo Shogunate thought poorly of the Sonno Joi radical party so Masakaze TAKASAKI, a feudal retainer of Satsuma Domain, and Imperial Prince Asahiko KUNINOMIYA received his will and schemed to raise the Coup of August 18 supported by the Satsuma and Choshu clan forces, which swept away from Kyoto Choshu clan and court nobles in Sonno Joi party including Sanjo. 例文帳に追加

しかし、江戸幕府を信認する孝明天皇はこうした尊攘過激派の行動を快く思わず、その意を受けた薩摩藩士高崎正風・久邇宮朝彦親王らの画策により、薩摩藩・会津藩の兵力を背景に八月十八日の政変が起こされ、長州藩および三条ら尊攘派公卿は京都から一掃される。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Subsequent to the timetable revision of April 16, 2006, many changes have been made as follows: some of the K-Ltd. Express (K-tokkyu) trains operated on the weekday mornings were changed to limited express trains, the section express trains during the daytime restarted the operation for the first time after 26 years, and the trains terminating at Tenmabashi during the daytime were also revived for the first time after 43 years among others; however, the connecting way, in which a faster train makes a connection with a less rapid train waiting at Hirakatashi Station, Tanbabashi Station and Sanjo Station, has not undergone a change. 例文帳に追加

2006年4月16日に実施された京阪線のダイヤ改正では、平日の場合、朝のK特急の一部が特急に変更され、区間急行が26年ぶりに昼間時に運転されるようになったほか、43年ぶりに昼間時の天満橋止まりが復活するなど、大幅な変更があったが、枚方市・丹波橋・三条での緩急連絡は従来通りである。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Except for the daytime on weekdays, and from 11:00 to 15:00 on Saturdays and holidays, this type is operated between Yodoyabashi Station and Demachiyanagi Station, and on Saturdays and holidays, with some exceptions, it arrives the first at Yodoyabashi Station and Sanjo Station (in some cases at Demachiyanagi Station) (on weekdays, the through-trains between Kyoto and Osaka are passed by K-Ltd. Express (K-tokkyu) at a station in between except for the inbound trains in the early morning and during the morning rush, and some trains in the late evening). 例文帳に追加

平日の昼間時と土曜・休日の11~15時台以外は淀屋橋~出町柳間で運転され、土曜・休日は一部を除き淀屋橋・三条(列車によっては出町柳)まで先着する(平日の場合京阪間の通し列車は早朝・朝ラッシュ時上り・深夜の一部列車を除き途中駅でK特急に追い抜かれる)。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

With this timetable, the operation of each type of train is increased in the morning and in the evening, and particularly in the evening (from 16:00 to 17:00), one special limited express train from Sanjo for Tenmabashi, one special express train from Yodo for Tenmabashi, and one 'Gallop' from Yodo for Yodoyabashi are added for operation every 10 minutes, and with the regular trains, in the quadruple-track section (the outbound track between Yodo and Kayashima) five trains were operated on each track (with an average interval of two minutes) in 10 minutes, which was comparable to the number used during the morning rush. 例文帳に追加

このダイヤでは、朝夕に各種列車の増発が行われ、特に夕方(16~17時台)には10分当たり三条発天満橋行臨時特急1本、淀発天満橋行臨時急行1本、淀発淀屋橋行「Gallop」1本が増発され、定期列車と合わせて複線区間(淀~萱島間の下り)で10分間に片道5本(平均2分間隔)という朝ラッシュ時間帯並みの本数となった。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Because this line has been repaying the construction cost (about 65 billion yen) since its inauguration, for the line an extra fare of 60 yen is added to the ordinary fare structure by section, and the basic fare between the stations on the line (including the section starting from Sanjo Station toward the direction of Demachiyanagi Station) is 210 yen, which is more expensive than that of the Keihan Main Line (as of 2007). 例文帳に追加

また、開業当初から建設費(約650億円)償還のために普通運賃で60円の加算運賃が同線区間利用時に設定されており、鴨東線内各駅(三条駅から出町柳駅方面も含む)からの初乗り運賃は、2007年現在210円と京阪本線の初乗り運賃より高くなっている。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

In the counsel, Kyoto City suggested an idea of passing the area to the north of the existing route with a mountain tunnel from Yamashina and connecting the line directly to downtown Kyoto; however, Keihan Electric Railway disagreed with the idea, insisting that the passenger transportation volume wasn't sufficient for the two lines to compete with each other, so eventually both sides agreed to discontinue the section between Keihan-yamashina and Sanjo on the Keishin Line of Keihan Electric Railway and allow Keihan Electric Railway to use the Tozai Line, Kyoto Municipal Subway. 例文帳に追加

その協議の場において京都市側は、山科から現ルートよりも北側を山岳トンネルで貫いて京都市都心部へ直行する案を提示したが、京阪電気鉄道側が両線が競合するほどの輸送量は無いとこれに反対し、京阪電気鉄道が京津線の京阪山科~三条間を廃止し、京都市営地下鉄東西線へ乗り入れることで決着した。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Subsequently, due to problems concerning the route of the Tozai Line near Yamashina, it became physically impossible for trains of the Keishin Line coming from the direction of Hamaotsu to connect to the Tozai Line at Yamashina, and thus the related parties decided to adopt the idea of newly establishing the subway Misasagi Station as a connection station of the Keishin Line and the Tozai Line, doing so in the section between Hinooka and Misasagi, which was running along Sanjo-dori Street, and thus to move Misasagi Station of the Keishin Line underground. 例文帳に追加

その後、東西線の山科付近のルートの都合で、浜大津方面から京津線の山科での乗り入れは物理的に不可能となり、京津線と東西線との接続駅として、三条通を走る日ノ岡~御陵間に地下鉄御陵駅を新設し、ここに京津線の御陵駅を移設・地下化することに決まった。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Even worse, passengers traveling between Yodoyabashi - Hamaotsu had to pay fares for three lines--Keihan (the Keihan Main line), Kyoto Municipal Subway and Keihan (the Otsu Line)--and buy tickets again at Sanjo Station, because no ordinary through-tickets were available (such inconvenience has been solved to a certain extent with the spread of KANSAI THRU PASS and PiTaPa). 例文帳に追加

また、淀屋橋~浜大津では京阪(京阪線)と京都市営地下鉄と京阪(大津線)の3区間の運賃の加算になったばかりか、普通乗車券の連絡運輸が行われなかったため、三条を境にして切符の買い直しを強いられることになり、不便さが増した(ただし、これはスルッとKANSAIやPiTaPaの普及である程度解消された)。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Historically, given its excessive financial burden, Keihan opted to run directly into the subway without obtaining the license of a Type II Railway Business Operator despite the fact that more competitive fares could have been set if Keihan had obtained a Type II Railway Business Operator's license for the Sanjo-keihan - Misasagi Station section currently operated by Kyoto Kosoku Railway Co., Ltd. 例文帳に追加

三条京阪駅~御陵駅の京都高速鉄道区間を京阪が京都市営地下鉄と同様に第二種鉄道事業免許を取得すれば運賃面では有利になったのだが、京阪の負担が過大になることから第二種鉄道事業免許を取得せず、通常の乗り入れ形式を取ることになったという経緯がある。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

In the above section of the line, local trains and sub-express trains were operated until the abolishment, and local trains stopped at each station before arriving at Shinomiya Station (the terminal), while sub-express trains passed through the stations that lay between Keishin-Sanjo and Misasagi Station and stopped at each station from Misasagi Station to Hamaotsu Station (the terminal) (refer to the column on the manner of operation until October 11, 1997). 例文帳に追加

上記区間では廃止直前時点で普通列車と準急が運行されており、普通列車は終着駅の四宮駅まで各駅に停車し、準急は京津三条~御陵間の各駅を通過し御陵駅から終着駅の浜大津駅までの各駅に停車する運行形態を採っていた(1997年10月11日までの運行形態の項も参照のこと)。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

The Otsu Line's name is used to distinguish it from the Keihan Line managed by the Railway Business Department of Keihan Electric Railway (the Keihan Line includes Keihan Main Line connecting Sanjo Station in Higashiyama Ward, Kyoto City, Kyoto Prefecture and Yodoyabashi Station in Chuo ward, Osaka City, Osaka Prefecture, as well as three other lines: Keihan Oto Line, Keihan Uji Line and Keihan Katano Line). 例文帳に追加

この大津線の名称は、京阪電気鉄道鉄道事業部が管轄する京阪線(京都府京都市東山区にある三条駅(京都府)と大阪府大阪市中央区(大阪市)にある淀屋橋駅とを結ぶ京阪本線ほか京阪鴨東線、京阪宇治線、京阪交野線の3路線)と区別する意味でも用いられている。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Sanjo compared the advantages and disadvantages from the dismay of the people of Kyoto and Osaka who had received the emperor's kind blessings for over a thousand years, and the animosity and despair that the people of Kanto who had received over the 300 years of favors from the Tokugawa clan, and said that the world would not be lost if Kyoto or Osaka was lost due to the geographically superior Tokyo because the destiny of the country and the rise and fall of Kyoto and Osaka fell upon the hearts of those in Kanto. 例文帳に追加

三条はこの中で、天皇に数千年も親しく恵みを受けてきた京都・大坂の人々の動揺と、徳川氏に300年恩恵を受けてきた関東の人々に恨みや失望を与えることの利害得失を比べ、関東の人心に京都・大坂の盛衰や国の興廃がかかっているのであり、京都・大坂を失っても地勢に優れる東京を失わなければ天下を失うことはないと述べた。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

During the political turmoil of August 18, which was a coup occurring in 1863, whereby seven nobles, namely Sanetomi SANJO (Seiga family), Suetomo SANJONISHI (Daijin family), Takauta SHIJO, Michitomi HIGASHIKUZE, Motoosa MIBU, Yorinori NISHIKINOKOJI, and Nobuyoshi SAWA, who supported the doctrine of restoring the emperor to power and expelling the barbarians, fell from power when defeated by supporters of the noble-samurai coalition from the Satsuma clan, Aizu clan, etc., and were banished from Kyoto and fled to Choshu Domain. 例文帳に追加

1863年(文久3年)に起こったクーデターである八月十八日の政変において、薩摩藩・会津藩などの公武合体派に敗れて失脚した尊皇攘夷派の公卿の三条実美(清華家)・三条西季知(大臣家)および四条隆謌・東久世通禧・壬生基修・錦小路頼徳・澤宣嘉ら7人が京都から追放され、長州藩へと逃れた。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Osamu HASHIMOTO proposed an alternative hypothesis that focused on the fact that Emperor Takakura held the ceremony for becoming Crown Prince at the Higashi Sanjo-den, the noblest of all residences within the Fujiwara family, and that the owner of this residence was Kiyomori's daughter, Moriko (FUJIWARA no Motozane had died 3 months before the ceremony), who could have strongly affected his position. 例文帳に追加

一方、橋本治はこれについて高倉天皇が立太子式を挙げた場所が藤原家の中でも最も格の高い邸宅であった東三条殿であったことに注目し、しかもこの東三条殿の当時の所有者が清盛の娘の盛子であった(藤原基実はこの立太子式の3ヶ月前に死去)ことが強く影響したという説を立てている。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

According to "Heiji Monogatari" (The tale of the Heiji), in the Heiji Disturbance, 'Tada kurodo dayu Yorinori (maybe a misunderstanding of Yorimori)' supported the Nobuyori FUJIWARA and Yoshitomo MINAMOTO side to attack Sanjo Palace together, so that he was appointed as governor of Settsu Province as a reward after the war, while it is unclear about the clan at that time as other historical materials do not mention Tada-Genji. 例文帳に追加

続く平治の乱では、「多田蔵人大夫頼範」(頼盛の誤伝か)なる人物が藤原信頼・源義朝方として三条殿襲撃に加わり、戦後恩賞として摂津守に任官されたことが『平治物語』にみえているが、その他の史料における所見はなく、多田源氏の動向は詳らかではない。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Furthermore, as a basic attitude towards Korea, Sanjo considered 'Japan should require suitable compensation,' while stating about the purpose of the envoy 'the main objective is to continue the negotiation, then conclude a treaty of peace, when they conclude the peace treaty and obey the demand to expand trading, we should regard this attitude as compensation for the battle ship and accept it' (emphasized and amended by the writer). 例文帳に追加

さらに朝鮮に対する基本姿勢として、三条はこの江華島事件に対して「相応なる賠償を求む」べきとしながら、使節団の目的を「我主意の注ぐ所は、交を続くに在るを以て、・・・和約を結ぶことを主とし、彼能我が和交を修め、貿易を広むるの求に従ひときは、即此を以て雲揚(軍艦)の賠償と看做し、承諾すること」だと述べていた(強調、加筆者)。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

In "Ashio Kodoku Sanjo Gaho" (Reports and Pictures of Ashio Mining Pollution) (1901), Ryukai MATSUMOTO revealed the horrifying fact that in five years there had been only two men who had passed the medical for the draft (there were fifty people who met the age for the draft) in Takayama of Sakai Village, Aso County (present Takayama-cho, Sano City, population of approximately 800 at that time), and out of those two that passed, one was subsequently discharged on medical grounds after only ten days. 例文帳に追加

松本隆海は、『足尾鉱毒惨状画報』(1901年)で、安蘇郡界村字高山(現佐野市高山町、当時の人口約800人)で、5年間で兵役合格者がわずか2名しか出ておらず(適齢者は延べ50名)、しかも、その合格者のうち1名も入隊後10日で病気で除隊となったという逸話を紹介している。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

However, once the constitution was put in force and the position such as 'provisional double duty' or 'provisional duty' settled down as a system, the background of the double duty of SANJO had gradually come to be treated as a special exception in the past. 例文帳に追加

しかしやがて憲法が施行され、内閣総理大臣の「内閣総理大臣臨時代理内閣総理大臣「臨時兼任」と「臨時代理」」や「内閣総理大臣臨時代理内閣総理大臣「臨時兼任」と「臨時代理」」が制度として定着すると、この三條による総理兼任の背後事情は次第に過去の特別な例外として扱われるようになった。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

The demand consisted of the removal of 12 'evil subjects trying to disturb the world in agreement with Yukiie and Yoshitsune' such as TAIRA no Chikamune and TAKASHINA no Yasutsune, governmental management by the Imperial Court by 10 giso kugyo (Noble Council) (Kanezane KUJO, Sanesada TOKUDAIJI, Sanefusa SANJO, FUJIWARA no Muneie, Tadachika NAKAYAMA, FUJIWARA no Saneie, MINAMOTO no Michichika, Tsunefusa YOSHIDA, FUJIWARA no Masanaga, and FUJIWARA no Kanemitsu), and the Imperial edict of inspection to Kanezane (the item of December six of "Azuma Kagami" [The Mirror of the East], the item of December 27 of "Gyokuyo" [Diary of Kanezane KUJO]). 例文帳に追加

内容は「行家義経に同意して天下を乱さんとする凶臣」である平親宗・高階泰経ら12名の解官、議奏公卿10名による朝政の運営(九条兼実・徳大寺実定・三条実房・藤原宗家・中山忠親・藤原実家・源通親・吉田経房・藤原雅長・藤原兼光)、兼実への内覧宣下だった(『吾妻鏡』12月6日条、『玉葉』12月27日条)。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Furthermore, nationalists such as the conservatives of the Imperial Court or Setsurei MIYAKE of Seikyo-sha also attacked the government by adding the criticism for treaty revision negotiation such as hiring foreign judges INOUE proceeded with, and people around Sanetomi SANJO known as the Minister of the Interior (including Michitomi HIGASHIKUZE, Hisamoto HIJIKATA, and Saburo OZAKI) or even Kowashi INOUE and Tateki TANI, who were the important persons of the government, joined them. 例文帳に追加

更に宮中の保守派や政教社の三宅雪嶺らを中心とした国粋主義者も井上が進める外国人裁判官の起用といった条約改正交渉に対する批判も加えて政府を攻撃し、これに内大臣三条実美の周辺(東久世通禧・土方久元・尾崎三良ら)や政府の要人である井上毅や谷干城までが乗ったのである。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

In the Court Council held from the evening of till late in the night of January 2, 1868, it was decided that Takachika MORI (lord of the Choshu clan) and Motonori MORI (Takachika's heir) were allowed to restore their official rank and to enter Kyoto, and the five court nobles, including Sanetomi SANJO who had been expelled since the Coup of August 18, obtained absolution, and also court nobles, including Tomomi IWAKURA who had been under house arrest, were freed from punishment. 例文帳に追加

12月8日夕方から深更にかけて行われた朝議で、毛利敬親(長州藩主)・毛利元徳(同世子)の官位復活と入京許可、三条実美ら八月十八日の政変で追放された5人の公卿の赦免、および岩倉具視ら謹慎中の公卿の処分解除が決定された。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Even after the fire, the mother and the son continued living in the Higashi Sanjo-dono Residence, but when Imperial Prince Yasuhito ascended the throne here as the Emperor Ichijo and Kaneie was assigned as the sessho in 986, Kaneie replaced it with a new building in 987 to be used as a satodairi by the emperor, with the new emperor living in the honin halls and Imperial Prince Okisada, who became the crown prince, in the nanin hall. 例文帳に追加

その後も母子は東三条殿で暮らしていたが、寛和2年(986年)に懐仁親王はここで一条天皇として即位して、兼家は摂政に就任すると、兼家はここを新帝の里内裏として新築して永延元年(987年)に再建され、本院に新帝が、南院には皇太子となった居貞親王が入った。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Iwaya-bashi Bridge, Deai-bashi Bridge, Sanko-bashi Bridge, Taka-bashi Bridge, Shoda-bashi Bridge, Shikuro-bashi Bridge, Nishikamo-bashi Bridge, Misono-bashi Bridge, Kamigamo-bashi Bridge, Kitayama Ohashi Bridge (Kitayama-dori Street), Kitaoji-bashi Bridge (Kitaoji-dori Street), Izumoji-bashi Bridge, Aoi-bashi Bridge (Shimogamo-Hondori Street), Kamo Ohashi Bridge (Imadegawa-dori Street), Kojin-bashi Bridge, Marutamachi-bashi Bridge (Marutamachi-dori Street), Nijo Ohashi Bridge (Nijo-dori Street), Oike Ohashi Bridge (Oike-dori Street), Sanjo Ohashi Bridge (Sanjo-dori Street), Shijo Ohashi Bridge (Shijo-dori Street), Donguri-bashi Bridge, Matsubara-bashi Bridge (Matsubara-dori Street), Gojo Ohashi Bridge, Shomen-bashi Bridge, Shichijo Ohashi Bridge (Shichijo-dori Street), Shiokoji-bashi Bridge (Shiokoji-dori Street), Rail bridge on the Tokaido Main Line of West Japan Railway, Rail bridge on the Tokaido Shinkansen of Central Japan Railway Company (JR Central), Rail bridge on the JR Nara Line, Higashiyama-bashi Bridge (Kujo-dori Street), Toka-bashi Bridge (Jujo-dori Street), Kanjin-bashi Bridge (Takeda-kaido Road), Kuina-bashi Bridge, Rail bridge on the Kintetsu Kyoto Line of the Kintetsu Railways, Takeda-bashi Bridge, Kyoto Minami Ohashi Bridge (Abura-koji-dori Street), Omiya Ohashi Bridge (Omiya-dori Street), Toba Ohashi Bridge (National Highway 1), Kamogawa-bashi Bridge (Meishin Expressway), Koeda-bashi Bridge, and Kyokawa-bashi Bridge 例文帳に追加

岩屋橋-出合橋-山幸橋-高橋-庄田橋-志久呂橋-西賀茂橋-御薗橋-上賀茂橋-北山大橋(北山通)-北大路橋(北大路通)-出雲路橋-葵橋(下鴨本通)-賀茂大橋(今出川通)-荒神橋-丸太町橋(丸太町通)-二条大橋(二条通)-御池大橋(御池通)-三条大橋(三条通)-四条大橋(四条通)-団栗橋-松原橋(松原通)-五条大橋-正面橋-七条大橋(七条通)-塩小路橋(塩小路通)-(西日本旅客鉄道東海道本線鉄橋)-(東海旅客鉄道東海道新幹線鉄橋)-(JR奈良線鉄橋)-東山橋(九条通)-陶化橋(十条通)-勧進橋(竹田街道)-水鶏橋-(近畿日本鉄道近鉄京都線鉄橋)-竹田橋-京都南大橋(油小路通)-大宮大橋(大宮通)-鳥羽大橋(国道1号)-鴨川橋(名神高速道路)-小枝橋-京川橋 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Thanks to the paintings and writings the Sanpitsu (three great calligraphers) of the end of Edo period, his name was published in the Heian Jinbutsushi (Record of Heian Notables) and Saikyo Jinbutsushi (Record of Saikyo (Kyoto) Notables); moreover, Masakaze TAKASAKI introduced a poem by Seifu as a great poem to Emperor Meiji, and the messenger was sent to Seifu stating that the Emperor Meiji greatly praised his song, and even kuge (court noble) such as Sanetomi SANJO (other than Emperor Meiji) desired the tanzaku (a long, narrow card on which Japanese poetry is written vertically) of Seifu. 例文帳に追加

ちなみに長松清風は、書画においては江戸末期の三筆と言われたり、当時の知識層などが掲載された平安人物誌、西京人物誌にその名が掲載されたり明治天皇の和歌の教師であった高崎正風が清風の詠んだ歌を優れた歌として明治天皇に紹介し、明治天皇から清風の歌を非常に賞賛されていることを知らせる使者が清風の元に使わされており、明治天皇以外にも三条実美などの公家にも清風の短冊を所望する声が多かったという。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Even after the system for the trains providing through-service between the Uji Line and the Keihan Main Line was divided in 2000 with Chushojima as the boundary, this track was used for the trains returning for Sanjo Station or Demachiyanagi Station at this station; however, after the train schedule was changed in the autumn of 2003, only one train returning at this station was operated on a weekday, and then, when the train schedule was changed in the spring of 2006, the operation for the trains returning at this station was abolished; accordingly, today only a few trains on the Uji Line use this track in the early morning (two trains a day in the weekday and a train on holidays). 例文帳に追加

2000年に宇治線と京阪本線の直通列車が中書島を境に系統分割された後も当駅折返し三条(又は出町柳)行ホームとして使用されていたが、2003年秋のダイヤ改正とともに当駅折返し列車は平日1往復となり、さらに2006年春のダイヤ改定後は当駅折返し列車が全廃されたため、現在は早朝のごく僅かの宇治線列車しか使用していない(平日2本、休日1本)。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

To go to a destination on either the Biwako Line or the Kosei Line via the Keihan Line, the usual route in the past was to transfer to the Keihan Keishin Line at Sanjo Station and change again at Yamashina Station (Keihan Yamashina Line) to the Biwako Line or Kosei Line; however, as operations west of Goryo Station on the Keishin Line were discontinued and fares hiked after the Kyoto Municipal Subway Tozai Line began operations, it is assumed that some users have chosen to walk the distance between Shichijo Station and Kyoto Station (nevertheless, city buses continue to operate between the two stations). 例文帳に追加

京阪線から琵琶湖線・湖西線方面はかつては三条駅から京阪京津線に乗り換え、山科駅(京阪山科駅)で琵琶湖線・湖西線に乗り換えるのが普通だったが、京津線の御陵駅以西廃止、京都市営地下鉄東西線開通以降は運賃が高くなったことから、七条駅-京都駅の徒歩乗り換えに切り替えた人もいると思われる(それでも、市バスでの両駅間相互連絡は一応ある)。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


The Dainagon (chief councilor of state) Kiminori SANJO was appointed the highest lord of the Records Office, while the officials in fact responsible for running the office day to day, the controllers and so forth, included FUJIWARA no Korekata, appointed as Uchuben (Middle Controller of the Right), MINAMOTO no Masayori as Sashoben (third-ranked officer of the left), and FUJIWARA no Toshinori (Shinzei's own son and heir) as Ushoben (third-ranked officer of the right); under these officials, 21 Yoriudo (clerks) worked, inspecting the land deed documents submitted to the office from the shoen owners and judging disputed cases of ownership at the office (Shinzei's infamous comment that Goshirakawa was a 'foolish (unenlightened) ruler' was actually first mentioned by one of these Yoriudo, KIYOHARA no Yorinari, who repeated it years later to Kanezane KUJO). 例文帳に追加

長官である上卿には大納言・三条公教が就任、実務を担当する弁官からは右中弁・藤原惟方、左少弁・源雅頼、右少弁・藤原俊憲(信西の嫡子)が起用され、その下で21人の寄人が荘園領主から提出された文書の審査、本所間の争論の裁判にあたった(後白河が「暗主」であるという信西の言葉は、この記録所の寄人だった清原頼業が九条兼実に後年語ったものである)。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


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