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該当件数 : 28件
Its ryome is only 4 monme 8 bu (17.8gram) likely to be 4 monme 7 bu 6 rin which is defined ryome of Keicho Koban,and gold carat is only approximately 52 monme 2 bu (84.3%).発音を聞く - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
A passbook printer PB operates according to the command from the host device 30, carries out printing on a passbook T while conveying the passbook T, and carries out conveying of the thermal sheet 4 upon receiving the transferring of the command from the statement printer ST when printing by the statement printer ST. - 特許庁
The system is provided with an image scanner 3 for reading personal images previously printed on a bankbook P, and when a customer brings the bankbook P and personal information, the personal information is entered from a photograph 13 or the like by the image scanner 3 and a personal image entered in the end leaves of a cover of the brought bankbook P is printed out by a printer 4. - 特許庁
そして、埋込層6の外周部でエピタキシャル成長層2の表面側にp^+ 形のガードリング4が形成されている。例文帳に追加
A p+-type guard ring 4 is formed on the surface side of the epitaxial growth layer 2 at the outer peripheral part of the embedded layer 6. - 特許庁
The image processing apparatus includes a histogram data acquisition section 4 that generates the histogram data by adding/subtracting an optional number to/from the number of data arrival times stored in an address of a memory 5 every time the same gradation data arrive in the section 4 by setting gradation data of each pixel for configuring subsampling image data D2 to the address of the memory 5 as its address. - 特許庁
This invention relates to a pharmaceutical composition using non-immunosuppressing [γ-hydroxy-methylleucine4]cyclosporine A produced by adding hydroxyl group to the γ-carbon of 4-methylleucine of cyclosporine A by microbial metabolic process and having excellent hair growth promoting effect and to a method for preventing falling-out of hair and stimulating the hair growth. - 特許庁
This bag 1 for congratulation and condolence is a bag for congratulation with a red-and-white paper string 3 fitted to a bag body 2, and the red-and-white paper string 3 used for the bag 1 for congratulation and condolence comprises only a knot part, and has no ring-like strip part 4. - 特許庁
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該当件数 : 28件
自動車市場で世界4 位に昨年躍り出たように成長著しいブラジルは市場の拡大が今後望め、今後オリンピック、ワールドカップを控えることを考えると、家電市場にも発展が期待できる。例文帳に追加
As shown by its fourth place in the world automobile market last year, the booming Brazilian markets are expected to continue expansion. Hosting Olympic games and FIFA World Cup may further promote the expansion of consumer-electronic markets. - 経済産業省
To provide a 4-oxoquinoline derivative having excellent inhibitory actions on ileal bile acid transporters, its pharmacologically acceptable salt, an ester thereof or other derivatives. - 特許庁
A recessed part 7 is formed on the surface side of the epitaxial growth layer 2 on the embedded layer 6, inside the guard ring 4, and on the surface of the epitaxial growth layer 2 exposed to the recessed part 7, a metal layer 3 which forms a Schottky barrier (Schottky junction) with the semiconductor layer 2, such as molybdenum (Mo) and titanium (Ti), is provided so as to overlap the guard ring 4. - 特許庁
The Web browser of the client device 4 performs polling M109 for confirming the business form generation state from the window W2 until the business form generation is completed according to the directions M106, M108 sent from the server device 10. - 特許庁
Finally, the control unit 101 increases gradation of a part corresponding to the outline inside of the object in an image projected by a projector 4 (step S25) when the difference of the average illuminance of the outline inside and the average illuminance of the outline outside is less than a predetermined value. - 特許庁
A trace is fixed on links 2 and 3, the trays 1A-1C are vertically or obliquely moved by gears 4 and 5 bonded to the links 2 and 3, an empty state of the tray after issue is stored in a memory and afterwards, such a tray is used as a tray for collecting the bankbook left from taking out. - 特許庁
When the coil spring 9 is attached/detached to/from a vehicle used on the market in a service station or the like, the rear lower arm 4 is not detached from the vehicle body, an alignment mechanism 12 need not be re-regulated, and the mountability of the coil spring is enhanced with a very simple construction. - 特許庁
なお、IMFとのデリンク部分を拡充したとしても、チェンマイ・イニシアティブのマクロ経済調査機関として昨年4月に発足したAMRO(ASEAN+3 Macroeconomic Research Office)とIMFとの間で、経済政策のサーベイランスをはじめ、日ごろからの緊密な連携が必要であることは言うまでもない。例文帳に追加
In terms of economic policy surveillance, daily and close collaboration between the IMF and the ASEAN+3 Macroeconomic Research Office (AMRO), which was established last April as a macroeconomic surveillance unit under the CMIM, will be more crucial, not less, when the de-linked portion is increased.発音を聞く - 財務省
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