



Weblio 辞書 > 英和辞典・和英辞典 > 日英・英日専門用語 > number of years elapsedの意味・解説 

number of years elapsedとは 意味・読み方・使い方





意味・対訳 経過年数

日英・英日専門用語辞書での「number of years elapsed」の意味

number of years elapsed

「number of years elapsed」の部分一致の例文検索結果

該当件数 : 11


the number of years that have elapsed since Jesus Christ's birth発音を聞く 例文帳に追加

キリスト降誕の日を基準とする西洋の紀元 - EDR日英対訳辞書

The event and the number of years corresponding thereto is registered in a memory table of a server 30, and the system reads the requesting person file 31, removes the reference name and the reference date, calculate the elapsed years for the registered person, based on the reference date, compares the elapsed years with the table, and determines whether there is a relevant event.例文帳に追加

サーバ30にはイベントとそれに対応する年数がメモリテーブルに記憶されており、依頼人ファイル31を読み込んで基準名と基準日を取り出し、基準日に基づいて登録対象者の経過年数を計算し、その経過年数と前記テーブルを比較してイベントに相当するものがあるかどうかを判定する。 - 特許庁

To provide a concrete durability evaluation method capable of evaluating concrete durability even when the number of passed years is small or when both concrete composition or the like and the elapsed time from concrete placing are unknown or the like.例文帳に追加

経年数が少ない場合や、コンクリート配合等と打設からの経過時間との双方が未知である場合等においても、コンクリートの耐久性の評価を行うことを可能とするコンクリートの耐久性評価方法を提供する。 - 特許庁

iv) Other than the minimum periods set forth in the preceding three items, the period listed in either of sub-item (a) or (b) below must not be less than the number of years set forth in the respective sub-item. (The periods of serving in the positions or discharging the duties provided in items (i) and (ii) below are limited to the period that elapsed after acquiring the qualification to become a legal apprentice, and the periods of serving in the positions provided in the preceding item are limited to the period that elapsed after passing the examination set forth in Article 18, paragraph (3) of the Public Prosecutor's Office Act.発音を聞く 例文帳に追加

四 前三号に掲げるもののほか、次のイ又はロに掲げる期間(これらの期間のうち、第一号に規定する職に在つた期間及び第二号に規定する職務に従事した期間については司法修習生となる資格を得た後のものに限り、前号に規定する職に在つた期間については検察庁法第十八条第三項に規定する考試を経た後のものに限る。)が、当該イ又はロに定める年数以上になること。 - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム

(5) The Prime Minister's authorization set forth in the items of the preceding paragraph shall be given on the condition that, among the voting rights of the Domestic Company which will be held by the Insurance Company and its Subsidiary Companies and of which the total number will exceed the Voting Right Holding Threshold on the day specified in the respective items, the part of the voting rights to be held in excess of the Voting Right Holding Threshold shall be disposed in accordance with requirements set by the Prime Minister and by the day on which five years has elapsed from the day.発音を聞く 例文帳に追加

5 内閣総理大臣は、前項各号に規定する認可をするときは、当該各号に定める日に保険会社又はその子会社が合算してその基準議決権数を超えて保有することとなる国内の会社の議決権のうちその基準議決権数を超える部分の議決権を、同日から五年を経過する日までに内閣総理大臣が定める基準に従って処分することを条件としなければならない。 - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム

(5) The Prime Minister's authorization set forth in those items of the preceding paragraph shall be given on the condition that, among the voting rights of the domestic company which are held or to be held by the Bank Holding Company and its Subsidiary Companies and of which the total number will exceed the Voting Right Holding Threshold on the day specified in those items, the part of the voting rights held or to be held in excess of the Voting Right Holding Threshold shall be disposed in accordance with requirements set by the Prime Minister and by the day on which five years have elapsed from the day.発音を聞く 例文帳に追加

5 内閣総理大臣は、前項各号に規定する認可をするときは、当該各号に定める日に銀行持株会社又はその子会社が合算してその基準議決権数を超えて保有し、又は保有することとなる国内の会社の議決権のうちその基準議決権数を超える部分の議決権を、同日から五年を経過する日までに内閣総理大臣が定める基準に従つて処分することを条件としなければならない。 - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム


(3) Article 27-3(4) and Article 27-8(1) to (6) inclusive shall apply mutatis mutandis to a Tender Offer Report. In this case, the part "the Issuer of the Share Certificates, etc. to which the Tender Offer is made (and the person who has already submitted a Tender Offer Notification with regard to any Share Certificates, etc. issued by the Issuer as of the day on which the Tender Offer Notification is submitted, if any)" in Article 27-3(4) shall be deemed to be replaced with "the Issuer"; the term "amendment" in Article 27-8(1) shall be deemed to be replaced with "amendment report"; the part "there occurs any change in the Terms of Purchase, etc. (excluding the extension of the period for Purchase, etc. made under Article 27-10(3)) or in the important matters to be stated in a Tender Offer Notification, or any other circumstance specified for by a Cabinet Office Ordinance as that which requires amendment of a Tender Offer Notification," "submitted but before the last day of the Tender Offer Period" and the term "amendment" in Article 27-8(2) shall be deemed to be replaced with "the number of Share Certificates, etc. of which Purchase, etc. is to be made is fixed by the Method of Proportional Distribution set forth in Article 27-13(5)," "submitted" and "amendment report"; the terms "amendment," "the Terms of Purchase, etc.," "the provisions of this Section," "the change in the Terms of Purchase, etc.," and "violates Article 27-6(1)" in Article 27-8(3) shall be deemed to be replaced with "amendment report," "delivery and other settlement methods," "Article 27-13(4) and (5)," "the result of calculation for deciding the number of Share Certificates, etc. of which Purchase, etc. is to be made," and "contravenes the method of proportional distribution specified by a Cabinet Office Ordinance set forth in Article 27-13(5)," respectively; the term "amendment" in Article 27-8(4) shall be deemed to be replaced with "amendment report"; the parts "disposition under paragraph (3)" and "the last day of the Tender Offer Period (including the period to be extended under paragraph (8); the same shall apply in paragraph (7)) (or, in the cases of the disposition resulting in the submission of an amendment report after the last day of the Tender Offer Period, after the day when five years have elapsed from the day following the last day), and the disposition under the preceding paragraph may not be given after the day when five years have elapsed from the day following the last day." in Article 27-8(5) shall be deemed to be replaced with "disposition under paragraph (3) and the preceding paragraph as applied mutatis mutandis pursuant to Article 27-13(3)" and "the day when five years have elapsed from the day following the last day of the Tender Offer Period," respectively; and the terms "amendment" and "paragraphs (1) to (4) inclusive" in Article 27-8(4) shall be deemed to be replaced with "amendment report" and "paragraphs (1) to (4) inclusive as applied mutatis mutandis pursuant to Article 27-13(3)," respectively.発音を聞く 例文帳に追加

3 第二十七条の三第四項並びに第二十七条の八第一項から第六項までの規定は、公開買付報告書について準用する。この場合において、第二十七条の三第四項中「発行者(当該公開買付届出書を提出した日において、既に当該発行者の株券等に係る公開買付届出書の提出をしている者がある場合には、当該提出をしている者を含む。)」とあるのは「発行者」と、第二十七条の八第一項中「訂正届出書」とあるのは「訂正報告書」と、同条第二項中「当該公開買付期間の末日までの間において、買付条件等の変更(第二十七条の十第三項の規定による買付け等の期間の延長を除く。)その他の公開買付届出書に記載すべき重要な事項の変更その他当該公開買付届出書の内容を訂正すべき内閣府令で定める事情がある」とあるのは「第二十七条の十三第五項に規定するあん分比例方式により買付け等をする株券等の数が確定した」と、「訂正届出書」とあるのは「訂正報告書」と、同条第三項中「訂正届出書」とあるのは「訂正報告書」と、「買付条件等がこの節の規定」とあるのは「買付け等に係る受渡しその他の決済が第二十七条の十三第四項及び第五項の規定」と、「買付条件等の変更が第二十七条の六第一項の規定」とあるのは「買付け等をする株券等の数の計算の結果が第二十七条の十三第五項に規定する内閣府令で定めるあん分比例方式」と、同条第四項中「訂正届出書」とあるのは「訂正報告書」と、同条第五項中「第三項の規定による処分」とあるのは「第二十七条の十三第三項において準用する第三項及び前項の規定による処分」と、「末日(当該末日後に提出される訂正届出書に係る処分にあつては、当該末日の翌日から起算して五年を経過した日)後は、することができないものとし、前項の規定による処分は、当該末日」とあるのは「末日」と、同条第六項中「第一項から第四項まで」とあるのは「第二十七条の十三第三項において準用する第一項から第四項まで」と、「訂正届出書」とあるのは「訂正報告書」と読み替えるものとする。 - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム


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クロスランゲージ 37分野専門語辞書での「number of years elapsed」の意味

number of years elapsed

「number of years elapsed」の部分一致の例文検索結果

該当件数 : 11


(7) Article 27-8(1) to (5) shall apply mutatis mutandis to a Tender Offer Report. In this case, the term "amendment" in Article 27-8(1) shall be deemed to be replaced with "amendment report"; the part "there occurs any change in the Terms of Purchase, etc. (excluding the extension of the period for Purchase, etc. made under Article 27-10(3)) or in the important matters to be stated in a Tender Offer Notification, or any other circumstance specified by a Cabinet Office Ordinance as that which requires amendment of a Tender Offer Notification, during the period after the day on which the Tender Offer Notification was submitted but before the last day of the Tender Offer Period" and the term "amendment" in Article 27-8(2) shall be deemed to be replaced with "the number of Listed Share Certificates, etc. of which Purchase, etc. is to be made is fixed by the Method of Proportional Distribution set forth in Article 27-13(5) as applied mutatis mutandis pursuant to Article 27-22-2(2) during the period after the day on which the Tender Offer Notification was submitted" and "amendment report," respectively; the term "amendment" and the parts "the Terms of Purchase, etc. stated in the Tender Offer Notification do not comply with the provisions of this Section" and "the change in the Terms of Purchase, etc. stated in the amendment violates Article 27-6(1)" in Article 27-8(3) shall be deemed to be replaced with "amendment report," "the delivery and other settlement methods stated in the Tender Offer Notification do not comply with Article 27-13(4) (excluding 27-13(4)(i)) and Article 27-13(5) as applied mutatis mutandis pursuant to Article 27-22-2(2)" and "the result of calculation for deciding the number of Listed Share Certificates, etc. of which Purchase, etc. is to be made stated in the amendment contravenes the method of proportional distribution specified by a Cabinet Office Ordinance set forth in Article 27-13(5) as applied mutatis mutandis pursuant to Article 27-22-2(2)"; the term "amendment" in Article 27-8(4) shall be deemed to be replaced with "amendment report"; the term "disposition under paragraph (3)"; and the part "the last day of the Tender Offer Period (including the period to be extended under paragraph (8); the same shall apply in paragraph (7)) (or, in the cases of the disposition resulting in the submission of an amendment report after the last day of the Tender Offer Period, after the day when five years have elapsed from the day following the last day), and the disposition under the preceding paragraph may not be given after the day when five years have elapsed from the day following the last day." in Article 27-8(5) shall be deemed to be replaced with "disposition under paragraph (3) and the preceding paragraph as applied mutatis mutandis pursuant to Article 27-22(7)" and "the day when five years have elapsed from the day following the last day of the Tender Offer Period," respectively.発音を聞く 例文帳に追加

7 第二十七条の八第一項から第五項までの規定は、公開買付報告書について準用する。この場合において、第二十七条の八第一項中「訂正届出書」とあるのは「訂正報告書」と、同条第二項中「当該公開買付期間の末日までの間において、買付条件等の変更(第二十七条の十第三項の規定による買付け等の期間の延長を除く。)その他の公開買付届出書に記載すべき重要な事項の変更その他当該公開買付届出書の内容を訂正すべき内閣府令で定める事情がある」とあるのは「第二十七条の二十二の二第二項において準用する第二十七条の十三第五項に規定するあん分比例方式により買付け等をする上場株券等の数が確定した」と、「訂正届出書」とあるのは「訂正報告書」と、同条第三項中「訂正届出書」とあるのは「訂正報告書」と、「買付条件等がこの節の規定」とあるのは「買付け等に係る受渡しその他の決済が第二十七条の二十二の二第二項において準用する第二十七条の十三第四項(第一号を除く。)及び第二十七条の十三第五項の規定」と、「買付条件等の変更が第二十七条の六第一項の規定」とあるのは「買付け等をする上場株券等の数の計算の結果が第二十七条の二十二の二第二項において準用する第二十七条の十三第五項に規定する内閣府令で定めるあん分比例方式」と、同条第四項中「訂正届出書」とあるのは「訂正報告書」と、同条第五項中「第三項の規定による処分」とあるのは「第二十七条の二十二の二第七項において準用する第三項及び前項の規定による処分」と、「末日(当該末日後に提出される訂正届出書に係る処分にあつては、当該末日の翌日から起算して五年を経過した日)後は、することができないものとし、前項の規定による処分は、当該末日」とあるのは「末日」と読み替えるものとする。 - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム

Article 15 A cooperative engaged in mutual aid activities or a cooperative other than one engaged in mutual aid activities (excluding a credit cooperative and a federation of cooperatives engaged in the activities set forth in Article 9-9, paragraph (1), item (i) of the New Cooperatives Act) which is already investing the surplus funds that were accrued during the course of its activities by a method other than the methods prescribed in Article 57-5 of the New Cooperatives Act at the time of the enforcement of this Act and whose total number of partner (partner of the member cooperatives in the case of a federation of cooperatives) exceeds the standard specified by a Cabinet Order set forth in Article 35, paragraph (6) of the New Cooperatives Act shall dispose of its assets pertaining to said investment by the day on which three years have elapsed from the enforcement date.発音を聞く 例文帳に追加

第十五条 この法律の施行の際現に新協同組合法第五十七条の五に規定する方法以外でその業務上の余裕金を運用する共済事業を行う協同組合及び共済事業を行う協同組合以外の協同組合(信用協同組合及び新協同組合法第九条の九第一項第一号の事業を行う協同組合連合会を除く。)であって組合員(協同組合連合会にあっては、会員たる組合の組合員)の総数が新協同組合法第三十五条第六項の政令で定める基準を超えるものは、施行日から起算して三年を経過する日までの間に当該運用に係る資産を処分しなければならない。 - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム

(3) Members representing at least one thousandth (or any smaller proportion prescribed by the articles of incorporation) of the total membership, or one thousand (or any smaller number prescribed by the articles of incorporation) or more members of a Mutual Company (or, in a Specified Mutual Company, members equal to or exceeding the number specified by a Cabinet Order set forth in Article 39, paragraph (1)), who have been members of the Mutual Company without interruption for the preceding six months (or any shorter period prescribed by the articles of incorporation), or three (or any smaller number prescribed by the articles of incorporation) or more general representatives may demand the directors that, no later than eight weeks (or any shorter period prescribed by the articles of incorporation) prior to the date of the General Meeting, members be notified of the outline of any proposal to be submitted with respect to an agenda item of the meeting (or, where a notice is to be given under Article 299, paragraph (2) (excluding the items) or (3) of the Companies Act as applied mutatis mutandis pursuant to Article 49, paragraph (1), such outline be described in, or recorded on, that notice); provided, however, that this shall not apply to the cases where the proposal is in violation of any applicable law or regulation or the articles of incorporation, or where three years have not elapsed since the day on which an essentially identical proposal was not approved by at least one tenth of the general representatives (or any smaller proportion prescribed by the articles of incorporation) in the General Meeting.発音を聞く 例文帳に追加

3 社員総数の千分の一(これを下回る割合を定款で定めた場合にあっては、その割合)以上に相当する数の社員若しくは千名(これを下回る数を定款で定めた場合にあっては、その数)以上の社員(特定相互会社にあっては、第三十九条第一項に規定する政令で定める数以上の社員)で六月(これを下回る期間を定款で定めた場合にあっては、その期間)前から引き続いて社員である者又は三名(これを下回る数を定款で定めた場合にあっては、その数)以上の総代は、取締役に対し、総代会の日の八週間(これを下回る期間を定款で定めた場合にあっては、その期間)前までに、総代会の目的である事項につき議案の要領を通知すること(第四十九条第一項において準用する会社法第二百九十九条第二項(各号を除く。)又は第三項の通知をする場合にあっては、その通知に記載し、又は記録すること)を請求することができる。ただし、当該議案が法令若しくは定款に違反する場合又は実質的に同一の議案につき総代会において全総代の議決権の十分の一(これを下回る割合を定款で定めた場合にあっては、その割合)以上の賛成を得られなかった日から三年を経過していない場合は、この限りでない。 - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム


(3) Members representing at least one thousandth (or any smaller proportion prescribed by the articles of incorporation) of the total membership, or one thousand (or any smaller number prescribed by the articles of incorporation) or more members of a Mutual Company (or, in a Specified Mutual Company, members equal to or exceeding the number specified by a Cabinet Order set forth in paragraph (1)), who have been members of the Mutual Company without interruption for the preceding six months (or any shorter period prescribed by the articles of incorporation), may demand the directors that, no later than eight weeks (or any shorter period prescribed by the articles of incorporation) prior to the date of the general meeting of members, members be notified of the outline of any proposal to be submitted by said member with respect to an agenda item of the meeting (or, where a notice is to be given under Article 299, paragraph (2) (excluding the items (i) and (ii)) or (3) of the Companies Act as applied mutatis mutandis pursuant to Article 41, paragraph (1), such outline be described in, or recorded on, that notice); provided, however, that this shall not apply to the cases where the proposal is in violation of any applicable law or regulation or the articles of incorporation, or where three years have not elapsed since the day on which an essentially identical proposal was not approved by at least one tenth of the membership (or any smaller proportion prescribed by the articles of incorporation) in the general meeting of members.発音を聞く 例文帳に追加

3 社員総数の千分の一(これを下回る割合を定款で定めた場合にあっては、その割合)以上に相当する数の社員又は千名(これを下回る数を定款で定めた場合にあっては、その数)以上の社員(特定相互会社にあっては、第一項に規定する政令で定める数以上の社員)で六月(これを下回る期間を定款で定めた場合にあっては、その期間)前から引き続いて社員である者は、取締役に対し、社員総会の日の八週間(これを下回る期間を定款で定めた場合にあっては、その期間)前までに、社員総会の目的である事項につき当該社員が提出しようとする議案の要領を通知すること(第四十一条第一項において準用する会社法第二百九十九条第二項(各号を除く。)又は第三項の通知をする場合にあっては、その通知に記載し、又は記録すること)を請求することができる。ただし、当該議案が法令若しくは定款に違反する場合又は実質的に同一の議案につき社員総会において総社員の議決権の十分の一(これを下回る割合を定款で定めた場合にあっては、その割合)以上の賛成を得られなかった日から三年を経過していない場合は、この限りでない。 - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム


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