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The thread material 11 is helically wound in the shaft length direction at about 1 mm interval. - 特許庁
Inarionmae, Inarienokibashi, Inarinakano, 1-chome Sujikaibashi-Minami, 1-chome Sujikaibashi-Kita, 2-chome to 11-chome Sujikaibashi (10 towns of 2 to 11-chome counted as one Oaza), Yamamura, Jukyuken, Sujikaibashi Katamachi, Genba, Toriizaki, Kitashin, Nanasegawa, Minami Hasuike, Kagiya, Kita Hasuike, Gokuraku, Jinai, Ijiki発音を聞く - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
(28 towns integrated into Fukakusa village in 1889) towns of Ijiki, Jinai, Nanasegawa, Kita Hasuike, Minami Hasuike, Kagiya, Yamamura, Inarienokibashi, Inarinakano, Inarionmae, Jukyuken, Genba, Kita Shin-machi, Gokuraku, Toriizaki, 1-chome Sujikaibashi-Kita, 1-chome Sujikaibashi-Minami, 2-chome to 11-chome Sujikaibashi (counted as 10 towns), Sujikaibashi Kata-machi発音を聞く - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
At the time of Emperor Komei's departure from the capital in 1855, he escorted the Emperor, forming a entourage made up of two ikai (stablemen), six zuishin (guards), two midera (見寺), a tonericho (chief of stableman), eight umazoi (horse attendants), and one kasamochi (umbrella bearer).発音を聞く - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
The image terminal equipment 1 has choices 'a-series' to 'w- series' for inputting a name as a telephone directory information assigned to buttons '1' to '0' as shutter buttons. - 特許庁
April 1, 1889: As a result of the enactment of the chosonsei (Town and Village System Law), Uji-cho, Yodo-cho, Makishima-mura, Ogura-mura, Okubo-mura, Kutsukawa-mura, Tonosho-mura, Terada-mura, Sayama-mura, and Mimaki-mura were established in Kuse-gun.発音を聞く - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
His illegitimate first child, Nagataka, fought valiantly alongside his father with the Eastern Army at the Battle of Sekigahara, was awarded 10,000 koku and made a daimyo of the Nomura-han, and was actually recognized as a branch family by the Shogunate.発音を聞く - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
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該当件数 : 66件
In a key operation input means 1, a plurality of setting keys assigned to functions of the electromagnetic cooker and arranged in lines as the membrane keys are constituted in a redundant matrix. - 特許庁
Additionally, leaving the temple before dawn once a month Genkyo climbed Mt. Kurama via Mt. Daimonji and Mt. Hiei, continuing on to make a pilgrimage to Atago-jinja Shrine (Kyoto City) on the top of Mt. Atago before returning to Dairen-ji Temple.発音を聞く - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
(1) 裁判官は,事実を立証する確認手続の間,この目的のために指名された専門家の助力の下に,また,確認手続を申請する者の主張を聴取した後,検査した機械,装置若しくは設備が申し立てられた特許を侵害するために使用されたか否かを決定するものとする。例文帳に追加
(1) During the inquiry to substantiate the facts, the judge, with the assistance of the expert or experts designated for the purpose, and after having heard the arguments of the person requesting the inquiry, shall determine whether the machines, apparatus or equipment inspected could be used to carry out the alleged infringement of the patent. - 特許庁
The light tunnel 152 has an incident surface with a rectangular shape, and is arranged with inclination around the optical axis of the light tunnel 152 with respect to the bottom of a body cabinet 1. - 特許庁
A pan 1 for paella is provided with a food accommodation part where a bottom surface 3 and a side surface 4 are surrounded by a plate- shaped member, where the food accommodation part is divided into a plurality of regions. - 特許庁
(1) 産業財産登録庁は,強制ライセンスを付与する対象となる特許についてライセンスの申請を効果的に促進するため計画性のある努力を行うものとする。産業財産登録庁はまた,かかる特許の詳細について定期的に公示するものとする。例文帳に追加
(1) The Registry of Industrial Property shall make systematic efforts to promote effectively license applications for patents subject to the granting of compulsory licenses. The Registry of Industrial Property shall also publish periodically details of such patents. - 特許庁
第二十条 家庭裁判所は、死刑、懲役又は禁錮に当たる罪の事件について、調査の結果、その罪質及び情状に照らして刑事処分を相当と認めるときは、決定をもつて、これを管轄地方裁判所に対応する検察庁の検察官に送致しなければならない。例文帳に追加
Article 20 (1) The family court shall, by a ruling, refer a case punishable by death penalty or imprisonment with or without work to a public prosecutor of the public prosecutors' office that corresponds to the district court with the jurisdiction of the case if the disposition to refer the case to criminal procedure is found appropriate for the case as a result of the investigation in light of the nature of the crime and circumstances.発音を聞く - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム
(2) 局長は,第12条から第16条までの規定に基づいて又はこれらの条項に基づく規則の規定に基づいて定められた手続及びそれら規定に基づいて必要とされる情報に照らし,当該事情が第19条(1)において定められた期間の1回又は数回の延長を正当化することを納得するときは,本法により又はそれに基づいて出願人が課された要件を満たすために当該項にいう所定の期間を延長することができる。また,その場合は,当該項の規定にいう15月の期間は,前記のとおり延長された期間として読み替えるものとする。例文帳に追加
(2) Where, having regard to the procedure specified and the information required under sections 12 to 16 of this Act or any regulations under those sections, the Commissioner is satisfied that the circumstances warrant an extension or extensions of the period specified in subsection (1) of section 19 of this Act, the Commissioner may extend the period prescribed therein for complying with any requirement imposed on the applicant by or under this Act; and the said subsection shall then be read as if the period so extended had been substituted for the period of 15 months therein mentioned. - 特許庁
Terajimacho 1-chome
Soharaterajimacho 1-chome
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