Weblio英和和英辞典 のさくいん |
- 絞込み
- S
- SA
- SB
- SC
- SD
- SE
- SF
- SG
- SH
- SI
- SJ
- SK
- SL
- SM
- SN
- SO
- SP
- SQ
- SR
- SS
- ST
- SU
- SV
- SW
- SX
- SY
- SZ
- S(50音)
- S(タイ文字)
- S(数字)
- S(記号)
- spill over
- spill over and fall
- spill pipe
- spill port
- spill seed
- spill stream
- spill strip
- spill tank
- spill the beans
- spill tube
- spill valve
- spill valve metering
- spill water
- Spill water
- spill way
- spill-over
- Spill-over
- spill-over effect
- spill-resistant
- spill-resistant keyboard
- spillable
- spillage
- Spillage countermeasures
- spillage oil
- spillan
- Spillane
- spilled
- spilled milk
- spilled oil
- spilled oil collecting device
- spiller
- Spiller
- spilliken
- spillikin
- spillikins
- spilling
- spilling breaker
- Spillman
- Spillmann
- spillover
- Spillover
- spillover effect
- spillover effects
- spillovers
- Spillow
- spillproof
- spills
- spillway
- Spillway
- spillway channel
- spillway crest
- spillway gate
- spillway section
- spillway siphon
- spill‐over effect
- spilogale
- spilogale putorius
- spils
- Spils
- spilt
- spilt flange
- spilt milk
- spilt water
- Spilt water
- spim
- spIM
- spime
- spimmer
- spin
- spike
- Spin
- spin accumulation
- spin alternating chain
- spin angle control lapping of balls
- spin angular momenta
- spin angular momentum
- spin around
- spin axis
- spin Axis
- spin blockade
- spin bowler
- spin box
- spin casting
- Spin casting
- spin chain systems
- spin chains
- spin chirality
- Spin Chuck
- spin clusters
- Spin Coater
- spin coating
- Spin coating
- spin control
- spin coordinates
- spin correlation
- spin correlation functions
- spin correlations
- spin coupling
- spin coupling constant
- spin crossover complex
- spin crossover complexes
- Spin Cup
- spin current
- spin decoupling
- spin density
- spin density matrix
- spin density wave
- spin density wave state
- spin density wave states
- spin dependence
- spin dependent
- spin dependent transport
- spin detection
- spin detector
- Spin diffusion
- spin dimer system
- spin doctor
- spin doctored
- spin doublet
- spin doubling
- spin down
- spin drier
- spin driers
- Spin driers
- spin dry
- Spin Dry
- spin dryer
- Spin Dryer
- Spin dryers and drain processing equipment
- spin echo
- Spin echo
- spin echo imaging
- spin echo spectrometer
- spin effect
- spin effects
- spin electronics
- spin excitations
- spin filter
- spin filter effect
- spin filters
- spin finish
- spin finishing
- spin flip
- spin fluctuation
- spin fluctuations
- spin freedom
- spin freezing
- spin frustration
- spin function
- spin gap
- spin gap system
- spin gap systems
- spin glass
- Spin glass
- spin glass models
- spin glass phase transition
- spin glass semiconductor
- spin glass transitions
- spin glasses
- spin Hall
- spin Hall effect
- spin Hall system
- spin Hamiltonian
- spin hardening
- spin ice compound
- spin ice state
- spin interaction
- spin interactions
- spin interference
- spin label
- spin label method
- spin labeling
- spin labelling
- spin labels
- spin ladder
- spin ladder compound
- spin ladder system
- spin ladder system Sr
- spin liquid
- spin liquid state
- spin lock
- spin locking
- spin magnetic moments
- spin magnetic quantum number
- spin master
- Spin Master
- spin model
- Spin model
- spin models
- spin motive force
- spin motor rate detector
- spin multiplicity
- spin nanotube
- Spin network
- spin networks
- spin observables
- spin off
- spin on
- spin one's wheels
- spin operation
- spin orbit
- spin orbit coupling
- spin orbital
- spin order
- spin orientation
- spin out
- spin phase
- spin phase transition
- spin polarization
- Spin polarization
- spin polarized current
- Spin Polarized Electron Sources
- spin polarized electrons
- spin polarized inverse photoemission spectroscopy system
- spin polarized~
- Spin probe
- spin property
- spin pumping
- spin quantum
- spin quantum number
- spin rate
- spin relaxation
- spin relaxation times
- spin reorientation
- spin reorientation transition
- spin reorientations
- spin resolved~
- spin resonance
- spin rocket
- spin rotational~
- spin safe
- spin Seebeck effect
- spin separation
- spin spin coupling
- spin spin decoupling
- spin stabilization
- spin state
- spin state measurement
- spin state transitions
- spin states
- spin structures
- spin sublevel
- spin systems
- spin table
- spin temperature
- spin test
- spin test facility
- spin the bottle
- Spin the bottle
- Spin the Bottle
- spin the plate
- spin the platter
- spin transition induced
- spin trapping
- spin triplet
- spin triplet superconductivity
- spin triplet superconductor
- spin tunnel
- spin tunnel junction
- spin tunneling
- spin tunneling device
- spin tunneling magneto-resistance
- spin tunneling magneto-resistance device
- spin turn
- spin uncoupling
- spin up
- spin valve
- spin valve device
- spin valve films
- spin variable
- spin wave
- spin wave excitations
- spin waves
- spin welding
- Spin welding
- spin 《a top》
- Spin, In
- Spin, out
- spin-alignment
- spin-cast lens
- spin-coated
- spin-crossover phenomena
- spin-decelerating moment
- spin-density wave
- spin-dependent conduction
- spin-dependent transport
- spin-dependent tunneling
- spin-doctored
- spin-down
- spin-draw machine
- spin-draw texturing machine
- spin-draw-texturing machine
- spin-dry
- spin-exchange model
- Spin-flip
- spin-flip laser
- spin-flip process
- spin-glass
- spin-glass alloys
- spin-glass behavior
- spin-glass like behaviour
- spin-glass region
- spin-glass-like behavior
- spin-hard heat treatment
- spin-in
- spin-lattice interaction
- spin-lattice relaxation
- spin-lattice relaxation time
- spin-magnetic quantum number
- spin-off
- Spin-off
- spin-offs
- spin-on-glass
- spin-orbit coupling
- spin-orbit interaction
- spin-Peierls
- spin-Peierls phase
- spin-Peierls state
- spin-peierls substance
- spin-Peierls substance
- spin-Peierls system
- spin-peierls systems
- spin-phonon interaction
- spin-polarization induced by pulsed lasers
- spin-polarized
- spin-polarized electron source
- spin-polarized electronic band structure
- spin-polarized electrons
- spin-resolved photoemission spectrometer
- spin-resolved photoemission spectroscopy
- spin-resolved photoemission~
- spin-rotation interaction
- spin-spin coupling
- spin-spin decoupling
- spin-spin interaction
- spin-spin relaxation
- spin-spin relaxation time
- spin-stabilized
- spin-stabilized aircraft rocket
- spin-triplet superconductivity
- spin-triplet superconductor
- spin-up
- spin-up.
- spin-wave brillouin scattering
- spin-wave Brillouin scattering
- spin/charge ordered system
- spina
- Spina
- spina bifida
- Spina bifida
- Spina Bifida
- spina bifida aperta
- spina bifida cystica
- spina bifida manifesta
- Spina Bifida Manifesta
- spina bifida occulta
- spina helicis
- spina iliaca anterior inferior
- spina iliaca anterior superior
- spina iliaca posterior inferior
- spina ischiadica
- Spina ischiadica
- spina nasalis anterior
- Spina nasalis anterior
- spina nasalis ossis frontalis
- spina nasalis posterior
- Spina nasalis posterior
- spina scapulae
- Spina scapulae
- spina suprameatica
- Spina suprameatica
- spina trochlearis
- Spina trochlearis
- spina tympanica major
- Spina tympanica major
- spina tympanica minor
- Spina tympanica minor
- spinacene
- spinach
- Spinach
- spinach beet
- Spinach beet
- spinach blight
- spinach chloroplasts
- spinach mustard
- spinach plant
- Spinach seeds
- spinach stool
- spinacia
- Spinacia
- spinacia oleracea
- Spinacia oleracea
- spinae palatinae
- Spinae palatinae
- spinage
- spinal
- spinal accessory
- spinal accessory nerve
- Spinal accessory nerve
- spinal anaesthesia
- spinal anaesthetic
- spinal analgesia
- spinal and bulbar muscular atrophy
- Spinal and bulbar muscular atrophy
- spinal anesthesia
- spinal anesthetic
- spinal angiography
- spinal animal
- spinal apoplexy
- spinal arachnoid mater
- Spinal arachnoid mater
- Spinal area X
- spinal arteriography
- spinal arteriovenous malformation
- Spinal Arteriovenous Malformation
- spinal artery
- spinal ataxia
- spinal bifida
- spinal block
- Spinal branch of dorsal branch of posterior intercostal vein
- Spinal branch of iliolumbar artery
- Spinal branch of lumbar artery
- Spinal branch of subcostal artery
- Spinal branches of ascending cervical artery
- Spinal branches of dorsal branch of posterior intercostal artery
- Spinal branches of lateral sacral artery
- Spinal branches of second posterior intercostal artery
- Spinal branches of vertebral artery
- spinal canal
- Spinal canal
- spinal canal stenosis
- spinal caries
- spinal chord
- spinal column
- spinal concussion
- spinal cord
- Spinal cord
- spinal cord compression
- spinal cord concussion
- spinal cord contusion
- spinal cord disease
- spinal cord diseases
- spinal cord disorder
- spinal cord evoked potentials
- spinal cord infarction
- spinal cord injuries
- spinal cord injury
- spinal cord ischemia
- spinal cord laceration
- Spinal Cord Laceration
- spinal cord lesion
- spinal cord malformation
- spinal cord neoplasm
- spinal cord neoplasms
- spinal cord softening
- spinal cord stimulation
- spinal cord syphilis
- spinal cord transection
- spinal cord tumor
- spinal cord tumour
- Spinal cord, cervical
- Spinal cord, lumbar
- Spinal cord, thoracic
- spinal cords