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institution of higher educationの部分一致の例文一覧と使い方

該当件数 : 13


a complex of buildings in which an institution of higher education is housed 例文帳に追加

高等教育の施設が収容される建物の複合体 - 日本語WordNet

an institution of higher education created to educate and grant degrees 例文帳に追加

教育と学位授与のために創設された高等教育機関 - 日本語WordNet

Although not higher school under the old system, Gakushuin also included an institution of primary education. 例文帳に追加

なお、旧制高等学校ではないが、学習院も初等教育機関を包含していた。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Institutionally, the seven-year higher school (four years of regular course and three years of advanced course) was defined as an institution of higher education, but it effectively served as an institution of both middle and higher education in one school. 例文帳に追加

七年制高等学校(尋常科4年・高等科3年)は制度的に高等教育機関と位置づけられているものの、実質的には一つの学校で中等・高等教育機関をかねていた。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


Kyusei koto gakko was an institution of higher education in Japan based on the Higher School Order (in 1894 and 1918) that existed until 1950. 例文帳に追加

旧制高等学校(きゅうせいこうとうがっこう)とは、高等学校令(1894年および1918年)にもとづく、1950年まで存在した日本の高等教育機関である。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


Among the group of higher schools under the old system that included institution of primary education were Konan, Seijo and Seikei. 例文帳に追加

旧制高等学校群において初等教育機関を包含していた学校には甲南、成城、成蹊がある。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

His initial goal was to establish an institution for higher education in Kyoto on the same level as Tokyo Imperial University and thereby meet the demands of the nation. 例文帳に追加

第一項に、東京帝国大学と相呼応して国家の需要に応じられる高等教育機関を京都にも設置することの必要性を挙げた。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Under Japanese rule, higher education in Taiwan was initially for Japanese only, so the Taiwanese had a limited chance of attending a higher educational institution. 例文帳に追加

日本統治期間中、台湾における高等教育は当初は日本人を対象とし、台湾人が高等教育を受ける機会は限定されたものであった。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Activities to receive education at an upper secondary school (including the latter course of a secondary educational school (chutokyoikugakko), high school course of a school for special needs education, higher or general course of an advanced vocational school (senshugakko), or a vocational school (kakushugakko) (except for the educational institution prescribed in the "College Student" column of this table) or other educational institution which is equivalent to a vocational school in facilities and curriculum. 例文帳に追加

本邦の高等学校(中等教育学校の後期課程を含む。)若しくは特別支援学校の高等部、専修学校の高等課程若しくは一般課程又は各種学校(この表の留学の項の下欄に規定する機関を除く。)若しくは設備及び編制に関してこれに準ずる教育機関において教育を受ける活動 - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム


That is to say, in the University of Tokyo (it was consisted of 4 faculties: Faculty of Law, Faculty of Letters, Faculty of Science, Faculty of Medicine) that was the only higher education institution in early Meiji period, major course of political science was under the control of Faculty of Letters together with economic science as 'Department of Political Economy, Political Science', but it was transferred to Faculty of Law in December 1885, and reformed into 'Department of Political Science' of the Faculty of Law at the University of Tokyo under the Imperial University Ordinance promulgated in March 1886. 例文帳に追加

すなわち、明治初期、唯一の高等教育機関(大学)であった東京大学(法学部・文学部・理学部・医学部4学部で構成)において、政治学の専攻部門は「政治学理財学科」として経済学とともに文学部に管轄されていたが、1885年12月法学部に移管、さらに翌1886年3月の帝国大学令公布により東京大学法学部の「政治学科」として改編された。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


(i) The applicant must study at an upper secondary school (except for an evening high school and including the latter course of a secondary educational school (chutoukyouikugakkou); hereinafter the same shall apply in this section), a school for special needs education, a higher or general course of an advanced vocational school (senshyugakkou) or a vocational school (kakushugakkou) or any other educational institution which is equivalent to a vocational school in its facilities and curriculum, except for cases where the applicant studies solely at a night school or through correspondence courses. 例文帳に追加

一 申請人が本邦の高等学校(定時制を除き、中等教育学校の後期課程を含む。以下この項において同じ。)若しくは特別支援学校の高等部、専修学校の高等課程若しくは一般課程又は各種学校若しくは設備及び編制に関してこれに準ずる教育機関に入学して教育を受けること(専ら夜間通学して又は通信により教育を受ける場合を除く。)。 - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム

(iv) In cases where the applicant is to study at a higher or general course of study at an advanced vocational school, or at a vocational school (except for study solely of the Japanese language), both of the following requirements are to be fulfilled, however, this shall not apply to cases where the applicant is to engage in study at an educational institution that has been established for enrollment of a considerable number of aliens from foreign countries and provides primary or secondary education in a foreign language, in which case the requirement in (a) need not be fulfilled. 例文帳に追加

四 申請人が専修学校の高等課程若しくは一般課程又は各種学校において教育を受けようとする場合(専ら日本語の教育を受けようとする場合を除く。)は、次のいずれにも該当していること。ただし、申請人が外国から相当数の外国人を入学させて初等教育又は中等教育を外国語により施すことを目的として設立された教育機関において教育を受ける活動に従事する場合は、イに該当することを要しない。 - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム


The government established one campus of Teikoku (Imperial) University in Kyoto. It had been decided that there would be two universities (in the east and west, respectively) as the center of the best education, and that the two universities would compete with each other as motivation for progress in education; and in Tokyo, several public and private schools as well as Teikoku (Imperial) University already began accepting various applicants; thus the students who had youthful resolution gathered, which is the center of education. However, there were many good, enthusiastic young students gathered at Teikoku (Imperial) University, which was newly established in Kyoto, but the university couldn't accept the applicants who had not graduated from high school, so there was no school to study high education without status as a university, which was the problem of greatest concern, so volunteers who were of the same mind gathered and established the Kyoto Hosei School, entrusting the lectures to the professors of Kyoto Imperial University and other well-known teachers; thus the institution could provide higher education in politics, law and economics to society. Certainly, a reason for that was to demonstrate the government's approval concerning the establishment of education in two places (east and west), and another reason was to make up for the flaw in the educational system whereby Teikoku (Imperial) University was not widely open to applicants who had not graduated from high school ('A Brief History of Ritsumeikan University,' "Ritsumeikan Gakuho," March 1915). 例文帳に追加

政府は曩に一の帝国大学を京都に新設し、天下学問の中心を東西二都に置くの制を採れり、蓋し東西二大学の競争をして学問進歩の動機たらしめんとするに在るべし、而して東京には帝国大学の外各種の官私学校ありて各般学生の志望に充つることを得、青年の志を立つる者此に集合し自ら既に天下学問の中心たり、然るに京都に在りては帝国大学新たに設置せられ関西の学術大に振るわんとし青年の志を有して京都に集まり来るもの頗る多きも、大学の門戸は未だ高等学校卒業生以外の志望者を迎ふるに至らず、大学以外に在りて高等の学術を修めんとするも其機関あることなし、是れ頗る恨事なり、爰に於てか有志の者相図り京都法政学校を新設し、講義を京都帝国大学教授及其他博学知名の諸氏に嘱託し、政治法律経済に関する高等の学術を広く社会に紹介するの一機関たらしめんとす、是れ蓋し、一は政府か学問の中心を東西の二都に置かんとするの趣意に賛同の意を表し、又一は帝国大学か広く門戸を開放して高等学校卒業生以外の志望者を迎ふる能はさるの欠点を補はんとするの微意に出つるものなり (「立命館大学沿革略」『立命館学報』二 一九一五・大正4年3月) - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


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