
「senior vice-minister of economy, trade and industry」に関連した英語例文の一覧と使い方 - Weblio英語例文検索





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senior vice-minister of economy, trade and industryの部分一致の例文一覧と使い方

該当件数 : 12


August and September 2008 Senior Vice Minister of Economy, Trade and IndustryCombination with the Ministry of Foreign AffairsBotswana, Mozambique, Madagascar, and South Africa例文帳に追加

08年8~9月経産副大臣※外務省と合同(ボツワナ、モザンビーク、マダガスカル、南アフリカ - 経済産業省

With respect to (A) above, The Joint Mission for Promoting Trade and Investment to Africa was dispatched to three regions (12 African countries) from the end of August to September 2008. The mission was headed by Takamori Yoshikawa, Senior Vice Minister of Economy Trade and Industry(the South Mission), Nobuhide Minorikawa, Parliamentary Vice-Minister for Foreign Affairs (the East Mission) and Yasutoshi Nishimura, Parliamentary Vice-Minister for Foreign Affairs (the Central and West Mission), and it comprised representatives from the public and private sectors.例文帳に追加

(a)としては、2008 年8 月末から9 月にかけて、––川経済産業副大臣(南部)、御法川外務大臣政務官(東部)、西村外務大臣政務官(中・西部)を団長として、アフリカ12 か国に政官民の代表者64からなる「貿易・投資促進合同ミッション」が派遣された。 - 経済産業省

After the ministerial economic dialogue, Foreign Minister Gemba, Minister of Economy, Trade and Industry Edano, and I, as well as the senior vice ministers and parliamentary secretary paid a courtesy visit to Prime Minister Singh. 例文帳に追加

閣僚級経済対話の後には、玄葉外務大臣、枝野経済産業大臣、私及び日本側の副大臣、政務官でシン首相を表敬訪問いたしました。 - 金融庁

In January of the next year, Mr.Edano, Minister of Economy, Trade and Industry, and Mr.Tsutsui, Senior Vice Minister of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries, attended to the WTO non-official ministerial meeting held in Davos, which was the first opportunity for ministers of major countries to gather after conclusion of the Periodical Ministerial Meeting.例文帳に追加

年明けの 1 月 28 日、定期閣僚会議終了後、初めて主要国閣僚が集まる機会となったダボスにおけるWTO 非公式閣僚会合には、枝野経済産業大臣及び筒井農林水産副大臣が出席した。 - 経済産業省


I have served as senior vice minister of economy, trade and industry for two and a half years. 例文帳に追加

経済産業省の副大臣として2年半務めてまいりましたけれども、円高の問題を含めて、これは経済産業としての話ですけれども、根こそぎ空洞化が進んでいることを非常に心配しております。 - 金融庁


There may be some overlaps, but could you tell me particularly what policies you want to emphasize in relation to postal services and financial administration based on your experience of working as a civil servant at the Ministry of Construction and serving as senior vice minister of economy, trade and industry and senior vice minister for reconstruction? 例文帳に追加

ちょっと重複するかもしれませんが、大臣は建設官僚のご出身であったりですとか、経済産業副大臣や復興副大臣をこれまでご歴任をされてきましたが、こういったご自身のキャリアを踏まえまして、郵政や金融行政で重視したい政策が特にありましたら、お聞かせ願えますか。 - 金融庁

Mr. Tadahiro Matsushita, who has served for five terms in the Diet, has worked as a senior vice minister ever since the Hatoyama cabinet was inaugurated two years and eight months ago. After the once-in-a-millennium earthquake and tsunami disaster, and the nuclear power station accident, he visited the accident site as the senior vice-minister of economy, trade and industry, and worked hard while staying at the building of the Fukushima Prefecture government, from what I heard from him. 例文帳に追加

そういった中で当選5回の松下忠洋君、これは2年8か月(前の)鳩山内閣から全部副大臣を(経験し)、そして千年に一遍の地震、津波、原子力発電所の事故ということで、まさに経産省の副大臣として、事故現場に(赴き)、彼の言葉によると福島県庁に泊まり込んで、頑張ってくれたわけでございます。 - 金融庁

Fourth, regarding the Great East Japan Earthquake, I must work hard to implement support measures related to the double loan problem. I was instructed to do so in cooperation with relevant ministers. For the two and a half years since the change of government, I have devoted efforts to economic and industrial development as senior vice minister of economy, trade and industry. 例文帳に追加

四つ目は、東日本大震災に関連することでございますけれども、二重ローンの問題、これをしっかりと支援措置を取り組めということでございまして、関係大臣と協力して行えという指示でありました。 - 金融庁

Although the forums except for those in Saitama, Kanazawa and Sendai cities were cancelled as a result of the effects of the March 11 Great East Japan Earthquake, the three forums were attended by the Minister for National Policy Koichiro Genba, Minister of Economy, Trade and Industry Banri Kaieda, Senior Vice Minister of Cabinet Office Tatsuo Hirano, and Senior Vice Minister of Finance Fumihiko Igarashi, as well as by expert panelists from fields such as the agriculture, forestry and fisheries, and the business, labor and consumer sectors. They, together with participants recruited from the general public, were engaged in the discussions.例文帳に追加

3 月11 日に発生した東日本大震災の影響により、さいたま市、金沢市及び仙台市以外のフォーラムは中止となったが、3 回のフォーラムには、政府側から、玄葉光一郎・国家戦略担当大臣、海江田万里・経済産業大臣、平野達男・内閣府副大臣、五十嵐文彦・財務副大臣が出席したほか、農林水産業界、経済界、労働界、消費者等の各分野の有識者がパネリストとして出席し、国民から広く募った参加者も含めて議論が行われた。 - 経済産業省


I dealt with this situation as Senior Vice Minister of Economy, Trade and Industry. Amid the sweeping hollowing-out of Japanese industry, companies are seriously tackling the question of what manufacturing operations they should establish in Japan and how to create competitive systems to promote exports, and I believe that the government must provide necessary support. 例文帳に追加

経済産業省の副大臣として取り組んでまいりましたけれども、根こそぎ空洞化という状況の中で、国内でどのような体制の生産、そして輸出に向かって負けない仕組みを作っていくかということは、各企業、真剣に取り組んでいることでありますし、国も必要な支援はしていかなければいかぬと思っています。 - 金融庁


The ERIA Symposium "Energy and Food Strategy for Sustainable Economic Growth in East Asia"was participated in by a total of 300 people, including a wide range of leaders, such as ambassadors, members of Parliaments, officials of ministries and agencies, business leaders, and academic experts. Keynote speeches were delivered by Toshihiro Nikai (Minister of Economy, Trade and Industry),Seiko Hashimoto (State Secretary for Foreign Affairs), Noritoshi Ishida (Senior Vice-Minister of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries) and Dr. Surin Pituswan (Secretary-General of ASEAN). After the speeches there were two panel discussion sessions on Food Strategy for Sustainable Economic Growth and Energy Strategy for Sustainable Economic Growth.例文帳に追加

ERIAの「エネルギー・食料資源戦略に関するシンポジウム」は、各国大使、国会議員、各省庁幹部、企業関係者、学識有識者等幅広いトップリーダーを含む計約300 名の聴衆を得て開催され、二階経済産業大臣、橋本外務副大臣、石田農林水産副大臣及びスリンASEAN事務総長の基調講演が行われるとともに、「持続可能な経済成長に向けた食料戦略」及び「持続可能な経済成長に向けたエネルギー戦略」の2 つのセッションにおいてパネルディスカッションが行われた。 - 経済産業省


Accordingly, I have recently discussed with the Minister of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries and the Minister of Economy, Trade and Industry and reached an agreement with them to make politicians take the initiative in holding discussions and meetings at Senior Vice Minister and Parliamentary Secretary levels. I discussed with the other two Ministers that since crude oil and nonferrous metals are under the jurisdiction of METI while azuki beans and other agricultural produce are under the jurisdiction of MAFF, both of which have extremely strong ties with their respective related industries, and politicians must take the lead in properly working on the integrated exchange. We would now like to show our strong commitment to having Senior Vice Minister and Parliamentary Secretary-level discussions. 例文帳に追加

ですから、先般も農林水産大臣、それから経済産業大臣とも話をしまして、政治主導で、副大臣、大臣政務官クラスで打ち合わせをして会合をやるということを3大臣内で取り決めをしました。よくお分かりのように原油とか非鉄は経済産業省ですし、小豆とか、農産物は農林水産省であり、それぞれに関係業界にも非常に根強いところがございますから、これは政治主導できちっとやらねばならないということで、3大臣で話をしました。現在、副大臣・政務官クラスで話し合いをやるということで強い決意を示したいと思っております。 - 金融庁


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