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command responsibilityの部分一致の例文一覧と使い方

該当件数 : 12


In a way, it may be understood as reasoning which obscures the war responsibility of state high command. 例文帳に追加

ある意味では国家首脳部の戦争責任を曖昧にする論理と言える。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

The supreme command should be independent, and the army and navy had no responsibility for the assembly and the government. 例文帳に追加

統帥権を独立させ、陸海軍は議会や政府に対し一切責任を負わないこと。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

The controller determines the number of phases avoiding a driving in the responsibility-performance deterioration region (step S303) and outputs a changeover command (phase-changeover command) to the determined number of the phases to the DC/DC converter 60 (step S304) when the entry in the responsibility-performance deterioration region of the passing power of the DC/DC converter 60 is decided.例文帳に追加

コントローラは、DC/DCコンバータ60の通過パワーが応答性能低下領域に入っていると判断すると、この応答性能低下領域での駆動を回避する相数を決定し(ステップS303)、決定した相数への切り換え指令(相切り換え指令)をDC/DCコンバータ60に出力する(ステップS304)。 - 特許庁

The military organs were thought to have the right to make comments on military affairs to the emperor with full responsibility of the results under their supreme command, and this right, as well as the Military Ministers to be Active-Duty Officers Law, was essential for the military to keep their authority. 例文帳に追加

統帥権に基づいて軍令機関は帷幄上奏権を有すると解し、軍部大臣現役武官制とともに、軍部の政治力の源泉となった。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


As these were committed to the Minister of Army and the Chief of the General Staff in the Army and to the Minister of Navy and the President of the Naval General Staff in the Navy, the Minister of Army had the responsibility to the military political power, and the Chief of the General staff and the President of the Naval General Staff assumed the military command power. 例文帳に追加

これらは陸軍では陸軍大臣と参謀総長に、海軍では海軍大臣と軍令部総長に委託され、大臣は軍政権を、参謀総長・軍令部総長は軍令権をになった。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


This incident, however, forced the second cabinet of Gonbei YAMAMOTO to take the responsibility and resign en bloc, and subsequently Keigo KIYOURA, Chairman of the Privy Council received an Imperial command to form a new cabinet. 例文帳に追加

しかしこの事件により、第二次山本権兵衛内閣は責任を取る形で総辞職を余儀なくされ、代わって枢密院議長の清浦奎吾に内閣組閣の大命が下った。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

The I2C bus master generally an intelligent device, for example, a microprocessor, having responsibility for collecting data and providing control through a command published on the LIP bus and received.例文帳に追加

I^2Cバスマスタは、一般に、LIPバス上で発行されかつ受信されるコマンドを介してデータを収集し制御を提供する責任を有する、インテリジェントデバイス、例えばマイクロプロセッサである。 - 特許庁

To provide an injection molding machine having excellent responsibility to acceleration/deceleration command to a screw in the injection and capable of molding high quality thin article or precise article with high yield and to provide a control circuit for the injection molding machine.例文帳に追加

射出時におけるスクリュの加減速指令に対する応答性が良好で、高品質の薄物又は精密品を歩留まり良く成形可能な射出成形機及び射出成形機用制御回路を提供する。 - 特許庁

To provide a control method of an inverter device that makes it possible to improve command follow-up capability and transient responsibility when overmodulation control for improving voltage usage rate is performed during the drive of a dynamo-electric machine of a multiple-shaft, multiple-layer structure.例文帳に追加

複軸多層構造の回転電機の駆動時に、電圧利用率を向上させるための過変調制御を行う際に、指令追従性や過渡応答性を向上させることができるインバータ装置の制御方法を提供する。 - 特許庁


As the Constitution of the Empire of Japan, the Article 11 described that Emperor commands the Army and Navy, and in the Article 12, it described that Emperor decides the organization of the Army and Navy as well as the amount of troops, there was an opinion that the organization rights belonged to the supreme command, on the other hand, another opinion was that the organization rights of the army belonged to the Cabinet according to the Constitution of the Empire of Japan, the Article 55, Clause 1, saying that the Minister of State assists the Emperor and has the responsibility of the duty. 例文帳に追加

大日本帝国憲法第11条天皇は陸海軍を統帥す、大日本帝国憲法第12条天皇は陸海軍の編制及常備兵額を定むから編成権も統帥権に含まれるとする意見と、大日本帝国憲法第55条第1項国務各大臣は天皇を輔弼し其の責に任すから、軍の編成権は内閣が持つとする意見がある。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


Hanzo YAMANASHI, the Minister of Army, Giichi TANAKA, the former Minister of Army, and Aritomo YAMAGATA, the Genro, rebelled to appoint the civil officer to the Minister of Military, because it was not appropriate to the Imperial Rescript to Soldiers and Sailors and the understanding of supreme command in the Constitution of the Empire of Japan, the government regulations of the Ministry of Army and Navy described that the Minister of Military should be the Major Captain and Lieutenant General in commission or reserve duty (The Military ministers to be officers on active-duty rule was not adopted at that time.), and Iaku-joso (making comments on military affairs to the Emperor with full responsibility of the results) by the Minister of Army and Navy included a part related to the supreme command, the substitution of the duty by the civil officer would be the unconstitutional action against the independence of the supreme command which secured under the Constitution. 例文帳に追加

これに対して山梨半造陸軍大臣をはじめ、田中義一前陸相及び元老山縣有朋は、軍部大臣に文官を任命することは軍人勅諭及び帝国憲法の統帥権の解釈からして不適当であること、陸軍省官制および海軍省官制には軍部大臣が現役あるいは予備役の大将・中将と明記され(当時は軍部大臣現役武官制ではない)ていること、また、陸海軍大臣の帷幄上奏には統帥に関わる部分も含まれており、これを文官が代理するのは憲法で保障された統帥権の独立に対する違憲行為であるとして反発した。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


The constitution of the Empire of Japan the Article 5 said that the Emperor acts the legislative power with a support of Imperial Diet, and the Article 64, Provision 1 said that the state annual expenditure and revenue was committed by a support of Imperial Diet with annual budget, so that the budget for the organization and maintenance of the army should have been decided by Imperial Diet, however, as Supreme Command Staff could make comments on military affairs to the Emperor with full responsibility of the results without confirmation of the Cabinet, (Iaku-joso) the idea that the Minister of State (Cabinet) would not be necessary for the process occupied in general. 例文帳に追加

大日本帝国憲法第5条天皇は帝国議会の協賛を以て立法権を行ふ、大日本帝国憲法第64条第1項国家の歳出歳入は毎年予算を以て帝国議会の協賛を経へしにより、軍の編成・維持のための予算は議会が決定する物であるが、統帥部は、軍事に関する情報を内閣に通さず天皇に報告(帷幄上奏)できたため、国務大臣(内閣)が関わる必要がないと言う考えが大勢を占めた。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


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