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該当件数 : 47件
利用する事としました 私たちの景気調整基金の中から この綺麗な中古の ジュークボックスを買いました例文帳に追加
I dug into our rainyday fund... and bought this beautiful used jukebox. - 映画・海外ドラマ英語字幕翻訳辞書
In the UK, the actual 2013 deficit projection meets the Toronto objective when cyclically-adjusted measure is used.発音を聞く - 財務省
It should be specially mentioned that large labor adjustment was not made in Germany during the economic recession in 2009. - 経済産業省
In the current recession, American companies are promoting not only a reduction in the number of employees, but also an adjustment in working hours. - 経済産業省
Since the spring of 2001, this inventory adjustment of the IT manufacturing industry triggered an economic recession, which had ripple effects on the entire economy. - 経済産業省
Comparison with production, shipments, and inventories of automobiles in prior recessions shows that the speed of production adjustments in the current recession is different from that seen in the recession that followed the collapse of the bubble economy (after February 1991), as Japanese automakers have been curbing a rise in inventories by quickly implementing production adjustments in response to a steep drop in demand. - 経済産業省
In the euro area, it is expected that the recovery will follow the same path as in the US, supported by the completion of inventory adjustments and an improvement in external environments.発音を聞く - 財務省
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該当件数 : 47件
In the initial stages, the economic recovery, coinciding with adjustments of company and household balance sheets, was weak and referred to also as jobless recovery (economic recovery without employment). - 経済産業省
In addition, the impact of the recession has been amplified by a sharp slump in consumer sentiment as well as by the widespread effects on upstream industries of the rapid production and inventory adjustments implemented in response to the recession. - 経済産業省
Various countries are required to adjust their own interests in the process to transition to a time of economic expansion and escape from the global economic crisis. - 経済産業省
In recent years, the number of regular employee has not improved much despite the recovering economy and increasing quantity of non-scheduled working hours. This reflects the slow economic growth on the whole throughout the 1990s and the declining expectations for business growth. This has led to a feeling of employment surplus and prolonged employment adjustment. Furthermore, economy has turned down before completion of the adjustment because of the weak recovering power of the economy - 厚生労働省
Furthermore, some analyses suggest that when economic recovery is slow, the effect of this type of employment measure will be to prolong employment adjustments, since there will be strong adjustment pressure to fill the gap between actual labor input and ideal labor input based on production and wage conditions. - 経済産業省
The employment adjustment measures, during the current period of recession have been mainly overtime restrictions, personnel re-assignment and transfer to related companies. The number of establishments that have implemented severe employment adjustment, such as requesting voluntary retirement and dismissal, is at a low level but increasing, resulting in increased numbers of the non-voluntary unemployed, mainly among middle aged and the elderly - 厚生労働省
こうした中、第1 図により、完全失業率(季節調整値)と求人倍率(季節調整値)の動きをみると、完全失業率は2009年7 ~ 9 月期に5.4%まで上昇した後、景気の持ち直しに伴い低下傾向にある。例文帳に追加
With this situation in mind, when looking at the transition of the unemployment rate (seasonally adjusted) and the ratio of job openings to job applicants (seasonally adjusted) under Figure 1, we can see that the unemployment rate increased to 5.4% in the period from July to September 2009, but is showing the tendency of decline in line with the recovery of the economic trend . - 厚生労働省
The Japanese economy has gone through two business cycles since the collapse of the bubble economy. This process has been redolent of stagnation, with adjustments in the business sector, for example, to deal with the "three excesses" of excess debt, excess employment, and excess capacity. - 経済産業省
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