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該当件数 : 23件
Nagatada HIROHATA (May 21, 1711 - November 3, 1771) was a Kugyo (top court official) during the mid Edo period.発音を聞く - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
The light diffusing plate (1) has a plurality of hollow portions (5) formed therein and the hollow portions extend in parallel with one another in the light diffusing plate. - 特許庁
In those days, the possible candidates of Shuei were Karigane and Yasuhisa TAMURA, who was five years older and a better player than Karigane; however, Shuei did not decide his successor because he did not like Tamura's character.発音を聞く - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
The warps V are expanded in the course of passing from the roller 5 to a warp-regulation mechanism 3 having a width of about 2 m, passed through a wire ring of the warp- regulation mechanism 3 and a reed for beating a weft H, hooked around a roller 7 and wound on a beam 6. - 特許庁
A sidewall 4a of a block 4 formed on a tread surface has: an opening elongated in a tire radial direction; and a slit-shaped fine hole 5 composed of a blind hole with a bottom extending parallel to a tread 1 of the block 4 or obliquely inwardly in the tire radial direction. - 特許庁
Each sealing surface 10 of the valve seats and each side surface 8 of the valve closing member 5 are extended in parallel with each other, and forms an angle 11 larger than 45 degree in relation to the flowing direction of the valve over the whole length. - 特許庁
Informed by Tanemichi HATANO of the situation, Harumoto HOSOKAWA ordered Katsunaga MIYOSHI and Masanaga MIYOSHI to proceed with their army, entered Sakai from Awa Province, occupied Horijo Castle in Nakajima on January 5, 1527, and saw the new year (according to the old lunar calendar) with it still under their control.発音を聞く - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
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該当件数 : 23件
Against this backdrop of unrest in the provinces, having succeeded Michinaga and worked for many years as Kanpaku to the Emperor, Yorimichi's influence appeared, on the surface, as strong as ever; he built his enormous Kayain residence (mansion) in close proximity to the imperial palace and, on May 5 1052, he remodeled Michinaga's villa, "Uji Mansion," into the magnificent Hoo-do Hall (Phoenix Hall) at Byodoin Temple, which remains to the present day.発音を聞く - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
The medical device 1 includes an imaging means 2 for imaging an inside of the body 101 and having a part 3 to be locked, a locking part attached detachably to the part 3 to be locked, and an indwelling means 5 for dwelling the imaging means 2 in a prescribed position in the inside of the body 101, by a position regulating part connected to the locking part and extensible freely. - 特許庁
The concentrated milk type emulsified product comprises 5-30 mass% medium-chain fatty acid fat and oil exclusively comprising 8-10C medium-chain fatty acids and 5-30 mass% milk solid content in butter milk, which is a by-product formed when producing butter from fresh cream. - 特許庁
Conditioned air enters into an exhaust duct 5 after convecting through the living spaces 21, 22, 23 in a building 20 wherein the exhaust duct abuts, in a hollow body 3 formed of face members 1, 2 in the top face, floor face or the wall face, on air supply ducts 4 or wraps one of them and heat is exchanged between exhaust air and supply air. - 特許庁
A food cooking portion 1 is disposed in an endless counter 3 comprising chairs 2 of multiple legs, and composed of a transparent hood 4, a duct 5 communicated with a smoke control opening 4c formed on a top plate 4b of the transparent hood 4, and a grilling device 6 disposed inside of the transparent hood 4. - 特許庁
In addition, the integrated device is equipped with a nonvolatile memory 13 which is accessed only when the terminal device is approached up to 0 to 5 mm and large electric power is supplied from an antenna and a ciphering circuit 11 which performs two-way authentication cooperatively with the 1st terminal device. - 特許庁
本規則に定める期間内に上訴又は再審理申立が提出されなかった場合は,局長は,直ちに,当該判決又は最終命令を庁の適切な登録簿に記入させる。判決又は最終命令の確定日は,その記入日とする。記録には,判決又は最終命令による決定の内容を記載し,局長が署名し,当該判決又は最終命令が確定した旨の証明書を添えるものとする。 期限内に上訴又は再審理申立がされなかった場合は,局長又は場合により長官が言い渡した判決又は最終命令が確定するものとし,局長は,直ちにこれを記入させなければならない。この処分を確実にするために,勝訴当事者は,判決の記入(及び適切な場合は執行)を申し立てる。記入日に,救済を求める申立のための6月間及び判決の時効に係る5年間が開始する。 本条規則は,判決又は最終命令が確定してからこれを記入するまでの期間が長くなるという誤った慣行を是正するものである。判決又は最終命令を記入するという物理的な行為がこれらの確定後になされるとしても,これらが確定した日をこれらの記入日とみなす。例文帳に追加
If no appeal or motion for reconsideration is filed within the time provided in these Regulations, the Director shall forthwith cause the entry of the judgment or final order in the appropriate Register of the Office. The date of finality of the judgment or final order shall be deemed to be the date of its entry. The record shall contain the dispositive part of the judgment or final order and shall be signed by the Director, with a certificate that such judgment or final order has become final and executory. If no appeal or motion for reconsideration has been filed on time, the judgment or final order rendered by the Director or the Director General, as the case may be, becomes final and executory, and should immediately be caused to be entered by the Director. To ensure this action the prevailing party should file a motion for the entry (and execution, if proper) of the judgment. The date of entry is the starting point of the six months period for filing a petition of relief, as well as the five years period of prescription of judgments. This rule corrects the erroneous practice of entering the judgment or final order long after it had become final and executory. Even if the physical act of entering the judgment or final order is done after it had become final and executory, the date when it became final and executory shall be deemed the date of its entry. - 特許庁
Among such gardening tags, the gardening tag 1 is provided with a memo pad sheet 4 which is folded in a flat expandable manner on the upper part of the tag body 3 and in which information N is described, and a holder 5 which is made of a water repellent film and holds the memo pad sheet 4 in a folded condition in the inside of the film. - 特許庁
Hatanakacho 5-chome
Minamihatanakacho 5-chome
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